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Fishing oz style > Chat > Lets Talk Fishing
First Poll on the site is it ????

Just wanted to be a trend setter!!! hahaha


I pick Shimano, cause most of my reels are and im very happy with them..

For Rods I pick Ugly Stick, Ive got 5 and im very happy with them.
Samuri blanks
over the years since they first came out I'v had about 20+
reels have all types, Favorite :huh: any one of my light sticks
Not much of a survey it doesn't have Shakespeare, my heavy stuff is Daiwa and Penn, my medium gear is Pflueger and Shakespeare and my light stuff is Shakespeare and Wilson.
I would have to say my GLoomis PRO Blue with the Daiwa Saltist 30 loaded with braid biggrin.gif


Jumpus GooDarus
Geez dont think I can answer Q honestly had that much gear over the years it's not funny.

Back when I did start fishing LBG used a 6/0 Everol still reckon you cant beat them even though I haven't used one for decades

These days run Penn Internationals & a Tiagra when trolling dont think I'd ever buy another Penn
think they use a poor quality Alloy in the casting process Always had corrosion probs with them even striped one back years ago cleaned it up & had it re-anodised but corrosion still came back.

As far as rod blanks go, had a few of those as well & wouldn't go any further than the Sabre's in the gamestick class just built a couple of 3 - 4 kg brem/snapper rods [sabre's] & love them.

Samuri's well have a few of those as well good little blanks
Bloody poll wrecker laugh.gif
Looks like a Ram Raider
daiwa procaster pr701 for me withan sol 3000 loaded with 3kg braid a top little outfit biggrin.gif
Daiwa far and away the best for reels, especially in the ultra-light/light division. No doubt in my mind.

As for rods, most of my fishing is for BREAM as they are the most accessible, so naturally I tend to focus all my efforts on them nowadays. Rarely go for anything but them and whatever hangs around them (flatties, leatherjacket, whiting...). I pick Black Diamond Tailored Rods as my fav stick brand. 6'6" 1-3kg Clear-Cut is the one I have.

My fav outfit for bream:
-Daiwa Caldia Kix 1500
-Black Diamond Clear-Cut 6'6" 1-3kg
-6lb Daiwa Tournament Orange Braid

My Everol is over 30 years old with a red side plate, pre waterproof one I think, just can't kill it.
Need to buy some new fishing gear for the Bay shortly so I'll be asking a few questions.
My Dads got a BWS1101?? 7ft Uglystik, bout 15 years old, Would LOVE to steal it off him and mout my baitrunner on it.. Its a beautiful rod..

Just got myself a Uglystick, 2 peice from tackle world, cant remember the brand, Says 2kg on it but its definatly heavier, maybe 3-6kg. 7ft. Im happy with it, but its got a small flat spot where the join is and was trolling a lure with it and it got the wobbles up. I realise it isnt a trolling rod but would have liked to use it for fresh water speices.
Chad if you got an ugly stik the brand is Shakespeare, I had a look in the shop but there,s no BWS 7' left but there's a few 6' OHD,S good little trolling rods, Ive still got about $30,000 worth of gear still left in the shop since I closed last June.
yea, I got a 5'6 Series 2000 trolling rod, matched with an abu5600c4 i use for salt water and fresh water.

what line weight are the 6ft rods?
Chad , there's OHD 56,s and 60,s therye both 10 to 15 kg
QUOTE (fish @ May 5 2007, 05:20 PM) *
Bloody poll wrecker laugh.gif

who says ugly sticks dont break biggrin.gif
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