Jumpus GooDarus
Apr 29 2008, 10:16 PM
Here's the deal with the shirts @ present all I'm doing is offering the shirts & nothing more
If they are a success then we'll move onto other items such as caps T-Shirts etc
So dont post in this thread unless you want to order any
If you want to ask Q's either go start your own thread or pm me this is not a discussion thread
I'll place the order in a month & if you haven't order then I'm afraid you'll dip out till enough interest makes up the no's for the next order
Some of you may think I'm harsh & pig headed but that's the way it's gonna be else the shirts will never get ordered
If you haven't read the discussion on the shirts you can do so here
http://www.fishing-oz-style.info/forum/ind...?showtopic=1305And Here
This is the only colour on offer @ present so dont ask for the blue one
You do however have the choice of short/long sleeves BUT I'd advice the long sleeves as you can allways roll them up but you cant roll down a short sleeve shirt.
$21 per shirt with logo's
$30 per shirt without logo's & that is not a jokeSIZES ??
To place an order ???
Quantity :
Size/'s :
That's all I want to see, keep it short & keep it sweet that way I wont make any mistakes when ordering them
Bees Knees
Apr 29 2008, 10:23 PM
2 of XL with logo =

Apr 29 2008, 10:34 PM
2 "s" with logo
2 "m"with logo
$84.00 ??????????????
oz man
Apr 29 2008, 11:28 PM
3 xxxl
1 xxl
1 l
Total $105.00 all with Logo.
and where is the baby ones. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????
where would you like the Money sent.
Apr 30 2008, 12:46 AM
Apr 30 2008, 12:51 AM
Do we have any idea of sizes comparable to other brands?
2 x 2XL
1 x 3XL
1 x S
All with Fishing Oz Style and Viva Logo
Apr 30 2008, 03:37 PM
Jumpus I'll start with 2 including logos size triple extra fat hoping it will fit, I'll pick it up or Dave will I hope. (Paid cash)
Apr 30 2008, 11:08 PM
2 xl for me...
with logo on the pls.
Jumpus GooDarus
May 1 2008, 04:51 AM
Typo Stuff up on behalf of Jumpus GuysBrought to my attention by Christos & Jack when they came for a fit up tonightShirts with our logo [embroidery]
Shirts with no logo
$30Feel free to amend your orders if you so wish
Now the whole purpose of the shirts with logo's being cheaper was to promote the site & viva donated gear to pay for the embroidery hence their logo on front
May 1 2008, 05:12 AM
2 Long sleeve XXL
1 short sleeve XXL

All with Logo's
May 1 2008, 06:58 AM
A pirate
May 1 2008, 02:02 PM
put me down for:
1x XL long sleeve with logos &
1xL long sleeve with logos
= $42
(one for summer and one for winter)
After trying on a large i can say these shirts are generous sizes!
May 1 2008, 03:37 PM
I'll have 2 long sleeve with logo size M $ 42 .
May 2 2008, 10:08 PM
Put me in for 2 shirts size xl. Exchange rate and postage will add I know.
May 3 2008, 01:27 PM
I am putting the official order for Majed 1 XXL and at least 1 L for me.
May 6 2008, 02:06 PM
2 XL long sleeve club logos
A pirate
May 6 2008, 08:00 PM
Club fishing shirts WITH logos @ $21.00 each;
1. Jack 2x XXL long sleeve, 1x XXL short sleeve = $63.00
2. Catch22 1x L long sleeve, 1x L short sleeve = $42.00
3. Nimrod 2x M long sleeve = $42.00
4. Pirate 1x L long sleeve, 1x XL long sleeve= $42.00
5. Ocsawdust 2x XL = $42.00
6. Boris 2x XL = $42.00
7. Bees knees 2x XL = $42.00
8. Poly 2x S , 2x M = $84.00
9. Oz man 3x XXXL , 2x XL , 1x L = $126.00
10 Bonecrusher 2x XXL = $42.00
11. Sumofishn 1x XXXL = $21.00
12. Rum dust and Ruckus 2x XXL, 1x XXXL, 1x S = $84.00
13. Christos 1x L = $21.00
14. Majed 1x XXL = $21.00
15. KKw 2x XL = $42.00
16. Steve.P 2x XL long sleeve = $42.00
17. Salt fil 1x L long sleeve = $21.00
Club fishing shirts WITH OUT logos @ $30.00 each;
Bees Knees
May 7 2008, 01:46 AM
QUOTE (Bees Knees @ Apr 30 2008, 04:23 PM)

2 of XL with logo =

I was telling the lads in S.A. couple are keen.. Can you ammend my order.. Thanks in advance
2 of XL
1 of XXL
1 of XXXL

$ 84
May 7 2008, 01:59 AM
Ange, put me down for one Medium long sleeve with logos.
May 7 2008, 06:46 PM
I'm Keen too. I'll take 2 X 3xxxl short sleeve thanks.
As I'm from S.A. I will throw an extra $10.00 for postage when you PM me the bank details..
May 8 2008, 12:26 AM
If ok I would like 2 XL @ $42
I guess XL would be fine-anyone who's bout 6ft 3, slim build tried them on-I'v got darned long arms though, sleeves just never seem long enough!
Jumpus GooDarus
May 10 2008, 08:43 PM
OK Guys !
I posted a few days ago that I would be cleaning up this thread so as there would be no mix ups in the orders
Now unless I've missed someone this is how the order list stands
storms72......................2 ......XL
ROBSKI........................2 ......XXXL
kkw..............................2 ......XL
xtosea..........................1 ......M
Bees Knees...................2 ...... XL
....................................1 .......XXL
....................................1 .......XXXL
STEVE.P........................2 .......XL
Majed............................1 .......XXL
Christos.........................1 .......L
nimrod...........................2 .......M
A pirate..........................1 .......XL
.....................................1 .......L
CATCH22........................2 ......L..........[Allready Paid for Shirts $42]
Jack................................3 ......XXL
Boris...............................2 ......XL
SUMO..............................2 ......XXXL....[Allready Paid for Shirts $42]
Rumpus...........................2 ......XXL
.......................................1 ......XXXL
.......................................1 ......S
BONECRUSHER.................2 ......XXL
oz man.............................3 ......XXXL
........................................1 .....XXL
........................................1 .....L
poly..................................2 .....M
........................................2 .....S
Now as you's can see there's approx 55 shirts allready !
I've also hit a couple of snags !
Shirts are no prob @ all can get them
It's the logo's that are giving me grief after getting some feedback & quote on them
1st snag is the flap @ back of shirt is stitched in the centre & it gets in the way of the sewing machine being able to complete the logo which means that tab on shirt has to be unstitch then stitched back on after the logo has been embroided on.
2nd snag is each shirt will cost approx $12 for the logo's now that cost was to be absorbed by viva I just never mentioned how !
Well here it is Viva have donated to this site a fair bit of tackle etc which I still have here now these goods I have been placing in the Auctions Forum but unfortunately there seems to be very little interest in the items I've been putting up of late so thatmakes it very hard for me to raise the funds required to pay for the logo's.
I'm looking @ a couple of alternatives & any decent idea's would be appreciated but dont post stupid idea's
Think B4 you post
@ present 55 logo's @ $12 = $660
May 11 2008, 12:06 AM
Hey JG.
No clues on the embroidery, but you did miss me in the tallies. As per post#17, I was down for 2 x XL
Jumpus GooDarus
May 11 2008, 01:18 AM
sorry kk I also missed ocsawdust
Alot of interuptions 2day with visitors
May 11 2008, 01:33 AM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ May 11 2008, 07:18 PM)

sorry kk I also missed ocsawdust
Alot of interuptions 2day with visitors
i just hate days like that u just get started on a job of some sort and all u get is interruptions
Jumpus GooDarus
May 11 2008, 01:56 AM
Yeah well I was 1/2 way through doing the report on the last 2 days fishing & lost the text & couldn't be bothered redoing it again @ present
May 11 2008, 03:01 AM
Just a quickie DC, my size was large as recommended by yourself!
May 11 2008, 03:19 AM
Hi Jumpy
What did the embroidery people say about the added cost of the stitching/unstitching? Do they know some sweatshop that can do this?
Can the shirt supplier deliver them with the flap open/unstitched?
Are we getting anywhere near the required 660? other wise set the opening bid higher.
Jumpus GooDarus
May 11 2008, 03:56 AM
QUOTE (storms72 @ May 11 2008, 09:01 PM)

Just a quickie DC, my size was large as recommended by yourself!
Like I said I had tomany interuptions today & only put that list up to get an idea of no's will check all sizes B4 ordering
jack !
The issue is not the stiching & unstitching & no we're no where near what needs to be raised from the auction sales & dont think we ever will get there.
We're a small site & the members can only buy so much tackle, raising the reserve will only mean less bidders.
I dont want to riddle the shirts with site supporters logo's either cause that will incurr more cost as well.
Now I've spoken to quite a few of the site members all ready & they have no prob paying extra for the logo's
And think the ones who dont want to pay for the logo's as is their porogative esp after the shirts were advertised @ $21 they can buy the shirts this time straight out of the packaging for $21 instead of the $30 advertized.
2nd concept to go through my mind
Originally the sites full logo was to go onto the back of the shirt measuring around 30 cm's which is pretty large another option is to combine both the logo's as one naturally the www.fishingozstyle.info logo will have 2B shortened to say fishingozstyle to make it fit.
I've got one of the shirts in front of me now & think it all can fit in nicely over the shirt pocket, I dont want to jumus the gun again but think this will cut alot of the cost down & maybe the gear in the auction threads will cover the embroidery doing it that way.
If I get the chance 2morro I'll cut out the logo's from a piece of paper rest them on the shirt then take a pic after which you guys can give a bit of feed back as to how the shirt will look.
Bear in mind combining the logo's will cut down one 1setup fee not to mention not having to unstich then stitch the back flap etc etc
oz man
May 11 2008, 11:58 AM
Can I get a copy of both logo's please and I will send to the people that do my company's , maybe they will do a deal as I get about 1000 shirts plus caps a year off them with a red and black logo.
May 11 2008, 02:23 PM
Jumpus, Just a thought,
Maybe we should only have the Logo's on the Pockets or the shoulders (as Police or firemans shirts)
a lot of fisho's including Myself, wear a vest when fishing and shoulder logo's would be clearly visible as would Pocket logo's.
May 11 2008, 02:57 PM
Jumpus ,
if you're sure the extra,extra,extra fat shirts will fit me I'll also have 2 with short sleeves,
Jumpus GooDarus
May 11 2008, 03:05 PM
oz this is the viva logo

Our logo is back in Jack's thread
I actually think it would look nice above the pockets opposite side to the barrawear logo after having a bit of a think about it may even look alot better this way instead of having a whopping big logo on the back of the shirt.
Just a quick mockup so as you's could see
May 11 2008, 03:08 PM
as per yesterday Jumpus
my order is as follows
Rumpus...........................2 ......L
.......................................4 ......XXL
.......................................1 ......S
Jumpus GooDarus
May 11 2008, 03:13 PM
Luke couldn't resist the shirts huh Rumpus ??
Just goes to show how popular they are whoever see's them wants them
May 11 2008, 03:19 PM
Yea, mate... told him bout em and he wasnt interested, but after seeing them he wants 2...
Will get him signed onto the site tomorrow night
May 11 2008, 03:52 PM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ May 12 2008, 09:05 AM)

oz this is the viva logo

Our logo is back in Jack's thread
I actually think it would look nice above the pockets opposite side to the barrawear logo after having a bit of a think about it may even look alot better this way instead of having a whopping big logo on the back of the shirt.
Just a quick mockup so as you's could see

The all in one logo and site name looks fine.
Just one observation and it's not meant to be a critisism but the aust map and the viva logo are slightly off to the right side ( not central ) I don't know if this is done purposly and I think this is just a test pattern anyway, but I thought I would point it out.
Just another thought. IS there a way we could get PATCHES of the logo made up and could be sewn onto the shirt by the buyer. This way we could get x amout of patches made and members could buy the patch only and sew it onto their own shirt of choice. Something to look into to.
If a patch costs 12 bucks to make, you could sell them for $15 and a couple of $$ can be put into the kitty.
I'm sure most members would not whinge about paying $15 bucks for a patch.
May 12 2008, 10:40 PM
Please put me down for a XL with long sleeve.
May 13 2008, 11:57 AM
Jumpus, I was at a place yesterday picking up some samples for our new work shirts/jumpers and had a quick word with the lady there bout embroidery she said to give her a call then e-mail the designs you want and she will get back to you with a quote mate!
Hann Print
PH: 96277044
3/33 Hobart St
E=-: hannprint@smartchat.net.au
Web: www.hannprint.com
oz man
May 13 2008, 12:25 PM
JG can I make a suggestion use pocket one with the name around the outside and put Viva logo in the centre of the map.
Jumpus GooDarus
May 20 2008, 04:03 AM
Well peeps the original package cant be done !
Haven't raised the funds needed to pay for the logo's via the Auctions
Goods were donated but seems interest has fallen in purchases, which is fair enough cause there's no need buying what you dont need or can afford.
What I'll be doing is PM'ing all those who've placed an order for shirts to bring their attention to the new deal.
salty fil
May 20 2008, 04:30 AM
I noticed that on your list that you didnt have me on it.
I said weeks ago that i was in, still am.
May 28 2008, 04:23 AM
I would like to order 1 shirt size M
KK is going to pick it up for me ,Thanks ,Phil
Jumpus GooDarus
May 28 2008, 04:48 AM
Just awaiting a final price on the embroidery guys will notify all who've ordered via PM when oz pulls his finger out
oz man
May 28 2008, 12:42 PM
Sorry m8 have a bit of a family problem, Pam,s mum just passed away.
May 28 2008, 02:48 PM
QUOTE (A pirate @ May 7 2008, 02:00 PM)

Club fishing shirts WITH logos @ $21.00 each;
1. Jack 2x XXL long sleeve, 1x XXL short sleeve = $63.00
2. Catch22 1x L long sleeve, 1x L short sleeve = $42.00
3. Nimrod 2x M long sleeve = $42.00
4. Pirate 1x L long sleeve, 1x XL long sleeve= $42.00
5. Ocsawdust 2x XL = $42.00
6. Boris 2x XL = $42.00
7. Bees knees 2x XL = $42.00
8. Poly 2x S , 2x M = $84.00
9. Oz man 3x XXXL , 2x XL , 1x L = $126.00
10 Bonecrusher 2x XXL = $42.00
11. Sumofishn 1x XXXL = $21.00
12. Rum dust and Ruckus 2x XXL, 1x XXXL, 1x S = $84.00
13. Christos 1x L = $21.00
14. Majed 1x XXL = $21.00
15. KKw 2x XL = $42.00
16. Steve.P 2x XL long sleeve = $42.00
17. Salt fil 1x L long sleeve = $21.00
Club fishing shirts WITH OUT logos @ $30.00 each;
catch22 2 long sleeve order was changed the following day ....cheers
Jumpus GooDarus
May 28 2008, 03:51 PM
QUOTE (oz man @ May 29 2008, 06:42 AM)

Sorry m8 have a bit of a family problem, Pam,s mum just passed away.
Condolences to the family oz !
I'll see if I can chase it up, had a busy last couple of weeks
May 30 2008, 02:32 AM
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