salty fil
May 8 2008, 06:51 PM
Guys i noticed my boat sitting on the wheel hubs yesterday and on a closer look i saw a crack in the base.
Its not the actual axle that goes across the wheels. I have a bar running across the trailer on each side of the axle. One is cracked and the other is about to.
I have over 600 kg sitting on it. Is it fixable???
May 8 2008, 08:18 PM
QUOTE (salty fil @ May 9 2008, 12:51 PM)

Guys i noticed my boat sitting on the wheel hubs yesterday and on a closer look i saw a crack in the base.
Its not the actual axle that goes across the wheels. I have a bar running across the trailer on each side of the axle. One is cracked and the other is about to.
I have over 600 kg sitting on it. Is it fixable???
Yes it is fixable, the xmember needs to be cut out and a new one put in, in it's place.
I doubt that that one beam is the sole problem with the trailer though, I suspect much more to be wrong then just one xmember.
I need to have a look at the trailer for a better assestment.
salty fil
May 8 2008, 09:34 PM
[quote name='nimrod' date='May 9 2008, 02:18 PM' post='16395']
Yes it is fixable, the xmember needs to be cut out and a new one put in, in it's place.
I doubt that that one beam is the sole problem with the trailer though, I suspect much more to be wrong then just one xmember.
I need to have a look at the trailer for a better assestment.
Your right Frank.
I just finished cleaning the boat and from jumping in and out i noticed the other xmember has cracked also!
There goes my fishing for a while, my favourite month for it aswell!
Im in Brookvale, is it to dangerous to drive it towards you for a "better assesment"?
I know that you have good knowledge with these things from following your posts on here and from the other place.
May 8 2008, 09:49 PM
Judging by the external rust, Id say that the internals are quite rusted also and Nope, I wouldnt drive anywhere far with it..
Possable quick solution would be to raise the weight off the trailer and straighten the crossbeams and sleeve the full length with some c section and weld into place.
It would be a very temp repair though and it would best be to get the boat off the trailer and have the complete trailer checked and repaired or replaced.. Might cost a few dollars but not as much as replacing your boat?
May 8 2008, 11:18 PM
yep get the boat off the trailer so a full check can be carried out, i don't think it a good idea to tow it with the boat on, salty this may seem a dumb question, but do u know how to get it off on dry land ?????????
salty fil
May 9 2008, 12:14 AM
QUOTE (poly @ May 9 2008, 05:18 PM)

yep get the boat off the trailer so a full check can be carried out, i don't think it a good idea to tow it with the boat on, salty this may seem a dumb question, but do u know how to get it off on dry land ?????????
Ive heard things like dropping it on tyres. It is not a dumb question so please explain.
The problem isnt dropping it. Its where and for how long.
Some ideas would be great on dropping it.
oz man
May 9 2008, 12:17 AM
That is one nasty crack, get the boat off it and it can be fixed by a few simple welds and the bars being replaced.
May 9 2008, 01:46 AM
a franna crane!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bees Knees
May 9 2008, 03:15 AM
The last time i saw a crack
That big, was in that "marlin fishing" report photo.. on Jumpy's boat
May 9 2008, 03:22 AM
QUOTE (salty fil @ May 9 2008, 06:14 PM)

Ive heard things like dropping it on tyres. It is not a dumb question so please explain.
The problem isnt dropping it. Its where and for how long.
Some ideas would be great on dropping it.
If you want me to come to your place and drop the boat on your lawn, tow the trailer back to my place, fix the trailer, take it back to you and fit the boat back on the trailer. I could take tyres over,etc.
You better send me a PM with your address and details, phone number etc, so we can work out a price for you.
If you want to do it from someone closer to you it's your call.
All I can tell you at this stage is that I can do the job for you a lot cheaper then a registered trailer workshop will do.
May 9 2008, 03:44 AM
QUOTE (nimrod @ May 9 2008, 09:22 PM)

If you want me to come to your place and drop the boat on your lawn, tow the trailer back to my place, fix the trailer, take it back to you and fit the boat back on the trailer. I could take tyres over,etc.
You better send me a PM with your address and details, phone number etc, so we can work out a price for you.
If you want to do it from someone closer to you it's your call.
All I can tell you at this stage is that I can do the job for you a lot cheaper then a registered trailer workshop will do.
you are a one of a kind frank, well done, thats good of you helpin out all the members
May 9 2008, 04:06 AM
Salty, take Frank up on his offer...I'v seen his work first hand and it will be well worth it even at double his price!
I used to work at a boat yard mate and when dropping hulls onto the deck just put 2 car tyres under the arse end either side to support the hull at the rear then as you lower the front end only one tyre is needed to keep her off the ground.....Highly recommend you connect the trailer to your car and very slowly move forward as the boats coming off-saves the front of the trailer from lifting also the trailer can take off once the arse end comes down....You will maybe want to put something between the guards and your hull to prevent scratching-a thick woolen or synthetic blanket will do the trick and just jack-up the centre of the crack to raise the hull from the guards then put the blanket between the hull and guards!!
salty fil
May 9 2008, 01:35 PM
I will definitely take you up on your offer Frank. I just have to figure where to drop the boat. I have no access to my backyard for it.
Thanks for all the help guys.
Jumpus GooDarus
May 10 2008, 03:05 AM
You'll stuff up the boat moving it about on that trailer & have 2 options
* get some throw out tyres tie back of boat to something secure then slowly drive away, make sure you've undone the safety chain & winch cable 1st.
Every foot or so stop & throw a couple of tyres under the boat till it's right off the trailer.
You'll have to unboat the trailer to get it repaired anyways.
* [quick repair option]
Get some steel plates aroud 6mm & have them pre drilled
Jack up the traler so as it lifts & crack closes then drill & bolt the plates onto the split channel using high tensil bolts
ps] this is only a temp repair & you should not tow like that for long but it will get you mobile.
salty fil
May 11 2008, 11:35 PM
Frank i sent you a PM with my number a few days ago. I dont know if you got it, maybe your inbox is full.
If you didnt let me know and il re do it. Got a quiet week this week at work so if its suitable with you id love to get on to it.
Also i have to speak to the marina beforehand to see if i can stash the boat there.
Thanks mate.
May 12 2008, 02:26 AM
QUOTE (salty fil @ May 12 2008, 05:35 PM)

Frank i sent you a PM with my number a few days ago. I dont know if you got it, maybe your inbox is full.
If you didnt let me know and il re do it. Got a quiet week this week at work so if its suitable with you id love to get on to it.
Also i have to speak to the marina beforehand to see if i can stash the boat there.
Thanks mate.
Fil. Got it OK, I have to go and see the doctor tomorrow sometime so will give you a call after that, and make arrangements for me to come and pick up the trailer.
salty fil
May 12 2008, 02:59 AM
Ok. Thanks mate. Didnt want to sound like i was breaking them, just didnt know if you got it.
Good luck at the doctor mate, talk soon.
Jumpus GooDarus
May 12 2008, 03:48 AM
QUOTE (nimrod @ May 12 2008, 08:26 PM)

Fil. Got it OK, I have to go and see the doctor tomorrow sometime
Should've told me earlier Frank !
I would've put on my Dr Jumpus overcoat
May 12 2008, 01:02 PM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ May 12 2008, 09:48 PM)

I would've put on my Dr Jumpus overcoat
Only if you are sick. Then you have to see a doctor. Not just the overcoat.
salty fil
May 16 2008, 08:44 PM
Ok fellas. Frank came over earlier and we got the boat onto the driveway and now the trailers on its way to his place for repairs.
I was abit nervous watching it slide onto the tyres but it all went good.
Once again, i want to thank Frank for taking the time to come all this way and take the trailer back home.
Hopefully i can be back on the water fishing again. Missed out on the comp this weekend.
Bees Knees
May 17 2008, 12:58 AM
He's a good man.. I thought you had a kayak as well!!
I was just thinking about your comment on missing the comp
Jumpus GooDarus
May 17 2008, 01:00 AM
Hopefully i can be back on the water fishing again.
Boy have I got news 4 U
Saw someone 2day who looked just like Frank, he even had one of those beard thingy's as well.
Anyways he was on the side of the road attaching some
For Sale signs onto what looked like a boat trailer & the trailer looked like it had a crack or 2 in it
May 17 2008, 01:42 AM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ May 17 2008, 07:00 PM)

Boy have I got news 4 U
Saw someone 2day who looked just like Frank, he even had one of those beard thingy's as well.
Anyways he was on the side of the road attaching some
For Sale signs onto what looked like a boat trailer & the trailer looked like it had a crack or 2 in it

Jeeze Jumpy, You could have kept it to yourself for at least a couple of days. And just for flapping your toungue around, you Ain't gonna get your share of the cut.
May 17 2008, 02:08 AM
I never said anything. Can I still get my share?
May 17 2008, 09:48 PM
It's got me beat how the boat ever went up on this trailer without pulling the guts out of the winch, or scraping all the gelcote off the hull of the boat.
All the rollers along the keel, all 3 of them have badly rusted pins and are siezed firm within the rollers, the back one being seized and bent.
So far I have cut the 2 x members out and made up new ones to go in their place.
Will visit my supplyer tomorrow and get some new pins,brackets etc and phil won't know himself, it should be so much easier, and safer to load with twice as many rollers and ones that turn, will help.
May 18 2008, 12:32 AM
I can only guess not that Salty fil is a very big boy.
salty fil
May 18 2008, 02:21 AM
Ha Ha! Cheeky buggers the lot of you!!!
I was considering taking the kayak, but the wind was blowing so hard i wouldve had problems getting around.
Didnt miss out on much. The weigh in was dissapointing. But my mate got a thumper Taylor, 5.8 kg. and 98 cm.
I havnt seen one that big in the flesh. But the club record is 7.5 kg, so he missed out on that.
Jumpus GooDarus
May 18 2008, 02:54 AM
QUOTE (nimrod @ May 18 2008, 03:48 PM)

It's got me beat how the boat ever went up on this trailer without pulling the guts out of the winch, or scraping all the gelcote off the hull of the boat.
All the rollers along the keel, all 3 of them have badly rusted pins and are siezed firm within the rollers, the back one being seized and bent.
So far I have cut the 2 x members out and made up new ones to go in their place.
Will visit my supplyer tomorrow and get some new pins,brackets etc and phil won't know himself, it should be so much easier, and safer to load with twice as many rollers and ones that turn, will help.
The mitre joit just welded with no gusset are a poor weak point on any trailer.
Add to that the weight of phil's lunch in the boat ??
No wonder the bloody things cracked
salty fil
May 18 2008, 03:30 AM
Plus all the monster fish i catch and have to tow back home...................
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