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Full Version: Ribbed Marine Carpet
Fishing oz style > Chat > Boating Talk
Anyone have any suggestions of where to get the best price on a couple of metres of marine carpet? I am thinking the grey ribbed one would look nice. I know Bunnings has it cheaper than Whitworths and Bias. Any other places?
Jumpus GooDarus
Nolan's warehouse

Should be around $45 per linial meter which is 2 meters wide
Thanks JG. I will have a look tomorrow. Only need 2.5m.
Jumpus GooDarus
They say the Ribbed stuff is supposed to X-cite

kk I wouldn't get my hopes up to high if I were you tongue.gif

You'll still need The Viagra laugh.gif laugh.gif
Ultimate Marine at Taren Point, Been a long time since I seen Ben, but he might look after you..
Bees Knees
I got mine at Clark Rubber. Forgot what i paid though mad.gif
Jumpus GooDarus
You would've paid around $80 per linial Bee's

All these marine places etc buy off Nolans being the wholesaler their prices cant be beat & they sell to public maybe not @ the bulk price the larger stores buy for but you are looking @ around 1/2 price.

A motor trimming mate of mine put me onto them 20 odd years back & they're only up the road from here
Nolans , not far from my place
small ribbed carpet about $28 mtr.
wider ribbed carpet about $45 mtr,

hope this helps K rolleyes.gif
Hmmmm, only seems like an hour ago that I told you the same thing. laugh.gif Might go Rustle me up a Lamb sandwich.
oops.gif clapping hands.gif
At least he replied.
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