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Full Version: Bermi + Bluefin = Porn !
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Man the bay was dead.....

fished with a buddy and all we had to show for was some very little snapper and one barely legal bream that went back anyway.

drifted along sans souci, fished the pilons at cook and ugly, both drfiting and anchored up, fished 2 hours either side of the high tide. used SP (tailor killed that idea), prawns both peeled and whole and whitebait. Just could not get any decent fish. Ran out of ideas and called it a day

Was a bit of a demoraliser after a couple months no fishing.

Better luck next week I hope

Hi guys im a bit l8 gettin this up but hey... the boys (paul blacka) of Mr Hooker and the owners of kilara Geoff lindrea n his son adam managed to get amoungst some small blue fine lol pics can be found at
A pirate
winter months are a bit looking to go out next week....will try popperng for bream and whiting for something different.
QUOTE (alex @ Jul 5 2009, 06:10 AM) *
Hi guys im a bit l8 gettin this up but hey... the boys (paul blacka) of Mr Hooker and the owners of kilara Geoff lindrea n his son adam managed to get amoungst some small blue fine lol pics can be found at

Alex. You might be interested in knowing the boat " Kilara " set sail from bermagui and after 5 days is now resting up at the Gold Coast for a few days before heading off again on it's way home to Cairns.
Jumpus GooDarus
Wun of the Pro Boats is in a bit of trouble down @ Bermi.

They tried selling sum Sth Blue Fin throughthe Co orp.

Blue Fin are illegal to sell by the pro's & carry a $1000 per kilo fine
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Jul 6 2009, 07:59 AM) *
Wun of the Pro Boats is in a bit of trouble down @ Bermi.

They tried selling sum Sth Blue Fin throughthe Co orp.

Blue Fin are illegal to sell by the pro's & carry a $1000 per kilo fine

Shame what is happening down Bermi as far as the co-op is concerned.
It does not exist any more as it was known, it has been demolished and a shopping centre is being built
where the co-op once stood.
The pros now opperate from a couple of freezer contailers.
Not many of the pro's working much any more.
Jumpus GooDarus
It happened here 2 years back frank

Wun of the pro's fushing out of sydney tried putting a couple of BFT through the markets as Big Eye Tuna & got busted.

Not certain of final outcome but I believe he avoided the fines argueing that he tought the fish were Big Eye.

Now I dont fush the club scene any more haven't done so for a decade or so & I'm not into National Records etc any more either
I'm only mentioning this to make it clear I dont give a rats ass about the records I still hold wun being for a Big Eye.

Wot pissed me off with this pro is that he also fushes with an ANSA club & tried lodging wun off those fish's in as an Australian Record.

Personally & I'm sure every wun will agree with me when I say that Pro's shopuld not be elligable to lodge fush in for records it's uinfair to all the weekend warriors who dont go off & sell their fishy's to make a living from it.

He got knocked back any ways cause the fush was a BFT
Yeah i know the boat "kilara" well frank i was there when she came into port also the first keggers were caught on Mr Hooker paul blacka's boat a 36 Blackwatch...

Bermi co-op is still operational out of that little container and im pretty sure is going to occupy one of the ground floor shops at the new development in bermi which is going to be cafes and resturants.

Most of the pros still operate out of bermi most have gone up to ulladulla and kiama to follow the fish and are sittting in those ports.
Are you guys sure it is illegal to sell Bluefin, i was always under the impression that it had a quota on it at $4 a kilo going to government, but they were permitted to sell it, i know one longliner got 160 fish the other night, if it was illegal for them to sell it why would they catch that many? Just asking.
QUOTE (xtosea @ Jul 14 2009, 06:07 PM) *
Are you guys sure it is illegal to sell Bluefin, i was always under the impression that it had a quota on it at $4 a kilo going to government, but they were permitted to sell it, i know one longliner got 160 fish the other night, if it was illegal for them to sell it why would they catch that many? Just asking.

Kamil. Not illegal as such but it depends on the actual licence a pro holds, and they are subject to quotas.
I think you may know Tunaking, he is a pro and I asked him. Very complicated issue, too hard to explain here.
Thanks Frank, Yeah Steve knows alot of $hit!!!
I always ask him questions if i need to know something about Longlining.
Jumpus GooDarus
QUOTE (xtosea @ Jul 14 2009, 06:07 PM) *
Are you guys sure it is illegal to sell Bluefin, i was always under the impression that it had a quota on it at $4 a kilo going to government,

Only a handfull of licences are given out & the licencee's can only catch wot's allocated on their quota's

A ordinary LFB licence does NOT permit ewe to catch/sell SBT's

I've made a comment in another thread that I've never caught a SBTcaught just about everything ele

Many many moons ago when I started fushing the rocks was around the time the SBT were virtually wiped out of Aust water thanks largely to the like of Dean Lukin's boats back then they used helicopters/spotter planes to find the schools then the nets did the rest.

It's taken 3 decades for the SBT to bounce back to any no's & size so they are still off limits to LFB's unless you have a permit to fush for them, those who dont face a $1000 per kilo fine
Thanks for clearing that up JG, man there have been some monster Bluefin though!!!
So many from Tassie to here, so many over the 100kg mark with biggest to date this year at 167kg!!!!!! Thats over 350lb's!!!!!
Biggest off Sydney has been 101kg.
Me wants one!!!!
Jumpus GooDarus
there have been some monster Bluefin though!!!

They're off Sydney as well just a wee bit to far out @ sea 60 KM's

there's a nice temp drop out there of 17 degrees & it's slowly moving towards the coast
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