May 1 2008, 08:26 AM
Have been collecting a few of these lures and they work a treat on callop when im not scared of loosing one
they dive to around 3 meters and have a load rattle ,cod like them also....
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May 1 2008, 09:33 AM
Damn me youve got some lures, I think ive got a total of about 4, putting them all together!
I have
Nils Master (blue)
Tassie Devil (faded orange)
Large 10" Lure
Yep, thats it...
Think its time I went and got a few more maybe..
May 2 2008, 09:17 AM
May 2 2008, 09:17 AM
May 2 2008, 10:27 AM
Well if you need any storage space ive got a few empty cuboards!
May 2 2008, 02:03 PM
what are you targetting with that livie??? I got me one of those put it in the georges river on a float while trawling it along but no luck

May 2 2008, 03:40 PM
MULLY u a amazing, have u ever counted just haw many u have collected over the years.
May 2 2008, 09:08 PM
All them lures have so many hooks.
May 2 2008, 10:07 PM
I tell you what that livie got more trebles stuck in him than I did and not one cry.....Learnt very quickly to respect trebles and now holds lures very very well..
@ POLY Hi mate just the ones there are 670 i have over 1000 all opened ones have been fished and scored fish except for maybe 30 or so still to be blooded,the scary part is im undertaking a new idea of filming all the actions of every lure so people can have an idea as to how they swim and how deep they go as this will be of benefit before wasting money on something you dont need or fits your needs for a fishing style.
Mind you this lure collection has happened since i was 12 years old now im a tad older but none the wiser...
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