OK I wont finish this How to Do in one hit it's been a decade since last I made some & since my moulds are misplaced I've had to make some new ones so I'm going to start from scratch.
Now B4 you even think about getting started you need to set up a vacume chamber else the air bubbles in the silicon mould will remain & you'll end up with lures that look like a chokito.
Pic 1
This is my old vacume chamber made it years ago out of stainless you dont need it made out of stainless BUT very important that it be cylindrical else you'll collapse a say square one once the pump starts to vacume.
up high you'll need a conection point which the suction line from the motor can connect to.
The motor ??? just keep your eyes open for a dumped refrigirator
Pic 2
Well I've added the info in the pic
Only thing you need to be wary off is the length of the PVC allow approx 25 mm @ face off lure & around 60 mm @ end of lure, reason being once the pump starts to vacume the silicon moulding rubber will rize, it's a very thick solution & the air bubbles inside it will allow a shorter pvc length to overflow resulting in loss of silicon & a incomplete mould once you turn the pump off an hr or so later.
Also when measuring & pouring the silicon allow etra dont just cover the top of the lure cause once the air comes out you've lost volume & this will also result in a incomplete silicon mould, you can allays cut off the exess with a sharp knife
I'll explain all this a bit better in next pics once I've pulled the origal lures from the moulds
Pic 3
Well this is self explanortory, it's in regards to the gasket & lid for the vacume chamber, once you've got all your PVC mould holders inside start the motor & push down on lid this should be done as soon as you've finished the chamber as a test run way b4 you even think about starting on the lures just so as you can check that it's going to work.
You'll know if it works cause you'll have buckles chance of removing the lid until you turn the motor off & wait a minute or so for the chamber to lose it's vacume.
Pic 4
I prob Jumpus'd the gun on this one, I'll do some better pics & explanations with next update
I did manage to find a couple of my old moulds & this is what they look like
Also found some old inserts which came from one of the moulds , inserts even had paint on them & I'd glued eyes to one as well
I'll give more detail next post
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