I had recently acquired a fishing rod with a cork handle. I was informed that I should be putting some Bees Wax on the cord to protect this. I went to Bunnings (Hardware Store) and they told me that they did not have any and suggested that I try a certain bait and tackle store on Anzac Parade. I thanked the assistant and kept looking at what they had.
I found Bees Wax in the Bunnings store but this also had citrus extract as part of the mixture. It was giving a very strong odour of oranges. I do not know many fish that eat oranges and so thought that I should keep looking.
I went to the bait and tackle store on Anzac Parade and asked the owner of the store what he had. He informs me that he does not have any and that I should try Bunnings.

Here is my question does anyone know of a place that sells Bees Wax with out the extra odours added in the mixture.
I live in Sydney.