Apr 22 2008, 07:50 PM
Hey guys, was just talking about this at lunch with Jack and had been thinking on the subject a bit the last few days.
If budget wasn't an issue (let's say you just won the $30 mil) which 4x4 would you get and which conversions would you do on it?
Pointless topic, I know, but daydreaming ain't so bad ;)
Apr 22 2008, 08:10 PM
Hmm... There a a few options, and not sure which one I would take..
Are we talking touring 4x4 or a hard rock 4x4?
Touring, Id get a
100 Series Crusier (can fit the kids in it then)
Toyota Factory Diff Locks
4" Lift (including new radius arms, coils and LTR Shocks)
(Maybe even go 5 link!! hehe)
285/75 Mickey Thompson MTZ Tyres
ARB Bullbar, Scrub bars and Rear Kaymar bar with dual wheel carriers.
Warn 12000lbs Winch
Roof Console with 40w ICOM uhf and VHF Radios
Rear drawers and a 80l Fridge Freezer (Rear cargo barrier)
DVD Player! and good stereo
Toyota Factory Diff Lockers
Long range fuel and water tanks installed under veichle (and Glind hot water shower)
For a Rock Crwler / Play Toy!
[b]78 Series Crusier[/b]
Chev V8 Diesel Conversion
Unimog Diffs
4 wheel Hydralic Steering
Bobbed Chassis and Custom Tray
Hi Mount Warn Winch (front), 9000lbs Warn in rear
Enough lift to chear 50" Swampers or IROC's. All Custom Suspension, A frame rear? 5 Link Front.. Not sure at the moment. Trends are changing! Maybe evn go Full Hydralics, Hell I got 30 million right?
And a really Cool AIR HORN!
Ill think of more to come!
Apr 22 2008, 09:50 PM
With money not being a problem I would buy a new RANGE ROVER and it wouldn't NEED any extra's as it would cope with what I wanted to throw at it stock standard.
However I would add heavy duty tow bar, bull bar and heavy duty winch, and some driving lights. And a extra long range fuel tank or 2.
salty fil
Apr 22 2008, 10:56 PM
salty fil
Apr 22 2008, 10:56 PM
Apr 22 2008, 11:27 PM
Hell if I won 30mill Id get a chopa and have someone fly me around and watch eveybody getting bounced around
Apr 23 2008, 12:05 AM
Well it would never happen BUT with that sort of money I would go all out and buy a HUMMER which already has all the bells and whistles as standard equipment.
Apr 23 2008, 01:11 AM
Apr 23 2008, 01:53 AM
Not sure about the hummer.. sure it's good, but it's also a hummer

Franks option is actually not bad.. the new range rovers are pretty awesome vehicles straight from the factory.
Still.. just for kicks I'd probably go more the way has with the 100-series and just rebuild it with aftermarket stuff.. would be more fun. Try out some things, change them over again, gradually make it into your own perfect 4be.
Apr 23 2008, 01:56 AM
Jeep Wrangler, massive mud swampers on it. full armour, V12. lol
Apr 23 2008, 02:44 AM
range rover.... HAHAHAHA wouldnt make it along half the tracks I drive!!! Inderpendant suspension and to many electronics.. Forget it
Jeep.... No need to say anymore...
Hummer, The only thing they have that is any good it the engine.. v8 deisel Chevs!!! the rest of the is rubbish unless you wanna drive an uncomfortable car accross the desert!
Apr 25 2008, 12:44 AM
After speaking to the recent purchaser of a 4x4.
I have reduced my requirements.
One that STARTS

:LolBlueFlame: :LolBlueFlame: :LolBlueFlame:
Apr 25 2008, 01:03 AM
Worst thing about me is that I have driven a lot of cars. Some of them have been 4 wheel drives and most of the cars that I have driven I do not think much of. I am mainly a city bloke and so would be hard for me to head outback. But that never stopped me even in the car that I currently drive.
No I am not going to tell because it is one of those cars that can almost fit in the back of a Ute.
Apr 25 2008, 02:53 AM
Apr 25 2008, 08:34 PM
What STEVEP has a choppa. Where the does he put it.
No wonder he has no room at his house for his boat.
May 6 2008, 11:22 AM
Hmm i would have to say the perfect 4wd would have to be a
Black Range Rover Vogue with chrome Rims and black tinted windows with an upgraded towing kit to pull the 32 foot cruiser sitting on a trailer behined it,
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