[quote name='Jumpus GooDarus' date='May 30 2008, 05:08 AM' post='17250']
Was just watching the video of toaday after D/L'n onto the pc & pissed myself
Told you's I had to Bitch Slap alex to get moving on his fishy !
Took a frame off the video so pic ain't the best, anyway Devo was playing on the MP3 player so I did as the song said
I Whipped it, Whipped it GoodaRus
Yes i did need some incouragement yesterday as cthe night b4 i went out with some mates from the army drinking hmmm not a good idea getting home pissed as fart then get up and go out on a boat at 9 in the morning !!!! lol
we got to the spot at 11 or so when we started to cube i thourght hmmm might chuck my pilly at the back of the cube trail as to get any fish starting to come up the cube trail and by gosh it had worked 5 min in to stripping back i was on and feeling very very seedy !!!! With the fish swimming with the line i thourght it would be a nice small stripy or bonito then he saw the boat welll there goes that idea with the 10 on strike and line peeling off the reel i thourght i really dont need this now of all times with the headace starting to set in and of course jumpy pissing himself laughing in his mind going serve u right u lil young punk and sav just making commments about raping my arse (typical greeks). in anycase i finally had the gimble on and fighting the fish when the yft decided that i was goin to pay for my night out took off and kept running neway layed into the fight when the fish decided to come at the boat to get a bit of slack n thro the hook but down in his gils was the hook it wasnt comming out with the fish now heading for the boat he decided to head to the surface about 20m or so behind the boat we could see colour and the fish looked alot bigger than we had been catching previously so jumpy started getting excited thinking he was more closer to 30 odd kgs from the distant glance so more cubes went in any way to cut a long story short the fish went back deep tail wrapped himself so alll i had to do was pull him in as it turned out ... jump has to post a few pics of the fish but yeah thats basicly it