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Fishing oz style > Chat > Tackle Talk
Was reccomended some Gamakatsu Circle hooks for use on snapper and kings by a tackle shop over the weekend and although i only got a few runs and a few small snapper on them just wondering how much succsess you have had with them, previosly i have always used suiside hooks (the mustard big reds)
Jumpus GooDarus
Yep !

Use them for anything from Yellowfin Tuna down to fishing for Jewgong good hook esp for Jew when the buggers keep dropping the bait.

I've recently gone back to using the Mustard 37140 when fishing for snapper bream etc

They allow me to have a good part of the hook exposed when using 1/2 a pilchard which is velly important in my books, you dont want the hook twisting back inside the bait as this will result in missed hookups.

The 37140 is a great bait hook & dont think I've ever had it's point twist back inside the bait
Hi Chad,
I use Gamakatsu Circle hooks with a good hook up rate,you just have to let the fish catch itself :blink: ,pull back slow when you have let it run no jerking rolleyes.gif ...OK.

That,s what I do,

Fish biggrin.gif
thanks for the advice, i shall continue to try them out
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