Anyways's peeps Jumpus has gone international

Viva China has just upgraded their website & on the feature page is no other than Jumpus's very own backyard Botany Bay
Yes peeps the very same spot where kkw failed miserable to catch any fishy's the other day

Whilst I'm @ it I'd like to thank Viva Aust for their support to this site I'm refering to goods they donate to our Auction Forums to raise $$$'s for the Charitty Kitty.
They also donated goods to pay for the embroidery on our shirts unfortunately we're not a big site & the members here can only buy so much but those who did order shirts & recieved them also got some goodies with their order.
Another Big Thank You to Bassers, the peeps who supplied the shirts much appreciated guys the shirts went down very well with the members here.
Also a Big Thank You to Christos, it was his sister who did the embroidery & @ a respectable cost but Christos also did his fair share of runing around he had to cause I saw his feedle attempts to sew

Back on the topic of the viva oz site, alot of you have been asking well with the new range of gear arriving I've been told fingers will be pulled out & site updated.
For those who've not heard of Viva B4 , well they're not exactly minnows to the fishing industry, just moved into their new state of the art 100,000 sq meter factory & have been around for a I luv U long time in china.
Some of you may have heard of Bass Pro in the States ????
Well Bass Pro is the Viva Agency there cant recall the European Agenency but here in oz it's Viva Aust
Link to the China Site