I stand corrected peeps !
Come tothink of it the bream did go 45 cm's but if my oldies haven't eaten it yet I 'll double check it's length.
he and Martin ate all of the food that I brought along including 4 chickens, two emu drumsticks,half a ham and six loaves of bread. plus, sixteen cans of diet coke. Hell they can eat those two.
Now that's what I call trying to get in early
What a fibber , you guys should've seen Haji's eyes light up after I had told him that I had a chookens on board the boat esp after he had eaten all his food
But I tamed him & made him go to work
Mush Haji Mush
Haji with the the 1st bream of the day
Martin with his 1st whiting on lure
Thought I had a bloody good flathead on the end of my lure when this hit