May 5 2008, 11:39 PM
Over each fishing trip usually come home with left over bait and some small bait fish... For a little while dad has been talking bout an old mincer hes got it the shed so we going to try somthing...
Going to mince all the leftover pillies and baitfish together and form a burley mince and freeze it in chinese containers.. Then when we go fishing just defrost overnight and soak in some tuna oil and i recon that will make some good burley hey!?
(will keep a few slimys for fillet bait)
What do you all normally use?
Good idea Rum and that is a good mixture. Add some soaked bread and Sumo's your uncle. Jumpus feeds Dave up before an outing, and has all the burley he needs, 'on tap'.
May 5 2008, 11:55 PM
QUOTE (kkw @ May 6 2008, 06:49 PM)

Good idea Rum and that is a good mixture. Add some soaked bread and Sumo's your uncle. Jumpus feeds Dave up before an outing, and has all the burley he needs, 'on tap'.
Yep Yep, good idea KKW!
Jumpus GooDarus
May 6 2008, 01:06 AM
Wouldn't bother putting the pilly's through the mincer just freeze them & cut them up into small cubes whilst they are thawing out.
Think that is a much better burley trail than running it all though the mincer
May 6 2008, 02:38 AM
May 6 2008, 04:03 AM
I like bread. This is simple and the main staple diet for fish.
Why else would they eat so much.
I think that most fisho would not tell their secret burley mix. I knew of a shop that sold frozen burley mix and when I asked him what was in it he said all the good stuff. Now you think that the good stuff could be anything that your mind comes up with. The mix was actually black in colour.
Bees Knees
May 9 2008, 08:38 PM
Yes Rumpy, i use all my old bait, but just cut up the pillies.
In a bucket with bread and hot water, bit of oil and a few other things.
Then freeze it up in those flat bremner boxes. I just take a slab with me.
But i dont always use it.. Sometimes it brings those rubbish fish.
May 9 2008, 08:46 PM
May 9 2008, 08:48 PM
Bees Knees
May 9 2008, 08:57 PM
Bargain poly

Can i send my grandma over before you use it?? I miss her homemade sausage rolls
May 13 2008, 03:19 AM
QUOTE (Bees Knees @ May 10 2008, 02:57 PM)

Can i send my grandma over before you use it?? I miss her homemade sausage rolls
That has to be some sort of slave labour.
Here is a thought. Purchase your own mincer and then you can get your grandma to make sausage roll all the time.
Bees Knees
May 13 2008, 02:05 PM
Nah, sorry Christos.. She owes me!!
I have given her a steady stream of fish for the last few years..

I have to fillet them, and seperate them into single servings, as she wants to live on her own
If she catches wind of one of the relo's popping into my house, she asks for her fish. They have to drop them over for her

I love that women
May 13 2008, 02:42 PM
Just a small tip about using bread in your berley.
Bread bloats the stomoch of fish and gives them the idea that they
have had a meal, so many species will fill up on the bread and not bother
eating your bait.
Some species such as Tailor and wrass will spew up their stomach contents
so they can gorge themselves with more food.
Bread is a very effective fish attractant, but be careful about using too much.
May 13 2008, 06:10 PM
I will just add one more thing about the bread that I use.
I go to the baker and ask for old bread that I can used for fishing. They sell this bread by the large paper bag. Law states no bread to be sold older then one day. I take this bread home and leave it in the bag on top of the bucket to not attact rodens and after a few days I take this to the garden and start to crush the bread into the bucket. This forms a very fine power of the bread.
Either the next day or at most two days I take this fishing.
I may add tuna oil in the bucket, just tiny bit. May add can of sardines, just the ones in oil. May add some left over scraps of bait but that normally goes to the fish on the day.
When mixing the mixture from the rocks it takes a little while to ensure that you get a good soak but not too much to be slipping through the fingers. You want to be able to throw out a sort of spread where some will be taken down with the wave action and some will be on the surface to leave a little bit of a trail.
The reason for setting up a bread burley in this fashion is to ensure that you do not get too many big pieces and most are fine crumbs.
As most have heard this before but it is worth mentioning cast your bait in the burley trail. Something that I am not always the best at but it has to be sort of constant burley. This can be very difficult when fishing the rocks but should be much easier with you guys that have a boat.
May 13 2008, 06:49 PM
QUOTE (nimrod @ May 14 2008, 08:42 AM)

Just a small tip about using bread in your berley.
Bread bloats the stomoch of fish and gives them the idea that they
have had a meal, so many species will fill up on the bread and not bother
eating your bait.
Some species such as Tailor and wrass will spew up their stomach contents
so they can gorge themselves with more food.
Bread is a very effective fish attractant, but be careful about using too much.
that's a good one Frank
May 17 2008, 01:20 AM
We used to do the following:
Mince the left overs along with chicken feed and put it all in a bucket.
Add some cold water, Tuna Oil and Garlic flavour, hot water will cook the natural oil out of the bait.
Stir well, really well, really really well.
Get some plumbers pipe, 90mm, with an end cap glued on it.
Then spoon the mix into the pipe and freeze it.
Place the frozen mix whole in the burley bucket. As it thaws it feeds out on it's own and has unreal results.
You can experiment with the stuff you add to suit the conditions and fish you wish to target.
Hope this helps.
May 17 2008, 01:29 AM
QUOTE (Breamen @ May 17 2008, 08:20 PM)

We used to do the following:
Mince the left overs along with chicken feed and put it all in a bucket.
Add some cold water, Tuna Oil and Garlic flavour, hot water will cook the natural oil out of the bait.
Stir well, really well, really really well.
Get some plumbers pipe, 90mm, with an end cap glued on it.
Then spoon the mix into the pipe and freeze it.
Place the frozen mix whole in the burley bucket. As it thaws it feeds out on it's own and has unreal results.
You can experiment with the stuff you add to suit the conditions and fish you wish to target.
Hope this helps.
Awesome Idea there!!! Bill?
Jumpus GooDarus
May 17 2008, 01:31 AM
QUOTE (Rum Dust N Ruckus @ May 17 2008, 07:29 PM)

Awesome Idea there Alex...
Rumpus you ninny
Who said his name was Alex ???
May 17 2008, 02:36 AM
what are you talking about?
* haha, nah was on phone at same time as typing and must have carried over from conversation!
Am I right?
May 17 2008, 11:54 PM
Rum Dust and Ruckus
This is the second time that you have put the words in "what are you talking about?" and then proceeded to tell the rest of us what you were talking about.
May 18 2008, 12:44 AM
QUOTE (Christos @ May 18 2008, 05:54 PM)

Rum Dust and Ruckus
This is the second time that you have put the words in "what are you talking about?" and then proceeded to tell the rest of us what you were talking about.

Just playing games with you mate!!
Do people think that its better to feed burley out as required, Ie, Throwing a pinch out every min or so, Or does the defrosting Burley work ok. Water Temp and Burley Density are going to change discharge rates, Also, Some parts of the Burley mix are going to discharge faster than others and you have no control over the flow, perhaps Putting to much out at once?
Since being shown the way of using the pilly tail for bait and the head end for burley, I have used this with much sucsess, but was hinking of ways to use the leftovers..
May 18 2008, 12:55 AM
Since most of the time I fish from the shore I do not like taking back left overs. I put these in the ocean.
Any burley that I take with me is made for that day. The last time I went fishing I was not prepared and so no burley was prepared. But I do have a backup plan. I cooked some rice.
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