Well we all managed to get there finally.
Most of the crew was at the houseboat Friday afternoon and settling into a social event when we got a text that Dave2002 and Co were having somewhat of a fuel problem.
We put it down to the cost of fuel recently and started taking book if they would get there or not. A few hours went by and we got another text that we could expect to see them sometime saturday, so that meant more stretchy room for us.
Anyhow Friday night went about the same as most nights we spend on the houseboat with plenty of socialising and merryment, and only a few very smallish fish were caught.
This was the best effort.
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It wasn't a bad fish actually although it appears smallish in the photo ( Glenn is a big boy ). after this photo Glenn lowered it gently over the side to fight another day.
Saturday morning saw us all head in different directions to try our luck.
Sumo ( George ) came with me and we sneaked around the corner of the bay to be confrunted with a river full of whitecaps with about 30 knotts of pressure behind them.
We settled for a sheltered little bay where we got onto some leatherjackets.
Some time down the track, TonyD found us, and told us that Dave2002 and co had made their way to the boat ramp and a few hundred metres towards the houseboat, but decided the rocks and trees at the side of the river was more inviting then our company, and decided that that was as far as they wanted to travel under their own power.
When I finally found them, hiding in among the trees, I threw them a rope and put them in tow.
Towed them through the 1 metre chop down to the Houseboat, where the next morning their problems were fixed.
Well not much to write about really except it was an absolute brilliant week end ( company wise ) although high winds meant serious fishing was out, we all had an absolute ball ( as usual ).
OH and by the way, some spoilsport ruined the whole aspect of our future trips by actually having the hyde to catch one of our targeted species.