May 21 2008, 02:12 AM
Just got back from a couple of days at Greenwell Point. Went with Steve the Sav - P and met up with the Poly clan and the Russo clan.
Arnie the horse dog was excited to see Steve and head butted him in the family jewels. I was standing to the side, and his tail hit me in the goolies as well. Was like being hit with a broomstick. That dog needs some lessons in tact.
We hit the river on the last of the runout and tried SP's for jewfish. Didn't do any good, but there were lots of white bait showers. The system was full of baitfish. It was just glorious. No fish for the good guys, but Mrs Poly landed a flathead. Had a good social evening and watched a dvd at Bobs house.
This morning, we got up early 4.30am, and went out for a spin at 8am. The reports were that the Estuary Perch were around and spawning. We had a bit of a flick with SP's and I landed a couple of lizards, which coughed up whitebait. Lots of bait showers all over the place. Tailer were the culprits and Steve and I got a few. They chomped the SP's severely, and were not our target fish, so we moved. Lots of toads or jackets were chomping crescents out of the plastics, and it grew darker and darker, colder and colder and then wetter and wetter by 10am. Decided to call it quits. Loads of whitebait and the fish we caught were gorged with it. Should be an interesting week of fishing if the predators follow them into the rivers.
Steve really enjoyed the bavarian polkas I played for him in the car, and requested I burn him a copy. They must have worked, as he was in a happy mood when we went to the Club for dinner, and a couple of chicky babes said hello to him on separate occasions. It was either his happy disposition, or they thought he may have been a special needs kid, out with his dad for the Tuesday night bingo tournament. Only 6 fish to bring home, but a good time had.
May 21 2008, 06:08 AM
Very good report.
And say hello to the SPecial kid.
May 21 2008, 01:42 PM
Good report on what's happening down south KK,
By the way you can't get rid of Sav's silly Grin his mum told me he was born with it.
May 21 2008, 02:50 PM
[quote name='kkw' date='May 21 2008, 09:12 PM' post='1687
Steve really enjoyed the bavarian polkas I played for him in the car, and requested I burn him a copy. They must have worked, as he was in a happy mood when we went to the Club for dinner, and a couple of chicky babes said hello to him on separate occasions. It was either his happy disposition, or they thought he may have been a special needs kid, out with his dad for the Tuesday night bingo tournament. Only 6 fish to bring home, but a good time had.
I didn't ask you to burn me a copy , I SAID BURN THAT COPY ,
Those chicky babes felt for me as they thought I was tacking what they thought was my old decrepit father to the bingo,
and on the way back home we stopped at mackas and I bought KK a hot choc fudge waffle ice cream , and again a young lady looked at me , must of thought how nice hes buying an ice cream for that old decrepit man ,
May 21 2008, 02:52 PM
May 22 2008, 01:01 AM
Forgot to mention -
I towed Steves boat down, and he left his car at my place. When we got back, I backed the boat into the driveway so that he could hitch it to his car. Anyway, Steve asked if I have a brick to put in front of the wheel, as the driveway sloped back towards my garage. I drove off to park on the roadway and Steve went to get his car. He saw me park and couldn't see his boat. Heard the crash though, as it crunched into my garage door. The important part of the post is 'a brick to put in FRONT of the wheel'. it should have gone BEHIND the wheel.
Yes he is 'special' alright
Jumpus GooDarus
May 22 2008, 01:14 AM
Did he charge you much for installing Air Con to your garage ?????????????????
May 22 2008, 09:20 AM
QUOTE (STEVE.P @ May 22 2008, 08:50 AM)

Those chicky babes felt for me as they thought I was tacking what they thought was my old decrepit father to the bingo,
and on the way back home we stopped at mackas and I bought KK a hot choc fudge waffle ice cream , and again a young lady looked at me , must of thought how nice hes buying an ice cream for that old decrepit man ,
What ever works for you mate.
May 22 2008, 02:26 PM
QUOTE (kkw @ May 22 2008, 08:01 PM)

Forgot to mention -
I towed Steves boat down, and he left his car at my place. When we got back, I backed the boat into the driveway so that he could hitch it to his car. Anyway, Steve asked if I have a brick to put in front of the wheel, as the driveway sloped back towards my garage. I drove off to park on the roadway and Steve went to get his car. He saw me park and couldn't see his boat. Heard the crash though, as it crunched into my garage door. The important part of the post is 'a brick to put in FRONT of the wheel'. it should have gone BEHIND the wheel.
Yes he is 'special' alright

come on dont know what ya wingin about.
you can hardly see where it hit with the blind fold on
May 22 2008, 02:57 PM
We did have fun on those couple of days. We were looking for Mr & Mrs Poly on the water, when it started to rain. Saw a bright yellow boat a little way off and figured it was them. When Poly stood up wearing a rain coat, we knew it was them. What was the colour of the raincoat? Bright Yellow
May 22 2008, 07:16 PM
QUOTE (kkw @ May 23 2008, 08:57 AM)

When Poly stood up wearing a rain coat, we knew it was them. What was the colour of the raincoat? Bright Yellow
It might have been the sun playing tricks on you. Bright yellow on the water coming from a boat could have been a ray of Sunshine.
May 25 2008, 07:21 PM
It might have been the sun playing tricks on you. Bright yellow on the water coming from a boat could have been a ray of Sunshine.
it is yellow mate so it will match the yellow raps on my favorite rod.
May 26 2008, 05:43 AM
Did you make the yellow raps?
May 27 2008, 10:43 PM
May 28 2008, 01:43 AM
QUOTE (Christos @ May 26 2008, 11:43 PM)

Did you make the yellow raps?
no the rod was built by Arnie dog, and its great
May 28 2008, 03:08 PM
QUOTE (poly @ May 28 2008, 07:43 PM)

no the rod was built by Arnie dog, and its great
Do you have a pictute of it?
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