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Hi all , took the boat out today , plan was to get some livies head just outside and fish for some reds and put down livies for some jew.
Well I couldn't get any livies dry.gif so i tried to get some squid mad.gif they were away playing with the livies.
I tried for about 1and ahalf hr. nothing.
So i headed out any way I had baits got to roughly my spot and the sounder started to F##K up, wouldn't pick up bottom drop ancor any way , stayed for about 1hr nothing dry.gif if I dont get on my marks its really a lucky dip.
headed to second spot again sounder playing up. stuff this . i'll go and try for sqid again as the tide was due to turn in about 1 1/2 hr's no squid dry.gif
OK second last resort headed to a little reef. AH the sounder is picking up bottom.
I ancored up started the berly riged up 3kg outfit, just floaters as the tide was just starting to turn.
took all of 3min. and the line starts to take off . I leave the bail arm open and let line off at its own pace.
this is alright I thoght, bit of weight . finally up pops this bream. swollowed the hook. cut line and tie on new hook. feed him down the trail as soon as bait got out of view It was slamed again. another , same size and another hook.
this went on for about 1hr. At one stage i had second rod out and two fish on . the I went back to 1.
was to hectic.
landed 8 fish just about all swollowed the hook down and had to rerig all the time, year after about 1hr they stoped . so I went home
not what I was after but a pleasant and hectic hour biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

Great story and fish Steve,cant complain about that...good stuff...what sounder do you have?
Lowrance X71 the features just started to go 1by1 -temp - speed ,
and it now only reads to about 12mt then will go stupid dry.gif
way to go Steve nice bag of bream.
steve check the transducer angle if it gets a knock the sounder go's to s^$t dry.gif
Angle isn't the prob as I said 1by1 things went off or stupid eg. temp would come and go nothing to do with angle speed - seperate from transducer . I asked last week they said about $100. to check sounder if it is sounder they cant fix it gas sealed. $200 for a transduser If it isn't trans. there goes $200.
think i'll toss it
Hey Steve, I spent $200 for a new transducer for my Apelco, and it didn't make any difference' then I had to buy another one the same model so as the cost of transducer wasn't wasted. don't know why I still have a spare transducer, should have just bought another unit in the first place.
Jumpus GooDarus
Bloody Knew It

Told him the brims would be there I was going to fish for them last Sunday got up in the morning then fell asleep again & re woke up @ 2 pm laugh.gif laugh.gif

Bugger you lot I'm going fushing 2morrow
Good bag of bream Steve. My favourite eating fish.
A nice catch Steve.
Geez JG you must have hung one on Saturday night
Hi all
been very quiet in the bay not mutch bream ,
we just had a downpoor of rain , hopefully this might flush out fish that prob. went up rivers .
the water has been very cold the last 2-3 weeks but has crept up some 4-5 degree's hopefully with the flush and water temp climbing up they should come on the chew.

cheers steve
You might not have gotten what you wanted and started out for but you left your options open to catch other type of fish.

Good thing you were able to move from your favour position to another location.

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