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Fishing oz style > Chat > Boating Talk
Jumpus GooDarus
Till it twas lost there was a thread in regards to this topic only 1 or 2 posts in it so not to much was lost.

Anyways 4 those Hu didn't know I'm in the process of knocking up a few 5.1 meter plateys not much left to do on the 1st wun & since site was down I didn't bother taking to many pics.

Thought it wise to advertise in the paper for an off sider to give me a hand this time around, bunch of wally's applied to the add & this bitch was the pick of the crop laugh.gif
Jumpus GooDarus
OK dug up the pics I'd allready taken a week or so back

Commentary is on the pics

Since then sides have been welded on all the substructure done etc etc etc

Some tube I was waiting on arrived this arvo so now I can close shop & weld in the floors in the morn then it's the part I enjoy the fitout
Jumpus GooDarus
Suppose sum of ewes want to see how it's coming along huh ??????

Took these pics yesterday & spent the day finishing off the transom, should be fliping her
Jumpus GooDarus
Well peeps the other day I got delivery of sum Alloy eating termites.

Wittle did I know the bloody things couldn't speak Ingrish mad.gif

Took me ages to train them to correctly eat away the allot I wanted removed laugh.gif laugh.gif

All the openings in pic are the different compartments in the transom.

Tis a bit hard to take goodarus pics cause I dont have the room & of poor lighting @ times.

Ass of the transom is now tacked on so @ last tommorro boat gets flled I tidy up & prep hull for paint & once flipped back over again the fun part starts I get to do the console etc.

Wednesday is looking ok 4 a fush so hopefully I'll get primer on the hull & wednesday is a drying day
Jumpus GooDarus
Seems a few here are complaining they haven't had a stiffy 4 a while
Prob time to give them a dose of Viagra B4 the missus's run out on them hysterical.gif hysterical.gif
Jumpus GooDarus
Was going to go 4 a fush today but didn't due to not so Goody reports.

Ended up doing sum ting different toady & did sum work on the goat

Well Well where did that Porky come from ??? hysterical.gif

Actually didn't touch the goat instead all but finished the trailer off, all it needs now is gaurds & it's ready for paint, I'll sneak out in the morn & fold the gaurds up fopr all 3 trailers.

Didn't have the polyethelene {skid material] so I had to cut up sum 12mm MDF strips to act as packers so as the goat could sit in it's true position on the trailer else probs would've occured when buiolding the winch posts.

These trailers are moulded to the shape of the hulls with no adjustment available so ewe need to get them spot on, in retrospect all this fart arsing about makes for so much ease when driving the goaty onto the trailer those who've been out with me will testify to how easy it is to drive up.

I make the setup idiot proof in case I ever have the need to do sleepies hysterical.gif

On the trailer the boat looks like a monster so much for building a wittle tinny I'll prob take sum pics tomorro B4 pulling the trailer out from under the goaty
Jumpus GooDarus
Mentioned earlier it's a bitch to take decent pics where the goat is being built

Took a few this morn prior to pulling the trailer out from under the goaty meant to take sum more later ron but never got around to it so this wun is all ewes get to see 4 now.

A couple of hrs tidying up tommorro & the trailer is ready for paint, the bitch of a thing takes up so much space it's hard to work
Jumpus GooDarus
Bit of a update

Trailer all done stripped & awaiting to get picked up by Watto House Painters

Watto'll I think of next hysterical.gif

Did not enjoy this arvo @ all bloody wind kept blowing crap into my eyes even with glass's on guess ewe cop that working upsy downsy

Hull needs an hour or so in the morn to finish preping & it gets hit with paint, I'd like it to spend a week drying B4 sliping trailer back under for the last time

Well that'll be it for the day 2morro cause I'm going fushing on fryday been a while so I'll have to go through the gear I'll go get the live SST's in the morn B4 deciding where I'll head out to
Jumpus GooDarus
Sum may be wondering why this goaty is taking so long to build ??

Well stiff shit not going to tell ewes hysterical.gif

Oh all right I'll tell rolleyes.gif

Along the way I've been cutting & preping all the components 4 the next 2 a few f**ups on this wun which ewe wouldn't know are there were time consuming to rectify but ewe learn as ewe go along esp that these goats are my design & I didn't follow any plans.

Also it was velly time consuming doing all the cut outs on the boat so whilst I still have this wun to refer to & take measurements from I've done all the cut outs prior to next wun being slapped together

pic a1 shows all the frames the next 2 goaty's will also have transom doors unlike the 1st, consols will also differ not to mention next 2 will also have T- Tops

Think all relative info is on the pics as to wot everything is
Jumpus GooDarus
I'm knackered

Put in a big day 2day was hoping to get primer on the goaty but the prep work was velly time consuming didn't finish till just b4 7 pm.

Anyways the goat is now spotless so 1st ting in the morn she gets hit with paint right after I mask up the allready painted area's.

Then it's down to my fav part the fitout.

Wont be able to touch the goat 4 a few days this time of year it takes a wee bit longer for the paint to dry hard enough to safely walk all over it etc.

So it looks like I'll be attacking the next trailer whilst I wait
Jumpus GooDarus
Depends if I get time to rip off all the masking up 2morro if so I'll take sum pics.

Goat is all painted up with a few runs on wun of the side skins that pissed me off as I'm restricted down wun side not alot of space add to that my earsight aint wot it used 2B.

I lose it a bit in bad light & the side that got the runs was patchy dark so I could see where I'd sprayed & had to go by feel guess I felt sum Diarrhea 2day hysterical.gif

I'll decide whether to just chop it back & buff them out or give that side a light coat again, other than that all that's left is to paint the floor wont take long.

With not being able to work on the boat cause of wet paint I knocked up most of the next trailer today a wee bit different design to the last mainly cause I wanted the goat to sit lower.

Allthough these are smaller goats than the GooDarus it's still a BLOODY BIG EFFORT to climb into them.

I also knocked up sum beaut horizontal rod holders, these are simple & can be adjusted left - right ideal for bait runner fushing.

Also managed to fit in radio, switch panel, gauges to there removable panel there's sum sikaflex curing tonight as I wanted every ting sealed/waterproof
Jumpus GooDarus
Did manage to take a few pics 1st up this morn, none of the goaty cause it was still masked up.

Strewth there were 4 times as many runs on that side than I thought rolleyes.gif

Ended up just vibrating them out & repainting since I had to mix up sum paint for the floor figured it was a hell of alot quicker & easier than cuting them back then buffing.

No runs this time cause I did the sneaky sneaky & set up a flood ligth so as I could see the shine as the paint went on.

Cold weather makes slow work waiting 4 the paint to cure properly may do the graphics 2morro if I think the paint has cured enough.

Anyways here's sum pics

a1 ..

Just the facia panel for gauges etc, when it comes time for Jumpus's goat it'll be alot more elaborate than this simple thingy, that's the fush box/seat under it

a2 , a3

These are those thingy rod holder I mentioned for the bait runner outfits, they are now painted


Well that's how far I got on the next trailer yesterday all done now just the cradle to do once next goaty has it's hull skins on

ps] L/H side of pic that small portion of shinny thingy is the goat with it's final colour guess it's a sneaky sneaky preview
Jumpus GooDarus
Under Wraps rolleyes.gif

Hmmm !

Guess I'll get ewe guys Guessing huh ???????

Took these pics this morn, since un masked the goaty & liked wot I saw in the way of the striping & art work.

Got most of the electrical finished as well not alot to do now & she's ready for the motor to get mounted & her maiden voyage
Jumpus GooDarus
Yu Hu's

Tis me again talking tu Mi self hysterical.gif

Past 2 days haven't gone like planed & not a great deal got done hence lateness of pics

Yesterday saw me running around & even went out wooppity woop woop our where skippy the bush kangaroota lives

When peeps do ewe favours there's times ewe drop plans & go, in this case twas a ling ling on telafone to let me know off cuts of the high density material I've been using as flotation was about.

Now if ewe had to buy this stuff best go see bank manager 1st cause it's $600 per cubic meter & wun of these wittle goaty's takes nearly 3 cub meters

Well Jumpus even got up early this morn to hoe into it & NO I didn't wet the bed again !

1st ting this morn the trailer arrived

Woops told a porky there hysterical.gif hysterical.gif

It arrived late this arvo so I did sum more running around but b4 I did I did take a few pics with the intention of taking sum more later but the batteries had Dee Eee Dee DEAD'd themselves


this is the transom with the access lid off , thought I'd show how I plumbed the pumps
Not a big fan of hoses & opted to bend tube instead, under that plate is the bilge pump didn't use screws to secure it NO need that plate I'd elded in is a nice tight fit & does the job.

The othe tube in the pic comes from the live bait tank & feed the Jabsco pressure wash down pump

a1 & a2

Well ewes saw it all wraped up this is wot the paint job looks like without the wraping, thgis goaty is 4 the boys @ viva & I kept it quite simple me tinks it'll take me 3 days to mask up when it comes time to paint my new wittle goaty hysterical.gif

I did manage to pop in yesterday as well to pick up sum goodys I'd placed a special jumpus order to the factory in china sum time back & my new spin reels had arrived, these are the only wuns in oz.

I was also impressed by the new range of rods evllything from Jig, Spin Poping rods etc viva are now manucturing their own rods & I can assure ewes these are quality
Jumpus GooDarus
Spent the last couple of days finishing off the trailer finished it after lunch then tried booking it in to get blue slipped, glad the guy who'd done the last few couldn't do it till next week cause I found sum wun closer to home & not far from the weighbridge.

Booked in @ 9 am in the morn, unlike the last guy who wanted ewe to drop it off 1st ting in the morn & he'd do it whenever he got around to it , that used to piss me off cause it was 2 trips for me & last time I was on my way to woop woop & had to turn around & come back.

Anyways did take sum pics when trailer was finished

a1 , a2 ..

Trailer all done hook it up in the morn & get it registered wont have enough time unfortunately to get the goat onto it & duck down to bolt the motor on bit of a bummer cause I could've finished everything off over the weekend & taken it out for a spin monday or tuesday.

I'll still get the goat onto it though so as I can move it around + I want to sneak my old wittle tinny up the drive tidy it up & prob give the sides a quick coat of paint then I'll put it on the market.


Hard to see it behind the special spoofylacockessen steering wheel, with these goat opted to steer weel clear of those chi nee hydraulic steering kits [Baystar , Sea Star] I've had them on previous boats & they shite themselves, the chi nee use a cup washer instead of O Rings like the Aussie made Hy-Drive units.

I've allways had probs with leaks & think you're better off spending the eztra $$'s & getting sum ting of better quality.


The front section with lids on, that top part will be carpeted
For those wondering wot that reccessed part up against the cab is ???

It's the rod storage section & I opted to reccess it so as the reels sit in the reccess away from any salt spray I'll supply another pic once I fitted the racks


Just a pic of the bow & storage locker under the anchor well, goat has also a plate welded in for a lecky


Ewes have seen it in other pics this is the transom

To the left houses the Jabsco wash down pump haven't screwed in the gun yet just left the hose sitting there, it's 5 meter long so can go right up the front of the goaty to get it sqeaky clean.

Compartment next to it is where all the cables arrive aft from the consol, was velly lucky to get elly ting through & ewe learn as ewe go I'll double up the tube running under floor & weld it in alot shallower.

Fuel filter/water separator, Me Tinks your a wally if ewe dont have wun on your goat, I've pre prepared the other 2 & sat wun on the outside for a better squizz, I do a few mods to the bought unit like replace bolts/shafts etc with stainless wuns s/s is a clean metal & I've had the zinc plated wuns run rust even though they're in fuel, prob with that is it stains the glass bowl & makes it hrad to see water from the fuel level.

Also & most important for anywun wanting to use these CAV filters { i prefer them over the other type simply cause they have a glass bowl & not wun made of acrylic}

These CAV's come with a nylon bleeding screw

WELL PISS THEM OFF right away cause they are crap, they crystalise & will snap off the 1st time ewe go to bleed any water out.

I drill out the existing hole & re thread it to accomidate a ball valve to easy like this just flick the lever & she bleeds, another advantage is I screw in a barbed hose fitting to the valve gold when it comes time to prime the fuel system I just attach an electric fuel pump to it & the system is full.

Cause of the long runs in the fuel system I'd be there for yonks trying to do it manually using the hand priming bulb
Jumpus GooDarus
Well peeps & poops !

It nearly went to plan 2day

I had no probs bolting the motor on hooked up the conto; cables etc etc

Then I went to plug in the main electrical harness & got the poo poo's mad.gif

Brurry iriots @ Yamaha had sent out the wrong wun, I'll take a tick out to clarify.

Had I ordered a stock standard package there would've been no probs but I wanted Binacle controls for these goats so had to order motor minus factory control box & they gave me the binacle + seperate ignition switch.

Prob was the main harness was a 7 pin suited to the smaller motors & not a 9 pin to suit the Yam on the back of the goaty.

Chris had a spare in stock so we tested everything B4 pulled out the old & ran the new.

I was not in the mood @ this stage cause it was a bitch & I gave up after 1/2 hr of trying

Super tight where I'd run everything under floor [wun of the stuff ups on this goat you'd think 76mm round tube would've been big enough] wont happen on the next 2 goats.

The loom was prob the 1st thing I ran through the tube only because of the plug on the end being so big, looks like I'll have to disconect the control cables & maybe the hydraulic lines tommorro to get the harness through.

Anyways here's a few more pics
Jumpus GooDarus
Any Bloody wun tu wooky @ sum pics of the goaty on the wata ??????????? rolleyes.gif

1st pic I had to keep going to the transom just to check that the motor was running or look @ the tacho it's that quiet it's unbelievable.

The Yam's on my big goaty are a few years old now & I like the improvements on the new yams.

Fed aka Mr shinny Head was there as well & he can vouch for lack of engine noise.

I didn't really open the throatle right out wanted to run motor in 1st, the 80 HP purrs along just fine BUT I want to be able to say Mines bigger than yours so I've ordered a 115 HP Yammy 4 banger, was nearly tempted to go the 150 Hp but opted not to.

To late fot the 2nd got cause water test was only last week & I'd allready progressed to far on the 2nd goat to re modify BUT on Jumpus's goaty a few mods will take place main wun being to drop the floor level down around 3".

Ewe may be able to pick it out in the pics floor level to water line is around 12 " a long way down to wash your hands.

Haven't taken any pics of 2nd goaty which is nearly finished from my end may do so tommorro
Jumpus GooDarus
Better pull my finger out & take sum pics tommorro.

2nd goaty is ready to start on the consol finished just about everything else off today fuel tank fitted floor welded shut etc etc etc.

This goaty has gone together like a dream with none of the probs of the 1st wun

Wise man wunce told me he hu no learn from mistakes is wun big Fu & Jumpus is no big Fu hysterical.gif

I'm not painting this goat exept for the hull which I'll prob do on Sunday I did however paint the fuel tank only cause didn't use 5083 alloy & thought it wise to give it a pain ting thingy besides I wanted to see how spoofylacockassen wun of the colours I chose 4 my goaty looked so I resprayed the trailer rims.

Where was this colour when I sprayed the Jumpus GooDarus ???

I love it & may even give a sneak preview tommorro.

I also got a Ling Ling on the telifone 2day, good mate of mine who I buy all my donks from got sum prices for me & also told me he can get his hands on a 150 HP Yammy 4 banger @ a velly good price.

These donks are around the 20 K mark new this wun is late 2008 with under 100 hrs on the clock sum idiot thought it wise to go to a bloody ETEC of all thingys.

I have to tink about it tis alot of HP for the goaty buy hey if I do go that way boy WATTO understatement

Mines Bigger than Yours will Bees hysterical.gif hysterical.gif
Jumpus GooDarus
Got around to drawing sum pics

Bitch to work underneath so I was ti;ting it on the hull skins, all prep'd should have paint on the hull 2morro.

A few changes to this goaty the transom walk through 4 wun , these walk throughs make it so much easier to get in & out the goat last goat gave me the shites climbing in every 5minutes, other changes aren't that noticeable @ this stage.

This time I'll be building the cab out of the goat, I'll just template the shape & build it on a board

Anyways here's a few pics I drew up
Jumpus GooDarus
Well peeps goaty no 2 is nearly over prob could've finished all the work on the boat 2day but that bloody wind was a howling & ewe cant weld like that as the wind takes the gas away.

Thisgoaty has a different layout to the 1st & I opted tomake the centre cab removable this time it Fed peeing.gif on the last wunin & out , in & out of the goat & that goat had no transom door.

Tis much easier to work on the floor than in the goat, I'd tack welded the cab together on the boat welded mounting plates drilled them all up so when the cab is ready to fit up it just drops in & bolts up.

Bit of a lazy day 2day welded up loose bits in the garage like the kill tanks for tis & my goat my fuel tank etc etc

Then Dr WATTO rocked up 1st thing in the morning well after lunch hysterical.gif

Dropped off the trailer but I couldn't be bothered & didn't touch it today, I'll wire it up & fit the skids etc 2morro

I'll update with sum pics as well if I can find my crayons
Jumpus GooDarus
I'll split todays update into a few posts rather than all in wun

Okee Dokee trailer all wired up & skids fitted it's booked in for a blue slip in the morn.

I'm alot happier with this wun than the last esp after trying to launch 1st goat on her test run day alot had to do with the ramp cause had to reverse into the water to get her off.

This wun sit alot lower to the ground than the last wun elliminating that prob
Jumpus GooDarus
Okee Dokee again

Not much to really see in this post cause all I've done is tack together the centre cab 2 shots of it's shape, this wun has alot more room inside than the last which was more of a consol than a cab.

Wun thing I will say though is Geez I miss my workshop with all my press's & guillo' etc makes it awkward working this way.

I've been using a mates machines, grossly infirior to wot I used to have with no where near the tooling that I used to carry 4 the press.

To avoid driving back & fro wot I've had to do is mark out square sheets press them, tack up job then cut back all the non required parts, a real pain in the butt

But @ least this way ewe elliminate any stuff ups.

Bees dropped the trailer off last saturday his kids were jumping inside their heads poking through the top opening

Meanwhile Bees had a smile on his face & sum ting which I thought was a stiffy elsewhere & No Salty 2 B seen hysterical.gif

I took a pic of Bees ! ewe guys make up your own minds if it's indeed a stiffy

Those who have not met Bees, he looks alot like Mr Bean hysterical.gif

Jumpus GooDarus
Guess ewes want to see a few pics of the goat huh ???

Well I'm nearly done a couple of days & it's out of here I'm not painting this wun so none of ewe dare hysterical.gif laugh @ Bees when ewes see it painted

You'll hurt his Feelings hysterical.gif

All the welding has been done now all I've got left is fitting in doors etc, mounting stuff like pumps , fuel filters etc then pulling it all out again till fitup.

That is a lesson for those who aren't to clued on the proper way to fit up an alloy boat, by pre drilling everything in prior to paint ewe are protecting the alloy against corrosion.

Paint isn't just for looks, it's also a protective coating for your alloy.

Anyways here's a few pics

Oh yeah 4got to mention that Salty poped around 2day & I had a hell of a time trying to evict him from the LBT he thought it was his new Penthouse hysterical.gif

I even tried throwing my dogs into the tank to retrieve him but they wouldn't fit through the opening
Jumpus GooDarus
Well Peeps Watto can I say

Pics tell it all
Jumpus GooDarus
Got a start on the last trailer yesterday, lazy day 2day with running arounds to do

Got tyres fitted to the rims of the last trailer here's a sneak preview of wun of the colours I'm going to use on my boat

And no it's not the same as the Jumpus this wun has more canary in it
Jumpus GooDarus
F'n brurry rain

Decided to sneak in my old wittle goaty B4 starting the last Goaty for a tidy up B4 advertising it

Just as easy to give it a fresh coat of paint than to sit there & buff it up

A few hrs on thursday saw the motor off , yesterday I stripped item that I want to keep like the furuno sounder, had a garmin sitting in the shed that will go onto the goat etc etc.

Only took a few hrs to prep hull & sides for fresh paint but didn't want to risk colour cause the sky's wooked a bit black.

Today they were even blacker, just gonna have to wait for a GooDarus day to paint.

In between showers toady I'd slapped together the last trailer &even managed to nearly complete the centre cab for Bees goat minus the T top may take a pic tommorro cause munday I'm finally going for a fush
Jumpus GooDarus
It's a conspiracy I'm telling ewes

Have Mr Bean sitting on my arse the past week unable to do to much due to lack of material
Mob supplying the alloy shut their door for stock take & even though order was placed 4 days earlier by our velly own Mr Bean we were given the cold shoulder.

Had no choice so I started preoing for paint

Still reckon mine will be finished B4 Mr Bean's hysterical.gif hysterical.gif
Jumpus GooDarus
Didn't all go to plan, Intended spraying Boat & trailer last Sunday

Hadn't realised that I was salty {short] of thinners & only had enought for the primer so that's all I sprayed.

Monday was a scorcher & by the time I'd gotten to the goat twas well after lunch was out woop woop picking up thingy's.

Not really up to doing anything so all I did was paint the trailer &under the hull with paint left over from the mix, hull still needs a couple of coats.

Yesterday definately not in the mood to spray in that heat so opted to finish off the trailer seing the paint was dry.

Alot of fart arsing about finishing the trailers 2 days work in this wun just to shut Fed up I fitted brakes to my wun:hysterical:

Ha Ha not really to shut Fed up, I intend to do a few long trips with this goat & opted for brakes wouldn't have bothered if only using it local
Got it all done today & it's ready for rego blue slip it tommorro
Jumpus GooDarus
Well peeps my goat is finally painted
& so am I, I'm the same colour as the goat hysterical.gif

I got it from a Goodarus source that POON woops meant to say PRINCE wittle kinky fulla who sang red corvette & 1999

Well he's heard of Bees effort attempting to paint his goat & will be releasing a modified version of 1999 in the year 2029

Song will be called 2029 & he's hoping Bees will have the goat painted by then so he can use it in his video clip hysterical.gif hysterical.gif
Jumpus GooDarus
Time is nearing peeps for Jumpus to rule the world now that it's nearly ready rolleyes.gif
Jumpus GooDarus
Aiming to hit the water this Friday if all goes to plan
Nearly there now the heat has really slowed me down 4 showers 2day & I was dry b4 I could reach 4 the towel hysterical.gif

My cab was more involved that I gave it credit for & velly time consuming but I'tll get it's final coat of paint 2morro unfortunately that yellowy colour I'm using dosen't cover to well so I sprayed it with some base colour 1st & day after onto the goat it goes

A few more days of fitting up & wiring & it's off to the water.

I'm leaving this thread open so as Bees can post his pics inso pleaase dont any wun post here else post will be deleted
Bees Knees
The colour is Paradise Blue... Did the mags as well.. They come out great smile1.gif

Big thankyou to "Beck". He has been working hard on this for me smile.gif
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Jumpus GooDarus
Word of Warning !

Any Bloody making fun of Jumpus's new Bazooka's will be bridled up then trolled around Botany Bay till a kungy eats ewe hysterical.gif hysterical.gif

Wont be done by the weekend as I've done Sierra Foxtrot Alpha last couple of days spent most of my time lying down

Bit of luck I'll be able to get back into it 2morro fit the cab into the goat & wire everything up so she'll be ready for the water mon/tues

Just a few pics
Bees Knees
A lovely bloke came over today to fit the motor.. There are more pics but my email is playing up rolleyes.gif I have this one for now. The motor is a Yamaha in Mercury clothing hysterical.gif

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Jumpus GooDarus
Struggling a bit but slowly getting there, can only manage a few hrs here & there
Still got a few tidy ups to do & I'll do them after I get back 2morro, taking the goat down to have mech go over evlly ting

Just a few pics of wot she's starting to wook like
Jumpus GooDarus
Got my new Binacle today & it's a much nicer control box than the wun I sent back

Actually had the shits when I 1st saw it.

I'd ordered a brand new anchor not a super seeded wun & the plicks @ Mercury tried a shifty when they sent out the old style box

Did start fitting it up but was a bit saw so left it till tomorro to finish up after which I'll take the goaty out for her 1st swim

Got to admit the rig does look SpoofyLaCockAsun
Jumpus GooDarus
Blowing it's arse off today etc etc etc

Not in the mood to finish it off so i droped goat off to let mechs sort it all out

Did all the tidy ups when I picked it up only thing left to do on it now is screw on the bait board.

Also called in a favour last tuesday after 3 peeps my mate rang up 4 me didn't bother ringing me back in regards to the clears for the boat.

I refuse to chase people & only ask once ended up going to see a mate motor trimmer deal was I'd get the materials cup it up & he'd sow on the edging, I was happy with that arrangement.

I did choose the best of the clear material has a 10 year UV rating & wont go yellowy like the cheaper stuff, knowing where to shop makes a big difference & got away with everything for under $350.

They were ready to have been picked up this arvo but I ran out of time, quite big & they'll just roll up when not required, opted to go this way when coming up with the cab design as I didn't want to close everything up

Here's a few pics of the goat taken when I droped it off today
Jumpus GooDarus
Guess I'd 4gotten how comfortable I feel being out on the water

Yep peeps finally took her out for a spin.

Bees had rung 1st thing this morn [The Bastard] I was still doing sleepies when the ph went ling ling guess I hadn't jerried hu I was talking to cause I said he could come along hysterical.gif

Had a few things to go pick up & wanted to mount the lecky off my other wittle goaty on the new goat to see how it'd go B4 I ran out to purchase a new lecky.

All done by12pm or so & we were off [just Bees think he was doing butz butz's] I was wearing Brute

Just about to leave & Bees asked if were taking any rods ?? thought why not so threw a few spin sticks into the goat but had a bitch of a time finding my tackle bags managed to find a few SP's here & there & off we went.

1st time using the new ramp @ Pt Botany & overall not impressed @ all, Was talking to the Maritine boat whilst waiting for Bees to park the car& he was saying the rubber on the pontoons has allready started falling off etc etc, didn't like the long floating pontoons as well get a good wind come up & it'll be all hell if more than wun boat is in there.

Wont be using that ramp again I think as the biggest piss off was the long hike out in the 8 knot zone B4 you could MC Hammer Time tis a good 20 minutes of 8 knots.

Like allways I was velly reserved @ 1st just trying to get the feel of the boat & wot it could do well that took not long @ all & opted to run across the bay all the way to Towra so as we could try the lecky in flater water.

Wot can I tell ewe guys Mini Me is is a pocket rocket we were flying & I still had 500 revs up my sleeve twas a velly good to go with the 115 HP think that 150 Hp Yammy would've been a huge overkill.

The Boat ??

Big credit to it's spray chimnes going with or across the wind we got NOT a single bit of spray into the boat Bees reckoned we were pulling 40 knots I said 35 knots but still had another 300 revs to play with.

Well they came into play on the way back heading into the wind & chop when I'd chased ran down then overtookanother platey going our way again dry as & that's when I said to Bees Now we're pulling 40 Boat handled superbly into the chop didn't even feel a bump very smooth ride.

@ this stage Bees wanted to celebrate so out of his pocket came the Barry Manilow CD hysterical.gif

Told him I was no salty & would not be Dancing with him hysterical.gif

We did have a spin for a couple of hrs, guess I'm a bit rusty cause we only got a few hits but @ least I know a new Lecky is required the 55 lb Min Kota can push the boat ok but a longer shaft is requied guess the 80 lb'er is in order

Anyways heres a few pics couldn't get any of the goat up & planning cause of the 8 knot zone

Oh Yeah a couple of pics of the Chookens farmer as well.
Jumpus GooDarus
Well peeps I'm tired, I'm over it & really forcing myself to get motivated to finish the last wun

Last saturday I felt great being on the water, no pain no discomfort till the next day when I started to do a bit of work again

My goat is now 99% complete just awaiting for the new lecky to arrive & yesterday I remade the facia planels for overhead consol & Instum/GPS/sounder

Wasn't happy with the angles the screens showed themselves on saturday.

After doing that I went back to Bees goats centre cab it's actually starting to look good wun good days works where I dont have to go lie down & it's ready for paint.

The temptation to go for a fush has been with me for the past few days so I rang Bees to bring his goat over

I've run out of room so when he dropped his goat off he took mine back to his place to get it out of the way, figured not having my goat there I wont get the urge for a fush as I'd rather complete the last goat & hang up my tools for good & then I can fush @ will.

Anyways todays swap over didn't go without incident did it ??

Bees parked the DUCK FLAKKA acroass the street I unhooked it & reversed the navara to it & hooked it up & all Bees aka DUCK FLAKKA had to du was reverse his car up the driveway hookup my goat & tow it out to the street so as I could the reverse his DUCK FLAKKA up the drive to where my goat had been sitting.

Well guess wot Bees aka DUCK FLAKKA 4got to do ?????????

Secure the coupling lock

Trailer came off the towball @ bottom of driveway & wasn't it a bitch to lift it back onto the towball, so in his honour I came up with a wittle jingle for the Bees

Bees is the DUCK FLAKKA
I'm the DUCK FLAKKA's chum
Till the DUCK FLAKKA COMES hysterical.gif

a1... Bees losing the trailer

a2,3.... After getting back on the towball this is the Final product clears are on & so are the Bazooka's

a4,5... Ended up blocking the street, prob not noticable to ewe lot but MINI ME & DUCK FLAKKA are actually different in hull design I'd lowered my floor level 50 mm & also shortened the sides the same 50 mm
Jumpus GooDarus
Well peeps let me tella ewes !

That pain in the butt DUCK FLAKKA aka Bees Knees has been busting my balls on the ling ling telle phone evlly day.

Poor chappy is fretting badly, says he'll miss the duck season cause his goat aint ready.

Brurry iriot I told him !

Tis early still & not tu many DUCKS in the test match's when the 1 dayers & the 20/20 games start there'll be plenty of DUCK FLAKKA'N FOR HIM TUDU hysterical.gif

Anyways peeps I'm nearly dun goat will be ready 2morro so here's a few pics of the DUCK FLAKKA
Bees Knees
Well i have a new boat in the driveway tonight. And i am as happy as a duck flukka in a pond full of pretty ducks (cause no-one likes the ugly ones) hysterical.gif hysterical.gif

Me personally, i think mine is the prettiest out of the 3 boats, but it's open to interpretation... All i know is my merc is fatter and the boat is taller than Jumpy's, so thats all that matters imo hysterical.gif

I only have a couple of pics because it was a long day, and Jumpy worked his butt off wiring everything up all day. The only photos that could of happened were of his crutch hanging out the console, but this is a family forum rolleyes.gif rolleyes.gif

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One other thing... Jumpy reckons i am the best apprentice he has ever had... He never yelled at me once hysterical.gif
Jumpus GooDarus
Well peeps guess this is it, my last update in this thread cause there's nothing else to add.

Spent yesterday & 2day remoding , adding sum new acceseries etc etc

Had to pull the axles from under the trailer, cut & re -weld bracket for the brakes
Unbolted the motor & wedged it cause the shit of a thing was just touching the & I was unable to use the locking pin
Originally I was going with a yamaha & there was pleny of clearance had I gone with it but the new mercs are alot taller & that's where the prob was

After the day out on the water there was a few things I didn't like, sounder & GPS weren't user friendly when standing driving the goat so I remade the facia panel & tilted unit @ an angle, also remade the top facia [radio's] I'd stuffed up on the original cause I'd welded rear brackets arse about

All's GooDarus now

Cant see them in pics but I added a pair of spot lights , found a place out of the way for the Eperb, New Lecky is fitted & I opted to leave original battery setup for the boat as was &added another 2 up front for the lecky which is a 24 volt unit.

So I'll leave ewes all with an Old Blue Eyes song think it says it all cause I'm going FUSHING

And now, the end is near,
And so I face the final curtain.
My friends, I'll say it clear;
I'll state my case of which I'm certain.

I've built sum goats -
They'll travell each and every highway.
And more, much more than this,
I did it my way.

Mistakes? there was a few,
But then again, too few to mention.
I did what I had to do
And saw it through without exemption.

I planned each charted course -
Each careful step along the byway,
And more, much more than this,
I did it my way.

Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew,
When I bit off more than I could chew,
But through it all, when there was doubt,
I ate it up and spit it out.
I faced it all and I stood tall
And did it my way.

I've cut, I've welded and ground,
I've had my fill - my share of losing.
But now, as tears subside,
I find it all so amusing.

To think I did all that,
And may I say, not in a shy way -
Oh no. Oh no, not me.
I did it the Jumpus way.

For what is a man? What has he got?
If not himself - Then he has naught.
To say the things he truly feels
And not the words of one who kneels.
The record shows I took the blows
And did it my way.

Yes, it was my way.

Jumpus GooDarus signing Offarus rolleyes.gif

ps] i'm sure Bees Knees is allready singhis version of the Chorus Line

Regrets? I've had a few,
But then again, too few to mention.
The Chooks they're gone

I've loved, I've laughed and cried,
I've had my fill - of DUCK FLUKKAring.
But now, as tears subside,
I find it all so amusing.

For what is a man? What has he got?
If not a DUCK- Then he has naught.
While he kneels.
The record shows I took the blows
And did it my way.

Yes, it was my way.
Bees Knees
Well i think Jumpy, "JUMPed" the gun, cause there was still more to add... On the quiet though, the Frank Sinatra song was hilarious hysterical.gif hysterical.gif

Finally talked him into coming out to 'woop woop' to finish a few things off today. We fitted the seat box doors, window trims and a few odds and ends. Only a few hours work.

After it was all done, the cranky bugger had a massive smile on his face hysterical.gif I think he was pretty proud of himself, and why wouldn't you be?? 3 boats of same structure but totally different fitout.. He was looking down from the mezzanine, saying sentimental shit like "cant believe they are all done" and "wow, it's all come together, cant wait to fish" rolleyes.gif hysterical.gif

On an Open Forum, i would like to thank Angelo for all the hard work, time, thought, and pain (when his oldman hides something on him)... hysterical.gif I'm proud of the boat i own and cant wait to fish out of it... smile1.gif smile1.gif

Couple of pics of the finished product

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Jumpus GooDarus
5 am this morn the ph went ling ling & no way in hell was I getting out of bed to answer it thought it twas the Duck Flakka
Bloody thing didn't stop linging had to get up 4 a willy hiss so answered it 1/2 asleep & started swearing @ Bees only to find it wasn't him but a mate of mine linging to go out for a kungy fush
Told him he had rocks in his head if I was getting out of bed @ that ungodly hr to go kungy fushing + I'd allready committed the day to venture out Woop Woop looking for DUCKS

Ewe guys wouldn't believe it

All the way from my place out to Woopity Woop Woop my eyes were wide open in search of a Pottery Shop but none were 2B found.

Was it 2 much to find wun that sold Ducks made of Potery I ask ewes ??????????

Thought it would look nice on Bees bow hysterical.gif hysterical.gif

Seriously though still like my goat the best cause it's fitted the way I wanted realistically a 2 man boat I dont like refugee boats when I'm fushing & if I do want to fush more than tu still got the bigger goat.

Didn't really like Bees goat when it left my place but bear in mind it was parked in restricted space, today I got to see it from a distance & up top & had to comment I'd changed my mind & was indeed impressed.

All 3 goats have a different layout & I got to see all 3 completed in the past 2 days.

Have organised a day out for all 3 goats all @ the same time sum time in January

Hey Bees !

Wot happened to the pick ewe were supposed to post of the Dance Floor you built for salty ?????? hysterical.gif

Anyways peeps that mate of mine who ling linged me cleaned up on the kungs he was down rigging & no bait lasted more than 10 minutes tally for the day was 8 but only 2 keepers they went 70 cms
Jumpus GooDarus
Geez I had a few laughs 2day even b4 I got to Bees place a sign caught my eye & I had to pull the camera out hysterical.gif

Next I hop'd on board & honestly thought salty was coming with us couldn't see him anywhere so I opened the LBT cause I thought he was hiding in there hysterical.gif

Next we launched the goat, Bees was parking the car I was just floating on the water when a all&mighty roar caught my attention

Fair Dinkum guys I've had Sea lions barking @ me Whales making that noise from their blowholes etc etc but this was the 1st time a bloody Moo Moo Cow tried catching my attention, turned out she was wun of Bees's old GIRLFRIENDS hysterical.gif

Next we found the DUCKS & boy didn't Bees get exited hysterical.gif

ps] kinda like the last pic, it shows the water travelling up the hull & getting re-directed by the spray chimes

Well here's sum pics
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