Alot can happen in 2 weeks & the relatively good water that we'd had back then had dissapeared, that blue colour had turned to a greenish contrast water temp has dropped a couple of degree's, mass's of baitfish had dwindled & only found them back in the 80 - 100 fathom marks.
I looked @ the weather charts the night B4 & had decided Nth to Browns may be the shot, early start saw light Nor Wester blowing so it didn't take all that long to get out to the 12 mile where the lures were setup, still a bit of a swell out there around the 2 - 2.5 meter mark but as the day wore on & the winds dropped it turned out to be another glorious day on the water with very few boats out there @ all.
Quite a few fishy's on the sounder back on the 12 mile & once the boat was set up Jumpus went & done some sleepies as I'd had very little shut eyes the night B4 this virus is taking the crap out of me, not to mention Dave would've had all the food to himself cause I didn't eat a thing all day
Anyways dont know how long I was out for & would've dearly loved it if I was one of those chuck chundering type as it would've cleared up my system cause the old crones was also playing up.
Anyways peeps back @ the wheel it was out to Browns not much change in the water out there so it was east we went for anothe 6 miles or so with still no change, so a new course was in order & it was northwards.
We'd tracked Nth about 7 miles & had managed to find a touch bluer water with nearly a 1 degree climb in temp when a call came in on the radio yes peeps it was Dufeesing [for those who know the joke
Anyways the boys on Yankee Doodle had hooked up 2 miles east of Browns & lost the fishy due to a snapped hook, well didn't that get the Columbian Drug Lord going ?? [another boat who wants to stay annonimous]
I'll be taking the piss out of him next time I see him
At the call of the strike back @ Browns we did a bit of anabout face & headed back in that direction , lost the slightly better water we'd found & I was left scatching my head as to why I did that ??
So back nth was the new heading & although tracking back via the plotter /GPS to the virtual exact area & a few miles further nth we couldn't get the temp up again nor find that bluishish water, by this time the day was getting old around 2 pm we'd been on the water since B4 7am running 4 skirted lures, 1 teaser & a Classic Minnow in close for YFT in case they were about.
A change came about I pulled in the minnow ran a shot gun & also let out a Daisy Chain of Birds, tracked west back to the 100 fathom mark zigged/zagged between it & 80 fathoms till we got back in the vicinity of the 12 mile then headed west again looped the 12 miles & called it a day around % pm lures in & off home.
We saw no baifish all day till we came back into the 100 fathom mark after that souries were spraying up @ frequent intervals not much to report fishy wise this time I'm afraid & no pics as the camera's never left the casr.
But overall I'd rather be out there & catch nuthin than be sitting @ home to the crew
BONECRUSHER, Alex & Breamen sorry about the lack of fishy's it's the way it goes out there.
Next trip planed just have to pick the whether condition & it's off to Norah Canyons that area is still holding good water & water temps