May 13 2008, 07:23 PM
Yes as the report reads the fin are comming in a little more stronger i had Armin (mr magoo) over last nnight dropping off gear for our trip down to bermi of which im acctully writing u this report from the highway lol..
Armin's mates on mungral went out yesterday and caught 3 yfin at 50kgs or there abouts yesterday 6miles east of browns which ruffly puts them on the 1000m mark. With a few reports i recived today about other fin being caught is sounds like its starting to heat up !!
JG when i get back were on u r goin to have to show me ur tricks for my fav fushs.
Jumpus GooDarus
May 13 2008, 07:40 PM
Yep Yep they would've been on the 1000 meter line & I actually much prefer to fish there & a touch wider than on Brons itself
Got the report yesterday myself also got told they got a few Albacore as well ????????????????????????
May 13 2008, 09:59 PM
Yes Albacore from 8 to 12kg caught too, YFT to 53kg, alot cubing!
ALso apparently a Marlin hooked on the cube too.
My mates are taking my boat out 2moro, so i'll let you know how they go!
May 13 2008, 11:25 PM
Well when you got some time JG or Alex wanna run us through how you would rig up for these things them?
Them Skirts I got of you jumps. Told them the hook you told me to get for em and he asked me what i wanted it for cause it was to big.. I told him Pelicans!! haha!
Jumpus GooDarus
May 14 2008, 12:46 AM
Yeah well Rumpus some people do all theier fushing from behind the counter of a shop & never get out there to actually use the gear they sell
I did pick up some ideal S/S hooks for those lures yesterday both in 10/0's & 12/0's think around about 150 hooks
May 14 2008, 02:39 AM
Well im right now mate.. got some 10's, and yea! I thought exactly that...
Also went down to Dunphy's to pick up a new handle for the broken tiagra one.. $55 for the flashy dashy large rubber habdle, which i thought wasnt to bad... Now just gotta hunt down some Yellow fin...
May 16 2008, 03:46 AM
Gotta Rig Up the Sirts Now!
Was thinking of learning the plait and running a double (2m??) to a Ball Bearing Swivel..
The Lure will have a Size 10 Hook, 60lb Line and a Heavy Duty Clip (to attach to swivel)
Is 60lb Heavy Enough.
Are Clips Ok, Or should I tie It off..
Jumpus GooDarus
May 16 2008, 04:19 AM
and a Heavy Duty Cliper
Rumpus are you trying to catch a fish
Shear a SHEEP ????????????
May 16 2008, 04:21 AM
I put that in there for you!!! ;p
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