All the weather forcasts were good so headed out into Boatany bay today.
Made a run for Bare Island first to say Hi to Storm72 and tried my luck on SP around kurnell. Nothing happened there sor went over to the middle of the bay.
Got a flathead and lost all sorts of plastics to tailer that were around in plague numbers.
Only one plastic was very resilient (snap back) and I caught heaps of them. Cut one up and used strips as well to catch even more of them. Was hoping for a big one but all around the 30 cm mark. Also caught a just under legal Snapper on a strip of tailer
Got the compulsary flathead (40 cm) for the missus as well and went back to the wharf to pick up my little boy.
While waiting for him to arrive I prepared the rods for bait fishing and chucked a prawn over the side in front of the marina.
Got my pb bream there 30 cm (dinner was becoming a feast now)
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Got my little boy in the boat and went out in front of the marina again where Jake got a nice 23 cm bream. Not legal but he was very happy with it.
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after several more baby bream and a blue swimmer dropping of the line I went back into the bay to fish the edges for some whiting.
Scored my pb whiting there
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kept two decent whiting ,released a few smaller ones and caught some baby snapper as well
All in all a very good day in the bay where fish can be caught just abouut everywhere.
Dinner was flathead, bream and whiting. A bit decadent but hey....