Jump every time I thought I had a theory :offtopic: the fish would shoot me down in flames and prove me wrong at some stage or so I thought. Especially those BIG fin in the LBG days.
BUT there's hope and more. When I decided to keep the diary going and not spit the dummy and want to fight the world and cuss everybody else as I used to when things didn't work out I decided to perservere. While all the big ones didn't stick to what I had worked out, the majority did. VERY INTERSTING. and so some big ones fell to the 50W and Sabre
The Big Silver ones are no exception. While i can't fish for awhile

the lads down here have caught the silver ones in my time frame Surprise ^_^ Surprise.
The estuary is a must I reckon to have your pencil and note pad at the ready
So don't get disheartened just keep it going guys and you will see a trend develop with a species.
That's another point, pick one species and master it before you move onto another. Heard the old saying "Jack of all trades Master of NONE" You can be a MASTER of them all
Again JUST A THOUGHT from an old codger