May 28 2008, 10:34 PM
All this talk of trailers thought id open up this one...
Personlly. I think the straps are useless, and im not a big fan of cable either as it strips, kinks and is a pain in the ass...
Im going to try using 6mm Dyneema, With a Protective Core. They are extremly Low stretch, Stronger than wire rope (6mm 1500kg) , Easily spliceed and easy to handle, Can be tyed back together if it does break, and only costs around $4 a metre..
Water is not going to hurt it, its main use is for rigging and halyards on Yachts, which spend all their time on the water.
Just wondering if anyone else has tryed using this or not..
The other option is Vectran, which is stronger again..
salty fil
May 28 2008, 10:52 PM
When i bought my leccy winch i spoke to the distributer about all three of these things so i could know what is fact and what is fiction.
They supply all the boating stores with this stuff so i believe they know about the topic.
Straps - totally shi7. If you dont roll them out after each use and let them dry they can rust out your winch internally over time. It retains the salt water. Also it can fold over on itself easily and hold that memory.
Cable - strong, but does splinter and can be painful when finger gets p____Ked. When not rolled on in unison under weight it does crush the cable under it.
Most importantly is that if it snaps it does have whip-lash and you could lose an eye or a nasty gash. This would only happen if you didnt replace it when it shows signs of wear, and unfortunately there are alot of lazy boat owners out there.
That rope stuff - top of the list, you mentioned the positives of it above. Does not have to be dried out, and if it does snap it will just flutter to the ground.
A pirate
May 29 2008, 12:41 AM
interesting im interested in getting away from wire...hate the stuff.
dyneema can be bought where? whitworths?
how hard is it to attach to your winch?...though i do need a new winch as mine is a bit of a cheapo one.
May 29 2008, 12:44 AM
Yea, whitworths should have it.. Otherwise, there is a rigging place down taren point..
Spectra / Dyneema or vectran are your best options..
Jumpus GooDarus
May 29 2008, 01:16 AM
Wire is OK but not that crap they give you with a winch.
I never use my winch as boats are drive on but if I ever need to replace the wire cable then I'd be going to 49 strand S/S cable it's very flexible.
Dont like the idea of using what that FruitLoop Rumpus suggested one bit,
Dyneema is very prone to abrasions & it wont take long @ all for that alledged protective core to give way
May 29 2008, 02:34 AM
actually, its very abrasion resistant...
Not like there is anytthing for it to get abrasied by on the trailer anyway?
salty fil
May 29 2008, 02:57 AM
QUOTE (A pirate @ May 29 2008, 06:41 PM)

interesting im interested in getting away from wire...hate the stuff.
dyneema can be bought where? whitworths?
how hard is it to attach to your winch?...though i do need a new winch as mine is a bit of a cheapo one.
The place i went to sells it straight out of their garage from Bilgola Plataeu.
Its a husband and wife team and they supply the boating placsuch as Whitworths.
It would be cheaper to get it from there, but if its only a few metres you need its propably just worth nicking down to your local.
May 29 2008, 03:01 AM
I'v got the wire stuff on mine and since the boat is'nt too heavy tinny its fine I guess-also only retrieving from just past half way up the trailer as I drive the boat on as its easier especially when doing the launch/retrieve on your own!
My mate up the coast is using something like you mentioned Rummy....He has a 19ft Riptide C-console and the cord he uses lays real well without having to force it to lay evenly unlike wire cables.
I used to use a webbing strap on my jet ski trailer and it was a hassle keeping it even...the bloody stuff used to fold over and was a big pain in the arse!
May 29 2008, 03:29 AM
I have the strap on my winch and am happy with it. Maybe it's just me but it rarely gets wet and I wind it up carefully guiding it on the winch with my spare hand. I rarely have it fold over and when it does I wind it back a little.
Like with so many other things, if you look after it a little it lasts much longer
A pirate
May 29 2008, 03:53 AM
i have been a fan of the strap stuff due to safety point.
May 29 2008, 04:04 AM
Should back my point there. as for abrasion resistance...
Drums of Deck winches on yachts......
Halyard Pulleys and Rubbing on parts of rigging....
Comp 4x4's use a version of the rope (plasma rope) on their winches, however for ease of use they do not use outer skin.. The rope drags 4x4s over rocks and up hills. In the event that it does break they just tie it back trogether and keep going.. Your never going to put that sort of load ona boat like a 2 tonne truck getting dragged uo a cliff face!
May 29 2008, 02:06 PM
you tell em rex
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