salty fil
Jul 15 2009, 01:29 AM
Wasnt planning to go out today, but looking at the ocean, it was to tempting.
Mainly wanted to try get my anchor, rope and chain that i lost on Sunday, thinking the current maybe died down.
Didnt find the anchor, but we did find a school of Snapper that were more than willing to come out and play!
We ended up catching 14 between the 2 of us.
1 at 4.5 kg, a couple at about 2 kg, many around the 1 kg mark, and a couple of platies!
The best thing was that there were no shi7 fish amongst them. If we got a hit, it was a Reddy!
Fishing heaven....
Jumpus GooDarus
Jul 15 2009, 05:40 AM
Hey salty !
Been a while since I caught a fishy can ewe draw me a picture ???
Oh yeah use a RED pencil so that I'll know it's a snapper
Bees Knees
Jul 15 2009, 01:55 PM
Very nice salty... 4.5kg is a great effort off our coast. Any pics??
salty fil
Jul 25 2009, 03:12 AM
Been off the site for a week and unable to get on.
Finally back!
No pics Bees. I told myself that im not taking the camera on board anymore cause i think it was bringing me bad luck.
Since ive left it behind weve been smashing the Snapper.
Ive had another couple of great sessions since then.
I keep saying to take some pics back at home, but ive been filleting the fish at the ramp.
I might sneak the camera on board next time, may do it late at night when the boats sleeping and maybe it wont realise its there. So when i start hooking them up i pull it out and surprise the big hunk of fiberglass......
Jul 25 2009, 04:24 PM
Who that is interesting way of fishing.
Smashing the camera to catch a fish.
Jul 25 2009, 04:27 PM
QUOTE (salty fil @ Jul 25 2009, 10:12 PM)

No pics Bees. I told myself that im smashing the camera on board cause i think it was bringing me bad luck.
Since then I have been catching fish.