Report time guys !
Some of you may allready know, The user name Jumpus GooDarus is my latin name for Marlins a species that follow my boats around to no end, with no shortage of them over the years.
Over the years a pretty accurate restimation tells me that nearly 40 anglers have nailed their 1st Marlin aboard one of my boats but yesterday was the 1st time Jumpus had left the drivers seat for around 10 years to actually pick up a rod.
Any mug can reel in a fush is my motto all you have to do is turn the handle, it's the skipper & a good crew who determine wheather the fish gets landed.
Yesterday was a rare exeption not my boat but I was still behind the wheel, perfect day weatherwise around 10 .30 am starboard outrigger let fly breaking the rubber band with ratchet screaming for 5 seconds same as week B4 dropped fish strike but no hookup.
With all eyes aft a 2nd Marlin was seen zooming in on port rigger by then I'd left the wheel to wrap a new rubber band onto my rod to get it back onto the rigger.
Well peeps didn't all hell break loose @ that moment we had Marlins everywhere chasing every lure in the pattern, Shotgun was 1st to get a solid hookup Alex was on & prob the biggest fish of all
Then port transom goes screaming off Jimbooky was on 80 lb standup tackle
A couple of seconds later my rod screams.
With 3 solid hookups now on & Marlins tailwalking left right & centre I was yelling to Bunyip Man to come take my rod so as I could clear the deck & get back to the wheel but there was another Marlin chasing the lure back o0n port rigger the one he was trying to wind in, talk about mayhem on board.
Bunyip Man managed to get port rigger rod in without marlin eating lure then Jimbooky's Marlin spat the hooks so it was only Alex & myself still hooked up & our fish were sreaming line off.
You guys should try hanging onto a 24kg outfit standup with no rod bucket or girdle on

that's when the fun started & again I yelled out to Bunyip Man to come get my rod as I was more interested in taking the pics than turning a handle but Bunyip was hiding
Marlins started crossing paths so it was under Alex then around him etc I went to avoid a tangle meanwhile Bunyip & Jimbooky were clearing the deck.
Gear in time to settle down & start fight the fush when Alex's fush spat the hooks by this time Jumpus's jewels were getting velly sore without a rod bucket, Alex's fish had peeled 300 + meters of line from the spool & it took him some time to get it in, meanwhile my jewels were not getting any happier & no way this Marlin was giving me a stiffy
@ last a rod bucket & girdle for Jumpus & we could get down to buisness of boating the fush, until someone hit the throatle to hard & think Bunyip will confirm Jumpus very nearly went head 1st over the transom I did well to stay on board & if those who attended the getogether wondered what happened to my voice today ???
Well I had done alot of screaming on that Marlin telling crew what I wanted done 1/2 hr later finally colour & double came into view, I rig my lures with 600lb mono & the traces are 20 ft long more screaming finally got Jimbooky to engage motor into gear & sit on 800 revs as I had no idea if the Marlin was going to play up @ the boat.
Trace in Alex's hands the fush came in peacefully I was concerned it was near death whilst removing the hooks so we swam it by it's bill till we got movement in it's tail & a bit more life came into it then it was released into the deep & I was happy as I dont like seeing billfish killed.
Jimbooky's boat was finally christened