Yep Yep twas a nice afternoons fishing session virtually mon stop from the time we got there & only tapered off in the last hour of light.
Fish weren't massive by any means esp compared to the much larger fishy which were caught further up north, saw some pics of those fishys 2day & there were some good ones in the pics average size around 40 keggers with larger ones lost or boiling up around the boat.
Thought it would've been pitt street on Browns yesterday so had opted to go fush my spot on the southern canyons,honestly cant complain allthough our fish were ratty rats they were great fun to play around with & dont think I would've given the SP's a shot if the bigger fush were about simply because it would've tied up the boat using the light 6kg rod & the boys wouldn't been able to fish.
My PB on 6kg line in regards to YFT was a fush that went 57 kg many moons ago & that fish tied the boat up for near 3 hrs.
Alex mentioned the stripy's !
Well one of them was a horse which was pulling 5kg of drag on my rod
& yep yep got a good supply of snapper bait when I start fushing for them
breamans 24kg stick
It was a 15 kg stick I just a tiagra 50 on it
As far as the SP'n went !
Well I tried those tackle craft thingy's about 6" versions & had 2 further hits on them but with ratchets going off every few minutes , well I lost concentration & missed the hookups on the SP's.
Think this SP'n thing for YFT is a buzz esp on light line & well worth giving it a shot I've been wanting to do it since last year when I built the rod for it & yesterday was the 1st chance I got to use it.
Took care of some things today so tommorro it's back out there again to see if I can find the big boys