Sep 23 2008, 01:45 AM
Hey fellas, my poor little silstar bass'n'bream rod suffered a "Nimrod" on the weekend as I was showing a mate what a great action this rod had, snapped the little bugger in 2 places-at the 3rd guide and just above the reel seat-glad it happened at my hands and while not onto a fish.....
Anyways I'm looking for a new rod to suit my Symetre 2500, primary use is for light lure fishing so need a rod with a whippy tip but with a bit more in the butt than the old rod so it can double up for a back-up to my new viva snapper combo......any suggestions???????
Sep 23 2008, 01:52 AM
a roll your own blank or an off the shelf rod storms ???????
Sep 23 2008, 02:07 AM
Off the shelf Poly.....I'm really happy with how my new IMX viva and was thinking of something similar....possibly a browning IM7 round the 6'6-7ft mark, approx 2-5kg!
Sep 23 2008, 02:46 AM
I recon you want a G Loomis, XTRA-XP3N51V ... Prolly match it to a stella....
anything else is just a toy!
Sep 23 2008, 03:17 AM
QUOTE (storms72 @ Sep 23 2008, 07:45 PM)

Hey fellas, my poor little silstar bass'n'bream rod suffered a "Nimrod" on the weekend as I was showing a mate what a great action this rod had, snapped the little bugger in 2 places-at the 3rd guide and just above the reel seat-glad it happened at my hands and while not onto a fish..
I would have liked to find out what you told your friend about the rod having great action after it broke.
Sep 23 2008, 04:55 AM
Christos, he had already used the rod on carp at his friends farm at Theresa park and flicked some plastics and half pillies with it so he like myself appreciated what the rod was like....It has caught me plenty of bass last season and a few salmon, bream, trevs and other species so it has paid for itself twice over in pleasure it brought me and fish it has put on the table!
Rummy......Stella--yeah, used one a few times over the last month and was more than impressed but I can't justify spending over $500 on a reel let alone the high $$$ you need to spend on the rod you are suggesting....Don't get me wrong I can see the benefits over others available but I'm just after a rod to suit my symetre so to go out and spend silly $$$ isn't my thing, I'll leave that to those with the available cash and the pro's who don't pay for their gear!
Sep 23 2008, 05:52 AM
Shimano Rack Raider 6'8" 3-5kg
Has plenty of guts, but a nice light tip. I can flick unweighted plastics pretty easily with this thing.
Sep 23 2008, 06:55 PM
Was pulling ya leg there stormy.. I think they are ridiculos..
Maybe if ya jigging with braid for kings or gt's or somthing...
Ive got 5 of the viva graphites and a viva glass rod, along with 5 Uglysticks, a Crystal Blue and a Couple of Shimanos also..
These days I only use the viva graphites.. Only exception is my Heavier gear (10-15kg) which i like the glass cause i can knock it around in the boat and not worry about it..
The Viva Nerous (i think thats how ya spell it) are a really nice composite rod, better than my shimanos and uglys in my opinion and they are a great price.. Otherwise there is nothing wrong with the RAP's, Im MORE than happy with mine... Everyone else who i know has got one is also very happy..
Sep 24 2008, 12:45 AM
Catch, I'v used one of them with a stella....darned nice rod, its just a lighter version of my viva IMX, same blank as mine on the raider 4-6kg 7ft!
Jumpus GooDarus
Sep 24 2008, 01:34 AM
All rods come out of a select few factories only difference is what you pay & who's name is on the rod.
Trick is to find a rod with the action that you like
Bear in mind a spin rod is just that allthough blanks are the same spin/bait rod spin rods have a much shorter butt which makes them near impossible to use in rod holders
Sep 25 2008, 02:53 AM
Really looking for something very similar to the IMX Viva I got recently....JG will catch up soon and have a V, a chat, suss out your boat building and get some more rod info off ya!
Cheers for the advice guys!
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