My fish of the trip was my 74cm kingfish but was out done by one of the teachers (we call him Hatts) who is a PH nut and he scored an 86cm specimen about 10 minutes prior to mine. That was on Tuesday and the kings were biting their heads off that day. One was caught on Monday by Hatts and that one went 77cm. I think all up around 7 or 8 were caught between everybody. They were all biting well up in the river too.
We also ended up with 3 jews on the trip to about 3kg. The biggest went again to Hatts. I couldn't manage a jew myself but practically landed one of the jews for one of the students who is a hopeless fisherman. He hooked it but his pump and wind consisted of lifting and not winding in the slack so he kept giving it loose line and winding when the drag was going off so I showed him how to do it and he only wanted the fish back once we saw colour and all the work was done.

Whiting were huge on the trip, plenty over 35cm and I think 3 were pushing 45cm. There were birds around Miainbar in the mornings but we only got one salmon there, two were caught in total. Biggest whiting went about 45cm and was caught by one of the students who is a very good fisho.

Squid were very prolific. One teacher managed a total of 16 over the trip on ONE jig. The squid couldn't resist it. I managed two for the trip, both on cheapie jigs but the better and more expensive jigs were getting more and better squid.
The highlights were the kings and whiting. I didn't get a whiting myself but people who did would have been disappointed if it wasn't at least 30cm or over. That's how common the biguns were. Very happy with my PB kingfish though.

Absentees for the trip were tailor, bream and blackies. We did end up with a few bream and one legal tailor but they were no where near as thick as they were the previous year, especially the tailor. Not one blackie was caught.
I had a good trip, the king was a highlight and I was also the best bait catcher in the group as I easily out classed everyone else in the pillie department.

Dan, I bet your jealous aren't ya.

P.S. Will post some pics when I get them.