Just got my new Photo Advice to renew my licence. It expires in August, and the Govt decided that the workload on the registry would be too high, so they selected a few thousand licence holders and sent out renewals to be finalised in May. The last day for me to go get a photograph at the RTA, happened to be a Saturday, so I was late by 2 days. Couldn't get it done. After a few calls to the registry and waiting online an average of 45 minutes, I finally got to write a letter, more or less begging to have a renewal sent out. I was told I would most likely have to apply for a new licence and go from scratch. Anyway, good news, I got a sympathetic reviewer and received the new photo advice on Friday. Whew!!!
Now, my mate is not going to go through the hassle, and will hand in a couple of rifles I keep for him in my safe. A beautiful Martini action .22 Hornet with really nice walnut timber and a .22 Magnum are going to the PS on Monday, to be destroyed. It is too much hassle to get an intention to buy form done, then an intention to sell, etc etc etc......
I am going to be selling my rifles in the near future. It is just getting too hard and stupid for my likes. The responsible, legitimate, law abiding owners are the ones who cop it in the neck. The crooks don't bother to get a firearms licence or get registered guns. In the meantime, the feral cats are causing massive species extinction, as are foxes, goats and pigs. Don't start me on cane toads, but they are not much sport to shoot