Jumpus GooDarus
Apr 28 2008, 09:48 PM
Well peeps he's on his way
The Q now is
Will he or wont he be eaten ????
Apr 28 2008, 10:24 PM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Apr 29 2008, 03:48 PM)

Well peeps he's on his way
The Q now is
Will he or wont he be eaten ???? 
Very appropiate, the name suits.
Martin left my place about 1/2 hour ago to start his magic journey,.
He is travelling as far as Newcastle today and will rest up, to get ready for a couple of days in beautiful Port stephens.
From there we will just have to wait for some input from him.
Have a safe and memorable journey Martin.
Apr 28 2008, 10:37 PM
Good luck Martin!
hope you have a safe and memriable trip!
Bees Knees
Apr 28 2008, 10:47 PM
I'm jealous

I didn't think his bus was gonna start this arvo
Good luck on your adventure Martin
And my hat is off to you Frank
P.S. What is that sticker on the tinny??
Apr 29 2008, 12:14 AM
QUOTE (Bees Knees @ Apr 29 2008, 04:47 PM)

I'm jealous

I didn't think his bus was gonna start this arvo
Good luck on your adventure Martin
And my hat is off to you Frank
What is that sticker on the tinny??That is my # 1 fishing site www.fishnet.com.au
Got a couple of dozen of them if anyone interested.
Apr 29 2008, 01:01 AM
i throught here was your #1

well my favorite site is fishing oz style
Apr 29 2008, 01:30 AM
we will have to mail him some fishing oz style ones when we get them!
Apr 29 2008, 01:30 AM
Ps, Frank, got your rod holders.. Thanks mate!
salty fil
Apr 29 2008, 01:47 AM
Good luck Martin.
Sorry i couldnt take you out for a fish mate.
You arrived when i went back to work after a year off. I guarrantee you we will do it when you get back, if the crocs dont get ya!!!!
Frank, your a good man. Cant wait till i meet you in person.
Apr 29 2008, 02:43 AM
We say good luck to you Martin.
We will be waiting for your updates.
Apr 29 2008, 04:06 AM
big update and some shocker news ....
there was a rought 29 year old dutch man driving a 4wd down to new castle when he was pulled over by what looked like copper but it was really bunips and the man was eaten

just jokes good luck with the trip martin have a good one
Apr 29 2008, 04:26 AM
Good luck with your trip Martin.....keep us updated....
Apr 29 2008, 04:40 AM
Looking forward to following your travels via here and blogs Big M...Stay away from warm meat pies and may your journey be filled with fish and chip shops that are actually open

Well done Frank, your work needs be commended so many hours and it looks great!
P.S. Anyone need a Ski pole, Saw it the other day and it would pull a mammoth out of a snow drift!
Apr 29 2008, 11:13 AM
life good in this great country visiter see it all ..they travel thousand of miles yet we have it on our back door step and some of us never even get to see it....crazy humans ............im sure youll have a great time martin ...dont forget to put up travel pics and maybe jumpy andme self might fly up and catch up with you few months time ....god bless
Apr 29 2008, 02:15 PM
Goodluck mate, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
A pirate
Apr 29 2008, 02:22 PM
good luck with your trip i may see you round the tropical north someday when im up there next!
Apr 29 2008, 10:46 PM
Apr 29 2008, 11:39 PM
hey pirate seen your hacking p.bs and your getting close to beating some of the hacking master's p.bs me

A pirate
Apr 30 2008, 12:52 AM
im out there to defeat the best!
Apr 30 2008, 01:30 AM
good luck
May 4 2008, 08:41 PM
hey guys, thanks!
I'm putting up a blog today but will just give you a quick update.
Didn't make it all the way up to Newcastle the first day as I wanted to stop around dinner time and put up my tent and all that for the first time, hadn't really had a chance to check out all the gear and all that.
Jesus it's cold at night in a tent, haha..
Anyway met up with a friend and his gf in Anna Bay (Port Stephens) the next day and we stayed there for a day, then went up to Myall Lakes National park. Went fishing with my mate in the boat (the 6hp on that tinny has a bit of go in it!) but they had been having heavy rain for the past week or so and the lakes were up so high that the ferry couldn't even go and the water was dirty brown so no fish but still good fun motoring around the lake for a bit.
Next day up to Crowdy Bay NP near Port Macquarie for some more walking and camping. My friends are only in Oz for 6 weeks and need to haul ass up to Cairns for their flight to Darwin so they took off again yesterday arvo and I'm now in Port Macquarie. Spent today so far buying loads of new camping stuff. My tent broke yesterday and it was too small to live in anyway and a lot of the gear that came with the car was pretty crap, like a table with a leather top stretched over it which means you basically can't put anything on it that isn't flat, nearly lost a good bottle of wine to that! Also got some tinny movers for the boat so I can launch it easier by myself and some storage stuff so I can reorganize the car.
Think I'll hang out here for one more day and then start heading inland for a bit.
No fish so far but if I've got time I'll give it a go this afternoon as it looks very fishable here with big sand flats and such.
Anyway check my blog in an hour or so and there should be some pics and stuff on there.
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