Thought id have some fun and start a post about everyones worst fishing experience.
Dont think many of us will be doing some fishing this weekend because of the weather, so hopefully everyone can contribute for abit of fun.
Maybe something went wrong with your gear, boat, authorities, or just the weather.
Or maybe you had to spend 8 hrs on the water with Jumpy!!!

Il get the ball rolling. I have a few, but il start with the more recent one which happened last September/October.
I had just joined the local fishing club and was pretty excited about the first comp i had coming up cause ive had a good run with the fishing up till then.
I started fishing at 11 a.m. and hadnt caught my first fish till 3 p.m., a little taylor.
I went out to North Head where id been having some luck but everything went terribly. I lost 2 anchors to the reef and didnt catch a thing.
Went back into the Spit and fished it till 7 p.m. for only a Trevally.
My plans were to stay the night for a Jew cause i got a nice 15 kg one there the week before, but the footy semi finals were on. I think it was Parramatta vs the Bulldogs (the dogs got smashed i think).
So at 7.00 i went back to the ramp, put the boat on the trailer, drove home, dropped the boat off, went to my mates to borrow an anchor for the next day, went back home, had a shower and still made kick off.
This is where the fun begins........
After the game i decided to go back out there for the night. the missus thought i was crazy, especially as i walked out the door in thongs,singlet and shorts. I told her i had a jacket and trackies on the boat.
i stopped to pick up the Sunday paper and a bottle of v and i launched at about 10 p.m.
It was abit chilly so i reached for my jacket which was absolutely soaked cause i had it under my anchor rope. Every time i lifted anchor from the front of the boat during the day i didnt realise i was dropping it on my jacket and trackies!
My old boat was completely open so there was no cover at all. This particular night had to be the coldest of the month aswell.
Come midnight i was pretty cold. Those who know me well know im pretty resilient against the cold, so if Fil is feeling cold, it must be cold!
I had my Jew baits set up and was pretty tired and cold. It was windy that night and the wind was coming up the transom, so i decided to lie down to hopefully get out of the wind and get some sleep.
Cold, windy and wet, dressed in shorts and a singlet, I had no chance of sleeping. I wasnt going to go back in cause i was certain i was going to get a Jew!
I searched the boat several times for anything dry i could wrap myself in, towel, plastic bags - ANYTHING!!!
But i had nothing...
At 3.00 a.m. i was getting desperate. My teeth were jittering, my rod had gone off but i could not get up to get it. I looked to my side and saw the newspaper!!
I wouldve paid $50 for that newspaper if i knew what it wouldve done for me! A homeless man once told me it was the best thing to have when you have nothing!
With trembling fingers which i barely had no control over, i started by making myself some socks. I could not feel my feet.
Next i put my wet trackies on and slowly padded the inside with the paper to have a barrier between water and skin.
Next i done the same with my bomber jacket. I really padded that up so much i felt like the Michelin Man.
Im glad it was a Sunday paper cause there was plenty of it. All the editorials, liftouts and stuff. I used every scrap!
Next i made myself a beanie and that really done the trick.
Last of all i made a pair of gloves and then slowly retired to the deck of the boat!
5 min later i heard my ratchet go off again. It was screaming! But there was NO chance i was getting up and ruining my paper outfit!!!
I was still wet, but felt better, by no means great. I managed to get some relatively warm broken sleep and slept in till 6.30 a.m. I was awake at 5.30 from the light but to cold to actually get up. It was a magnificent day. So warm that it actually didnt take me long to strip back down to shorts and a singlet.
Both my rods had been busted off so i had nothing.
Went back to North Head but still couldnt catch anything.
At 11 a.m. i decided to call it a day and went back to the ramp.
Was so pissed off i didnt even weigh my Trevally in.
I look back at it now and call myself a pussy, but i will never forget my thoughts and trembling on how bad it actually was.