Well it's been a week since I started & it's finally starting to look like I've actually not just been sitting on my arse doing NuTTings
As with any project like this prep work is very time consuming with quite a few TIME OUTS to sit back reflect & think, these TIME OUTS are pretty important in my books cause they allow you to work out best way on how to go about things which in turn minimise mistakes.
So far I've only made one error & it was an easy fix, all it took to rectify was to shave 6mm off the length of FRAME 3 after which everything lined up to precision.
What you guys have to remember is that the plans I got where for a 7.5 meter boat + the length of the pod, I've reduced the boats length down to 7.15 meters & had to redesign FRAMES 9 , 8 ,7 ,6 & 5 as well as redesigning the Transom plate.
By Doing this angles on those FRAMES Altered just as well as got my TAMMELS hey
What we now have is a 3 piece Jig which I can easily pull apart & reassemble when the times comes to move the project out in the back yard, thats when the welding starts.
Everything should line up spot on again all I have to do is set up my rotating Laser Level just as I did this time B4 bolting everything up, my biggest asset on this job is the JIG I made without it I would've gotten into alot of trouble not to mention prob wouldn't have picked up on the mistake I mentioned earlier, lets face 6 mm on something like this is bugger all but would've given me alot of grief down the track.
Pic g.. Really needed a wide angle lens to have gotten all this pic in, think the pic speaks for itself & you really need to be standind in front of the project to appreciate how big the boat will end up also remember this is the hull only it will grow another meter + once the side skins go on.
Pic h.. A shot from the bow I may as well mention I had to get a starting point so the top of the jig is my floor level if you's can understand what I mean by that
Pic i.. A shot from the transom, now you cant see it in the pic but there is a step up in the transom plate to accomidate my long shaft Yammy 4 bangers all engine bolt holes have been marked & drilled into transom plate, I did this cause I wanted to make sure I leave the holes clear & not weld stiffeners there & have to drill through them.
I can now box in those engine holes which down the track wont suck in the transom skin .
Also in this pic you can see where I've pre cut out the transom door, those who have the ability to visualise things will be able to see the layout & those who cant ?? well you'll just have to wait till it starts to take shape