Jun 19 2008, 09:19 AM
NSW upper house passes new gun laws.
New gun laws passed in NSW parliament will start unravelling strict measures brought in after the Port Arthur massacre, the NSW Greens say.
A bill, passed on Thursday by the upper house, removes the 28-day waiting period for people with a registration waiting for a second or subsequent gun.
The Shooters Party-initiated bill also removes the need to register guns made prior to 1900 and introduces more exemptions for people without a licence to participate at shooting clubs.
Greens MP Lee Rhiannon said the changes brought NSW "closer to the US with its liberal attitude to firearm use".
Gun laws around the nation were changed after 35 people were killed and 37 wounded on April 28, 1996, by lone gunman Martin Bryant at the historic Port Arthur tourist site in Tasmania.
Bryant is serving 35 life sentences in Tasmania's Risdon Prison, and will never be eligible for parole.
"The Shooters Party's private member bill represents the first unravelling of national uniform gun laws developed after the Port Arthur massacre," Ms Rhiannon said.
The bill was passed with the support of both the government and the coalition.
Ms Rhiannon said the government backed the bill to gain Shooters Party support for its electricity privatisation plans.
The government does not hold a majority in the upper house and will need the support of minor parties to pass its planned sell-off of the state's electricity retailers.
The Shooters Party bill will now go before the lower house.
Jun 19 2008, 02:19 PM
It just wrong i think......
I mean..... The only thing that stops me buying more is that i have to wait for them....
Now ill be double broke..... between fishing, drinking and rifles ill need a second job...
Jun 19 2008, 02:28 PM
Does that mean you want to buy the Brno twins I have here, and their cousin Miss Tikka?
Jun 19 2008, 02:36 PM
Ill give you 2 chickens and a duck........ I saved them from the Auctions!!
Im Imagining Sumo, may have heard more? Obviosly they have to pass the lower house as well???
What sorta package deal you offering KKW
Jun 19 2008, 02:44 PM
I can package them in bubble wrap for you - no problemo.
Jun 22 2008, 11:31 PM
QUOTE (Rumpus @ Jun 20 2008, 08:19 AM)

Now ill be double broke..... between fishing, drinking and rifles ill need a second job...
What you do not already have a second job?
Jun 22 2008, 11:33 PM
Nope... I work 4 days on and 4 days off..... thats it.... no more.....
Jun 30 2008, 06:19 AM
I still haven't gone for my licence.
Dunno about "down south" but up here, I had to wait 5 years for a clean sheet, and now I need to do a gun safety seminar, and then go to the police station and pay the $160 I think it is,a copy of the gun sfety cert, and 3 good reasons as to why I want a licence. and then wait up to 6 weeks to see if they approve or deny my application.
After I found out about all the hoops they wanted me to jump through, I let my SSAA membership expire, and brought the ps2 Cabella's games.lol.
Jun 30 2008, 09:34 AM
What you have time to play ps2???
Jumpus GooDarus
Jul 2 2008, 04:14 AM
QUOTE (Rumpus @ Jun 20 2008, 03:19 AM)

NSW upper house passes new gun laws.
New gun laws passed in NSW parliament will start unravelling strict measures brought in after the Port Arthur massacre, the NSW Greens say.
A bill, passed on Thursday by the upper house, removes the 28-day waiting period for people with a registration waiting for a second or subsequent gun.
The Shooters Party-initiated bill also removes the need to register guns made prior to 1900 and introduces more exemptions for people without a licence to participate at shooting clubs.
Greens MP Lee Rhiannon said the changes brought NSW "closer to the US with its liberal attitude to firearm use".
Gun laws around the nation were changed after 35 people were killed and 37 wounded on April 28, 1996, by lone gunman Martin Bryant at the historic Port Arthur tourist site in Tasmania.
Bryant is serving 35 life sentences in Tasmania's Risdon Prison, and will never be eligible for parole.
"The Shooters Party's private member bill represents the first unravelling of national uniform gun laws developed after the Port Arthur massacre," Ms Rhiannon said.
The bill was passed with the support of both the government and the coalition.
Ms Rhiannon said the government backed the bill to gain Shooters Party support for its electricity privatisation plans.
The government does not hold a majority in the upper house and will need the support of minor parties to pass its planned sell-off of the state's electricity retailers.
The Shooters Party bill will now go before the lower house.
Well the NSW government just made mockery of that Rumpus !
It seems that that sleaze bag Frank Sartor needed the shooters party vote to pass some other legistlation & no longer will you need to pay for a peremit & wait for the 28 day cooling off period.
Heard this tonight but will stop off to see a mate who'd be able to give me a few more details as he's involved with the shooters party
Jul 2 2008, 04:23 AM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Jul 2 2008, 10:14 PM)

Well the NSW government just made mockery of that Rumpus !
It seems that that sleaze bag Frank Sartor needed the shooters party vote to pass some other legistlation & no longer will you need to pay for a peremit & wait for the 28 day cooling off period.
Heard this tonight but will stop off to see a mate who'd be able to give me a few more details as he's involved with the shooters party
Spoken to a few gun shops about it this week jumps, they have been told that its a few months away. There will still be a few days wait for the transfer and paperwork, ut not the 28 days cooling off that there is now.
Will make things a bit easier, but really, not much of a differance, just less time to wait to get the gun..
Feb 2 2010, 07:16 AM
Agreed. Will take care of any varmint that needs to be taken care of. Can be had in bolt action as well but I like it with open sites as a truck gun.
Feb 2 2010, 11:59 AM
see this is why i never got my shooters licence again ,all the bullshit you gotta go through ,thats why i bought a bow and my 3 girls are into it big time ,and there aint no crap to go through ,,dont get me wrong with the way the greenies are now it probably wont be long before bows are like guns ,,,jas
Feb 2 2010, 12:54 PM
Forgot about this topic.... The changes were passed.. If you already own a firearm in a catagory the turnaround for a new PTA is around 10 days..
There were a few other small things that changed to but I forget, Something do do with license classes, Ie Rec Hunter and Target shooters..
Feb 2 2010, 12:55 PM
Jas, its probably easier to get a license now than it used to be.. Just pop into a gun shop. Tamworth firearms been great to me up there, Jim in there been looking after me for a while now.
Feb 2 2010, 02:57 PM
ive always thought and still do to today that the amount of hoops you have to jump thru to get ya firearms lic is amazing, i believe that guns arnt dangerous, its the people holding them, and this comes from me who spent a few years walking the streets of sydney with a glock holstered to my waist.... as part of the job.... legal guns dont worry me its the ilegal ones that do.... for example i had a group of 7 guys put a semi to my head 7 weeks ago...
Feb 2 2010, 03:36 PM
too right husler..... Taking the guns off and putting heavier restrictions on the legit firearm owners is doing nothing to stop gun crime... Its the Illegal owners with no license and unreg guns that do the damage!!
Feb 2 2010, 06:34 PM
yep but the the suit wearers who make the rules are to scared of them so they pick on the legit owners to make it look like they are doing something... when there really doing nothing...........
its all smoke and mirrors
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 2 2010, 11:28 PM
QUOTE (rapspakix @ Feb 3 2010, 02:16 AM)

Can be had in bolt action as well but I like it with open sites as a truck gun.
Exept for my under/over zot gun all my firearms are bolt action there's no other way to go
Spoken to a few gun shops about it this week jumps, they have been told that its a few months away. There will still be a few days wait for the transfer and paperwork, ut not the 28 days cooling off that there is now
That is a real pain in the arse, a few times I've walked in & couldn't be bothered sending paperwork off so didn't end up buying a new gun
I like to see & buy right away then take it home with me to Zot Fox's with
see this is why i never got my shooters licence again
Why would ewe want wun for jason ???????
I've been told that ewe throw rocks @ the Wabbits then Dave retrieves them with his telescopic stick
Feb 2 2010, 11:55 PM
we just do the sumo flop,,,jas
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 2 2010, 11:57 PM
Yeah that was so funny that night
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