QUOTE (flattie_hunter @ Apr 15 2008, 10:29 PM)

hey guys im off too port macquarie tomorrow morning gonna be fishing of the breakwall there for bream, flatties, and maybe a jewie

.... i be there for a week and then we be heading off to queensland for a few days not sure about that much fishing but should be able toget out there a few times ...
i will be back in 10 or so days so c u later till then and remember to have a fun and safe hoilday and too take care guys
bye for now

Shame I didn't know about it earlier.
I could have put you onto a couple of mates to show you around and maybe look after you and take you out in the boats.
Plenty of mates in Qld as well.
Next time you are planning a trip let me know before hand and I will give you some contacts, anywhere around Australia.
NT and top of WA I don't know anyone, but the rest of the country, I could put you onto fishos, that would look after you.