The Blank is one of Viva's range cut down to a 4 ft / 15 kg stick with a Aftco Detachable Alluminium Straight Butt, Aftco Big Foot Rollers to complete the match.
I wanted to keep this outfit pretty light so no big reels this time & opted for one of the Gladiator series the wittle 30
Anyways back to the report.
On the water by 12 ran straight out to Browns but pulled up 3 miles short, the sea's were a wee bit upsy downsky @ this time so decided to pull some lures to see if we could locate the fishy's, didn't take the riggers so we ran 2 skirted lures out back & someF18 Classics in closer.
Witch Dr also went out, by the time we'd gotten to Browns the wind had started to drop & it turned out to be a top arvo out there, the day B4 I was talking to a mate who'd gotten YFT late last week & said they were out wider than Browns so we kept trolling for another 5 miles east.
Water looked a wee bit better out there but remained a constant temp whereas back @ Browns there was a 1/2 deg variation & something told me to head back to Browns so I did.
1/2 a mile short Jim saw a big re-entry splash in front & starboard 100 meters but the fish didn't surface again I had a salty windscreen so didn't see it, did a lap or 2 then proceeded back to Browns where all hell broke loose all around us.
We had YFT leaping out of the water crashing the sauri's, sauuri's doing the Harold Holt in all directions there were blankets of them leaping into the air, this went on for about 15 minutes & not one of those bloody YFT even looked @ the lures & let me tell you's if was very frusting sitting there in anticipation.
I even got one of the boys to take the wheel whilst I fed the lures further out the back thinking that the boat may have been spooking the fin but by the time I'd done all that there was not a ripple to be seen.
So it was lures in & a cube trail was started time was now around 3 . 30 pm & by around sundown all we'd managed to see was a fishy [not yft] in the cube trail it may have been a Mahi caus a minute later a log was seen off to starboard only 30 meters away.
Then on one of my retrieves I found that 1/2 my pilly had been eaten, good guess is a Stripey had done the deed cause 1/2 hr later I saw them 150 behind us off to port jumping out of the water.
Hmmm the day was now getting old & we had sundown the city looked brilliant with the sun setting & the moon rising from the east so I got the camera out, didn't have the big lens with me so it's a bit hard to make out the city buildings, we could see them & it was quite spectacular sitting out there 22 miles offshore.
Anyways I'd just put the camera away & with the remaining light looked back behind the boat & about 150 meters away was this huge boil [re-entry splash] so I did some Wai Ting , Wai Ting , Wai Ting then some more Wai Ting , Wai Ting , Wai Ting but nothing became of the boil.
We fished another hr or so into the night B4 deciding to call it quits some days you know the fishy's are there but you're not confidant you're gonna get a run, this was one of those days.