the bay was pretty flat , so I started with some sp's for some flatones , first 3 casts 3 fish , I was on a roll .
spoke to soon next 1/2hr nothing then a couple more hits and droped fish ,
next stop livie grounds , didn't take long and then to second fishing spot. as the tide was wright.
well the wind came up a bit , a bit of a south / south west . Couldn't get anchor to hold on sandy bottom plus fishing up the boat as tide was going out ,
After a few attemps I gave up , plan C . Always have a plan A B C and a D just in case, next spot I could hold anchor but fishing up anchor rope again . SO tied off on back bollard nice slow burly trail going , well it didn't take long some small redies then some bigger ones showed ,

Well it was all guns blazing from there on droped some good ones ,
got busted up a few times , may have been rat kingys , some big bluters It was non stop.
A boat near me positioned himself 3 times trying to get closer to me as he could see i was getting fish one after another

The three kg reels were sreaming

Big blue nose

The biggest blue nose went 38cm