Anyway, I just felt like wetting a line, so headed off to Jibbon (NOT Jibbion, Daniel) to float some weed around the washes. Only had two hours, so it was just for some time out of the house really. Low tide, but on the way in. A NE breeze was also blowing, which isn't the ideal direction for this spot. Some b*&%**%s, left all their crap on the rocks and in the pools. Plastic bags of prawns and beer bottles. Anyway, floated for about 20 mins before the first down, and boy, was it a down. The float was there one second and gone the next. The line was tearing through the water, and the Avon was spinning in the palm of my hand. I thought that I must have hooked a trevally, which I have done many times on weed, but it was a nice size nigger, which took about 5 mins to land. Beaudy, I thought. Things were slow however, and it was another 15 mins before I had another down. This was a duplicate of the first one, and I can't remember blackfish ever having hit so hard and stripping line with such determination. Another good one landed. Next down was tentative, and I lifted the rod, but found the cabbage cropped down to the bend of the hook. Again, a tentative take but I hooked this one, only to lose it at my feet. Another one like that a few minutes later, and then it slowed down. The tide was quite high now, and I could see fish 'surfing' up in the swell and grabbing a mouthful of cabbage weed on the way through. I had given myself 2 hours, and with a minute to go, I got a third one. Good, solid fish. Can't wait for them to come on a bit stronger. Great fun for a couple of hours in the outdoors. Total three landed, two lost at the ledge and a couple which only stayed on for a second or so before the hook pulled. I have a couple of pics on the mobile, but have no idea how to get them off, or upload them. Have to wait for the Parole Officer to get home, so he can show me.