Apr 24 2008, 02:09 AM
A quick trip into the bay this morning, fresh bait and we were on. Coud'nt stay long as we had to go shoping in Prossy. Anyway 2 Sweetlip, 2 Bream, and a Slatey bream, A lot of throw backs but good fun. Dont tell KKW.
Apr 24 2008, 02:14 AM
Mate, no-one tells me anything. Got the mother in law staying with you? Slatey Bream eh!!!. Should eat it right away, and it will be delicious. Freeze it and it is fit for a mother in law

Didn't know you had real bream up there. Wouldn't have thought they would survive the other predators..
It'l Do
Apr 24 2008, 02:16 AM
Nice catch Phil, we have had 12 days straight rain in Sydney.
BTW nice yellow mobile esky I seen in the photo. Is that in case the blue one fills up?
Are sweetlip good eating?
Jumpus GooDarus
Apr 24 2008, 02:21 AM
Good one Phil
If the mother-in-law dosen't want the bream kk will jump on it
ps] kk told me he didn't recognise you in the pic because you have clothes on
What's he on about ???
Apr 24 2008, 02:25 AM
Didn't you read the post? He said that he went out in the bay and caught bait, then drove to Prossie (town) and came back with the fish. He can't walk around town in the nuddy - the local prossie girls would jump his bones.
Apr 24 2008, 02:32 AM
Apr 24 2008, 02:40 AM
Sweetlip,,, Just love them, A top eating fish Especially with a MANGO side salad
Apr 24 2008, 07:00 AM
a catch is a catch better than here matey bloody wet wet wet and more wet.....and still have bloody water restrictions ...damm politians cant get anything right .....i wish that we had a leader like the mother-in-law then we all would stop wingen ....hahahaahha
Apr 24 2008, 03:23 PM
Good catch Phil.
Catch22 what is the matter with you. You want your mother in law to run the state.
Arnie Dog
Apr 24 2008, 03:52 PM
Nice lot of fish Phil the last time I ate sweetlip was back in 88 over in WA I pro fished over there caught Coral Trout Red Throat
Emperor, Spaniards,Queenies ,Sails, Yellowfin, Bluefin. Spangled Emperor .Mangrove Jacks(Sorry Jack) Coronation Cod, and reds over 20lb
Struth I might go back over. Nth Qld is alot closer though may be one day but if I don't get up there catch some more for me great stuff
In 87 we fished the cliffs over there with Hydro ballons man that is EXTREME Nah INSANE
Apr 25 2008, 01:53 AM
The day was FLAT FLAT FLAT . I have never caught so many sharks,and every one around me doing the same. Only brought 1 sweetlip home. Had some fun with something, half an hour fight and still dont know what it was,boat next door reconded big cod or groper.My arm is still sore from it. It would have been good to just see it.Broke the hook.Ill proberly dream about it tonite. sorry no photos today
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