My son and i jumped into the car this morning for a couple of hours of Blackfishing. We met kkw and Chris (The P.O.) at 10am for a 9.30 start and the boys already had a couple. I got Jake fishing in 5 mins and then couldn't get my rig right for half hour. I haven't fished for nigger in over 10 years and fumbled over everything for the first hour.
Finally got comfy and then my son needed a No 2!!! We trudged back to the car and found a toilet, then tracked back again.
Nothing to write home on the fishing front, but it was great to catch up with Klaus and Chris again. Team Taylor come home with zero's.. But the boys had a feed to go home with.
My son said in the car on the way home..." Klaus is very funny" i asked why... "He wears those funny glasses with his hat backwards"..
I said to him.."You've just seen Elvis little Bud".

Thanks for the invite guys, we enjoyed it...
Just have one pick of KK's fish
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