Jumpus GooDarus
Jun 4 2008, 12:15 AM
OK guys unfortunately the auctions died in the arse a bit, still got a fair bit of gear but thought I'd give it a break for a while till a bit of interest was re-invented or peeps GOT of the BOOZE & started buying again
Anyways here's the deal there's just under $200 raised aside from the charity kitty so I've caned the sticker idea & putting those funds towards the shirt logo's.
BUT there is still a shortfall as the shirts seem to be be very popular
So unfortunately I've had to raise the price of them up to
$25 each with the single logo which I might add looks pretty good it's allready been sewn onto one shirt in black but I think blue is a nicer colour & that's the one I think we should go for.
Prob a bit easier for me cause I've got the shirts here & can compare.
Anyways so as not to leave anybody in a sh*tty mood what I'll be doing is offering the shirts plain without the logo for
$21 for those who dont want to pay the extra $4 per shirt.
Next time these shirts will be on offer I doubt very much in fact I know they wont be @ these prices.
Now these are the peeps who've allready placed orders & the $25 with logo / $21 without will only apply to them
Anyone who's not allready placed an order will have to pay $30 for a shirt without the logo same as it's allways been.
Whole idea of these shirts was to promote the site & not to sell cheap shirts
List of peeps who've allready ordered
Bees Knees
1 only L long sleeve
3 only XXL long sleeve
1 only XXXL long sleeve $125 Picked Up
amended shirt size
2 only M long sleeve
2 only S long sleeve $100Sent
oz man
3 only XXXL long sleeve
1 only XXL long sleeve
1 only L long sleeve $125Picked Up
2 only XL long sleeve $50
1 only L long sleeve
1 only XL long sleeve $50*******************************************[Paid ]
2 only XXXL long sleeve
1 only S ???????????? long sleeve $75 ********************************[paid ]
2 only XL long sleeve $50 Picked Up
1 only XXL long sleeve
1 only XXL short sleeve $50 Picked Up
2 only XL long sleeve $50 *****************************************[paid $42 balance = $8]
A pirate
2 only L long sleeve $50*****************************************[Paid ]
2 only M long sleeve $50 Picked Up
1 only M long sleeve
1 only S long sleeve $50 Picked Up
2 only L long sleeve $50 Picked Up
Salt fil
1 only S short sleeve
1 only S long sleeve $50 Picked Up
2 only XL long sleeve $50 Picked Up
1 only L long sleeve
1 only XXL long sleeve $50 Picked Up
2 only L long sleeve $50Picked Up
1 only L long sleeve $25 Picked Up
1 only XL long sleeve $25 Picked Up
1 only XL long sleeve $32 Sent
1 only M long sleeve $25 Picked Up
Dont think I've missed anybody & I'll be PM'n all on list to get them to re-confirm how many & sizes.
You all have 2 weeks & that includes paying for your orders because after that I'm going to pick them up & send them to get embroided.
I will not play BANKER to anybody I dont care who you are so if you haven't paid by allocated time you'll miss out simple as that.
I dont like posting any personal details in threads & have set up a seperate bank account for times like this & will only be giving it out via PM for those who live out Woop Woop
salty fil
Jun 4 2008, 01:08 AM
Im confirming 1 $25 long sleeve for the size i wrote earlier. I think you told me a size M.
Now youve seen me up close and personal a few times let me know the size you think.
I will pay you cash when i see you if you want.
oz man
Jun 4 2008, 03:25 AM
I'm confirmed , sizes as stated before.
Jun 4 2008, 03:29 AM
Yep, me to as for my origina order!
Jun 4 2008, 03:36 AM
comfirming 2x XL long sleeve, 2x $25= $50
cheers coops
2x XL long sleeve
Jun 4 2008, 04:12 AM
Yep 2 x size M for this little black duck.
2 x size M
Jumpus GooDarus
Jun 4 2008, 04:22 AM
Guy's I dont want 2B a pain in the Butt
But can you's please repost Qty & Sizes
I dont want to make a mistake transfereng info from last thread cause a few of you changed your minds & I cant recall which posts I deleted when I cleaned up the last thread
A pirate
Jun 4 2008, 04:30 AM
1x XL long sleeve with logos &
1xL long sleeve with logos
for me please!
will you be home tomorrow avo? i can pay you then on pick up the baitcaster.
1x XL long sleeve with logos &
1x L long sleeve with logos
Jun 4 2008, 04:51 AM
I will have:
1 * XXL short sleeve logo's
1 * XXL long sleeve logo's
total 50 Dollars
Do you want to pm me the bank details? or you prefer cash?
1 * XXL short sleeve logo's
1 * XXL long sleeve logo's
Jun 4 2008, 12:22 PM
2 shirts size xl. 1 long sleeve and 1 short sleeve. If anyone knows how to go about sending $$ from the states could ya pm me with the details?
2 shirts size xl. 1 long sleeve and 1 short sleeve.
Jun 4 2008, 12:30 PM
I'm still on JG, 2 with logo's size Large.....will PM my number so we can organise to get $$$ sorted!
2 with logo's size Large.....
Bees Knees
Jun 4 2008, 02:02 PM
1 x XL
2 x XXL
1 x XXXLAll with logo's.

I will have to direct deposit Jumpy, for it is you that lives in WOOP WOOP.
1 x XL
2 x XXL
1 x XXXL
Jun 4 2008, 02:17 PM
1 x XXL - Long Sleeve
1 x L - Long Sleeve
1 x XXL - Long Sleeve
1 x L - Long Sleeve
Jun 4 2008, 03:01 PM
Confirmation of order,
SUMO is 2x Long Sleeve double extra Fat (Paid)
Beau is 1x long sleeve Small
DAVE's (Catch22) is 2x Long Sleeve Large (Paid)
All in Khaki colour, Dave will pay the extra for us( you should have kept it when I first gave it to you).
I was going to add a couple of short sleeve, But Don't order them I will roll up the sleeves.
SUMO is 2x Long Sleeve double extra Fat (Paid)
Beau is 1x long sleeve Small
DAVE's (Catch22) is 2x Long Sleeve Large (Paid)
Jumpus GooDarus
Jun 4 2008, 03:21 PM
If anyone knows how to go about sending $$ from the states could ya pm me with the details?
kk would know, but I'll duck into the post office 2day & ask to make sure
Also when I get home later today I'll pm those requesting bank details
If you're going to do a direct depit put your sites username on the slip so as I know where the $$'s are coming from else I'll be velly confucioused
Jun 4 2008, 04:19 PM
I would place my order for 1 Large and one Small, both long sleeve.

1 x L
1 x S
Jun 4 2008, 09:40 PM
Jumpus GooDarus
Jun 4 2008, 11:24 PM
QUOTE (salty fil @ Jun 4 2008, 07:08 PM)

Im confirming 1 $25 long sleeve for the size i wrote earlier. I think you told me a size M.
Cant recall salty maybe a L
I'll prob see you B4 I go pick them up best to try on the wuns I have here
Jumpus GooDarus
Jun 4 2008, 11:33 PM
QUOTE (Bees Knees @ Jun 5 2008, 08:02 AM)

1 x XL
2 x XXL
1 x XXXLAll with logo's.

I will have to direct deposit Jumpy, for it is you that lives in WOOP WOOP.
1 x XL
2 x XXL
1 x XXXL Bee's can you confirm all are Long Sleeve ???????????????????????????
Bees Knees
Jun 4 2008, 11:37 PM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Jun 5 2008, 05:33 PM)

Bee's can you confirm all are Long Sleeve ???????????????????????????
Yes mate, cant see the point of the short sleeves... I'll roll them up and use that smick little button. But not as long as KKW would have you believe
Jumpus GooDarus
Jun 4 2008, 11:41 PM
QUOTE (SUMOFISHIN @ Jun 5 2008, 09:01 AM)

Confirmation of order,
SUMO is 2x Long Sleeve double extra Fat (Paid)
Beau is 1x long sleeve Small
DAVE's (Catch22) is 2x Long Sleeve Large (Paid)
All in Khaki colour, Dave will pay the extra for us( you should have kept it when I first gave it to you).
I was going to add a couple of short sleeve, But Don't order them I will roll up the sleeves.
SUMO is 2x Long Sleeve double extra Fat (Paid)
Beau is 1x long sleeve Small
DAVE's (Catch22) is 2x Long Sleeve Large (Paid)
I know your 2 are XXXL
Not sure you've got Beau's size correct ??????????
Get him to try on one of Daves shirts
Think you'll find he'll need a M size
Jun 4 2008, 11:53 PM
1 S
2 L
2 XL
Thanks Mate
salty fil
Jun 5 2008, 12:59 AM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Jun 5 2008, 05:24 PM)

Cant recall salty maybe a L
I'll prob see you B4 I go pick them up best to try on the wuns I have here
Ok mate.
Let me know when you have the dvd ready and il shoot down to try on the shirts, il maybe get 2 of them now. should pick up some other bits and pieces when im there aswell. Coming to your place i feel like a fat kid in a candy shop!!!
Jun 5 2008, 03:17 AM
Heya JG.....how's tricks.......you must be happy as with your YFT catches of late!!!!!
Just a quickie mate, gimme a call on 0434846065 or PM me your number and I can call you to arrange payment for the shotrs.
Tried to send you a PM but said too many characters in message topic???????? maybe Jack/Bees/twittie and rumpus are filling tha character quota
Jun 5 2008, 03:28 AM
One for me Medium please.
Jun 5 2008, 03:32 AM
QUOTE (storms72 @ Jun 5 2008, 09:17 PM)

Heya JG.....how's tricks.......you must be happy as with your YFT catches of late!!!!!
Just a quickie mate, gimme a call on 0434846065 or PM me your number and I can call you to arrange payment for the shotrs.
Tried to send you a PM but said too many characters in message topic???????? maybe Jack/Bees/twittie and rumpus are filling tha character quota
Hey man... there is room for a lot more characters :-)
Jumpus GooDarus
Jun 5 2008, 03:36 AM
QUOTE (storms72 @ Jun 5 2008, 09:17 PM)

Heya JG.....how's tricks.......you must be happy as with your YFT catches of late!!!!!
Just a quickie mate, gimme a call on 0434846065 or PM me your number and I can call you to arrange payment for the shotrs.
Tried to send you a PM but said too many characters in message topic???????? maybe Jack/Bees/twittie and rumpus are filling tha character quota
It's telling you that you used to many words/letters in the feild
Message Title By the way you should be asking Dirk Diggler about tricks !
Jun 5 2008, 03:46 AM
Hey mate ill take 1 large long sleeve shirt mate as per our fone convo
Jun 5 2008, 04:06 AM
Too many rums storms???
Was at pub tonight and they had that reel sweet taste to em that bloat ya? Ive had it a few times not sure why they do it but i cant drink them.. Had to change to OP's, all the better for me i guess!!!
Coming to your place i feel like a fat kid in a candy shop!!!
Tell me bout it mate... Its an addicting... As if the deisel cost for me to drive to sydney ait enough........
Its the visit to jumpys each time that hurts... Mostly cause i want more and more!!!
Jumpus GooDarus
Jun 5 2008, 04:32 AM
QUOTE (Rumpus @ Jun 5 2008, 10:06 PM)

Really ?????????????????????????????
How's Tricks Rum ????????
Jun 5 2008, 04:41 AM
shes good, left here bout an hour ago after ariane left... Couple of good gals they is!!
oz man
Jun 5 2008, 01:06 PM
3 xxxl
1 xxl
1 l
Total $125.00 all with Logo.
and where is the baby ones. ????????????????????????????????????????????????? biggrin.gif
where would you like the Money sent.
Jumpus GooDarus
Jun 5 2008, 02:59 PM
Yep Bee's both sleeves have actually got an attachment loop on them so you dont even need to roll them up !
Dont know if I explained it properly
Bees Knees
Jun 5 2008, 03:08 PM
QUOTE (storms72 @ Jun 5 2008, 09:17 PM)

Tried to send you a PM but said too many characters in message topic???????? maybe Jack/Bees/twittie and rumpus are filling tha character quota
??? Is that supposed to be a Joke??? :crim: :offtopic:
Jun 5 2008, 09:11 PM
QUOTE (ocsawdust @ Jun 5 2008, 06:22 AM)

2 shirts size xl. 1 long sleeve and 1 short sleeve. If anyone knows how to go about sending $$ from the states could ya pm me with the details?
2 shirts size xl. 1 long sleeve and 1 short sleeve.
You can prolly get away with PayPal fairly cheaply, Now I do not expect Jumpy to have PayPal (yet) but maybe I can recieve it and than pay it to JG.
Never done this before, I only use it to get rid of money :-)
oz man
Jun 6 2008, 12:01 AM
If anyone wants to use paypal just send it to me and add 3% for the charges and I will forward to JG.
Jumpus GooDarus
Jun 6 2008, 12:52 AM
You guys didn't Jerry to what ocsawdust was asking
He was refering to the frieght to get the shirts delivered to the USA
Jun 6 2008, 01:11 AM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Jun 6 2008, 06:52 PM)

You guys didn't Jerry to what ocsawdust was asking
He was refering to the frieght to get the shirts delivered to the USA
Stay of the 'V' for a second and Read carefully (sending $$ from the states)
I think you'll find we replied to the correct question

Can you weigh one XL shirt or XXL and L so we can calculate the freight for him. Than we can check out freight charges for him as well.
Jumpus GooDarus
Jun 6 2008, 01:28 AM
I knew what he was asking prob better than you guys
I dont read your PM's
So you's cant read mine
oz man
Jun 6 2008, 04:40 PM
whats his zip code and send it Fed Express it's cheaper and faster. average cost to send Australia wide is $11.00 if sending in a prepaid bag which will take up to 3kg by either AP or AAE.
Just got back from a week up north. You missed putting my order down on the confirmed list. Not to worry - I would still like two long sleeve XL with logo.
Also, Mankini Phil from the McSundays, wanted a shirt just before I left for Hols. Did you PM him?
Jumpus GooDarus
Jun 7 2008, 01:03 AM
QUOTE (oz man @ Jun 7 2008, 10:40 AM)

whats his zip code and send it Fed Express it's cheaper and faster. average cost to send Australia wide is $11.00 if sending in a prepaid bag which will take up to 3kg by either AP or AAE.
It's going to the USA oz any idea of cost ??
I haven't had a chance to enquire yet
Just got back from a week up north. You missed putting my order down on the confirmed list. Not to worry - I would still like two long sleeve XL with logo.
Nope didn't forget anyone kk in my initial post in this thread I said that I was disregarding any previous orders cause things had changed & was asking for current & final orders.
Moreso because some peeps had changed quantity's & sizes.
Yes I did send a pm to everyone on the list who'd previously placed an order directing them back to this thread
Jun 7 2008, 04:32 PM
Confirm 1 mens size with logo .KK to pick up if posible,Thanks
Jun 7 2008, 10:20 PM
2 XL Long sleeve for me Jumpus... Thanks mate
Jun 9 2008, 04:36 PM
it says 1 only for my order on the first page...
should be 2 mate...
Jumpus GooDarus
Jun 9 2008, 04:57 PM
All fixed
oz man
Jun 10 2008, 01:21 AM
Destination Country: UNITED STATES
Location: Zone C
Parcel Weight: 1.75kg to 2kg
ECI Parcel Weight: between 1kg and 2kg
Details on size restrictions on parcels
Select Service Price Maximum Weight Notes
ECI Merchandise $67.00 up to 20kg
ECI Documents $59.50 up to 20kg
Express Post International $52.65 up to 20kg
Registered International $52.65 to 2kg
Air mail $47.65 up to 20kg
Sea mail $32.65 up to 20kg
Jumpus GooDarus
Jun 10 2008, 01:29 AM
Allready enquired oz & have pm'd those who asked
Via Aust Post in a pre-paid bag up to 500 grams [ shirts weight bugger all
Local = $ 7
To the US cause it has to go in a parcel $ 25
Jun 10 2008, 04:51 AM
1 XL long sleeve shirt
thanks jump
will send $32 as soon as you reply to my PM with bank details...
thanks again
oz man
Jun 10 2008, 12:00 PM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Jun 10 2008, 07:29 PM)

Allready enquired oz & have pm'd those who asked
Via Aust Post in a pre-paid bag up to 500 grams [ shirts weight bugger all
Local = $ 7
To the US cause it has to go in a parcel $ 25
Take the express prepaid $7.20 for 500gms and $10.20 for the 3kg prepaid bags.
And even cheaper if you buy in 10 pack lots.
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