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Jumpus GooDarus
Well peeps I got up early yesterday morn but my crew slept in again & I was Wai Ting , Wai Ting & did some Wai Ting laugh.gif

Bloody cold in the morns esp if you're only wearing a pair of Ivan Swartz, anyways cant recall the last time that I'd seen a glorious day weather wise as it was yesterday so it was throatles down until we hit the 12 mile reef.

Once there the boat was setup & the teaser & lure spread went out & we were fushing

Radio's got turned on & allready a few Marlins had been hooked & lost around Browns Mt so we started heading that way upon passing one of the boats I knew I couldn't help myself & thought wot a top day for a Full Moon very easy to spot on a clear day like yesterday laugh.gif

A lap or 2 around Browns & it was decided to head out to Heatons Hill another 22 miles out so off on our merry way we went mind you up till now we hadn't seen a bloody thing.

Around 9 miles east of Browns we came across the Ducks in the distance & upon getting closer our 1st epsy of fish leaving the water, only stripy's but a good sign so off into that direction we went.

1/2 a mile south of us was a 40ft Blackwatch & I knew who it was,next think you know he's put his foot on the accelerater in a bid to beat us to to the ducks so I got Kamil & Phil to start peddling harder & we were in turbo mode & 1st on the scene laugh.gif laugh.gif

I couldn't believe it when when the other boat ran right through the middle of the school & put them down but they re-surfaced & both of us worked the school for next 1/2 hr until the other boat tried the sneaky sneaky & tried cutting across the back of my transon.

Well nobody has suceeded in doing that since jesus christ was a boy & my boat had alot better manouvrability & I cut his transom instead @ the same time had a giggle watching Rob furiously turning his wheel up in the flybridge laugh.gif

Well shortly after that he left the area & we had the place to ourselves

Getting on into the day I was Um'n & R'n about continueing out to Heaton's as the trip home was in the back of my mind so we stuck with the baitfush schools, couldn't work out if they were feeding or just playing until one of the Ducks droped this into the back of the boat

A wittle squid around 15 cm's long, in pic below all those shiny objects are stipey's with the sun reflecting off them

Another hr passed I was @ the transom just turning my head forward when something caught my eye but my head was still turning forward until the sound of the Fin Nor's ratchet had me looking back again, only around 10 meters of line peeled of the reel to our dissappointment as the fish didn't go on with it.

I called that lure to be hit 1st if any Blues were in the area but Kamil thinks it was a Stripe unfortunately we'll never know to me it had Blue all over it colours were Grimmace Starboard, Transom lure.

We continued working those baitfish & about an hour later Phil spotted a floating log about 100 meters off our port side.

Thing was ?? this log had a tail & a bloody big nose laugh.gif laugh.gif yes peeps it was a Marlins sunning itself up on the surface velly distinctive but by the time I fart arse with getting the camera & you have to bear in mind you cant just turn a boat sharply when pulling lures the Marlins submerged.

We did a few pass's of where we thought it had submerged but to no avail & I didn't even get to shoot off any pics either mad.gif

Well that was virtually our day & yep we did see more schools of baitfush all the way home even worked a few of them but to no avail

Bad luck mate, but beats a day at work!!!

sounds like ya had some fun, and some great shots there!

Have you got your buzz back to get "outwide" and chase the monsters again?

Ill have to venture up that way again shortly.. Looking forward to another trip on the "esray!"
Bad luck boys with no fish.... laugh.gif laugh.gif But a good day out though...... smile.gif smile.gif smile.gif
Great day out. Wish I could have come along. So the only thing you caught all day was a bird turd???
thats fishin, dropped it at the ramp at Batemans bay yesterday to see 3 nice YFT brought in one about 40kg big fish and 2 in the 20kg class very nice fish indeed, the bloke that captured the fish told me the water temp was 24degrease if thats any help

would be great to see u get into them J.G. best have another go soon. just wish i could be out there with you mate biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
QUOTE (poly @ Apr 6 2008, 12:47 PM) *
thats fishin, dropped it at the ramp at Batemans bay yesterday to see 3 nice YFT brought in one about 40kg big fish and 2 in the 20kg class very nice fish indeed, the bloke that captured the fish told me the water temp was 24degrease if thats any help

would be great to see u get into them J.G. best have another go soon. just wish i could be out there with you mate biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

Yea JG, Next thursday down at batemans sounds like a GREAT IDEA

where do ya want me to meet you and what should I bring.... (My gimp suit is in for cleaning sorry mate)
Summed up very well by Jumpy, was a great day out!
The conditions were perfect but not alot of XOS Garfish caught for the amount of boats out there.
Thank you again JG for a top day out with great company.
Looking forward to it again................soon
Jumpus GooDarus
It's the way it goes out there but it was a top day out & quite enjoyed getting back into the Game Fishing Scene

Quite a few boats were calling in strikes but only a handfull of captures

Also think yesterday was one of the very few times there was heaps of food left over @ the end of the day a very good guess is because kkw or Dave weren't on the boat laugh.gif laugh.gif

poly best water up here was 22.4 & we went wider than most of the other boats & I didn't really like it's colour as it wasn't that cobalt purply blue that I really like to fish in.

Rumpus I heard a rumour that Bateman's Bay is currently suffering a food shortage ????????????????????????

Dave is currently down that way laugh.gif laugh.gif

Anyways now that my finger is pulled out I'm looking forward to the next day out wide
ill make sure we got plenty of tucker, if you put me onto a tuna!
Jumpus GooDarus
QUOTE (xtosea @ Apr 6 2008, 01:01 PM) *
Summed up very well by Jumpy, was a great day out!
The conditions were perfect but not alot of XOS Garfish caught for the amount of boats out there.
Thank you again JG for a top day out with great company.
Looking forward to it again................soon

Got back from the oldies not long ago & copped an earfull

The GPS/Plotter sat on the front fence overnight & just as well the old lady is an early riser saw it & took it inside

Still dont know how she managed to lift the bloody thing laugh.gif laugh.gif
so u left the g.p.s. out over night, your mum should have given you a bam good slap on the bum hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif
That was a good report.

A very good mixture of words corresponding with the pictures.
It'l Do
Good to hear you had an enjoyable day.

Funny I believe you that you pushed your crew hard, that's why there was food left over.

Always happen to me that the camera is never ready. Reckon I need a hat with the camera permanently mounted to it.

So did you try the squid the duck dropped as bait?

Yes you need a bit of bare bottom spanking from your mummy for leaving your GPS on the fence.
OMF'nG about the Plotter!!! I sat it on the brickwork with your Jacket on it and when you got your Jacket i swear i said it was on it, but missed the whole thing!!
My bad!!! Sincerely sorry about it! But glad it was still there in the morning!!! Twill never happen again!
Was a mad trip, thanks again.
Yea, its not like its a big GPS or somthing that would stand out either!
salty fil
I was one of those who was fortunate enough to go out on this trip.
Firstly JG who was waiting for who in the morning??? Kamil and i were met that day and we knew each others life history by the time you made an appearance!
But it was a great day mate. Great boat, great gear and great company, just no great fish. But we saw a Great White when JG mooned one of the other boats out there hysterical.gif
Cant believe you left the plotter outside, No one took it cause they must've thought it was an oversized letterbox or something. Bloody huge unit!
Jumpus GooDarus
I have to be honest with you guys !

Stop spreading the Rumour that Salty was Fa Ting on the boat all day !

It is not true laugh.gif laugh.gif

It was battery fumes that scared the fishy's away
ppffffffttttt battery fumes just admit,,,, you guys cant catch fish ,,ahahaahahhhhahhhhahahaaahahahahahah
salty fil
We did have battery fumes, but it doesnt mean i wasnt farting. Something had to keep that big boat putting along!!!
QUOTE (salty fil @ Apr 7 2008, 10:24 PM) *
We did have battery fumes, but it doesnt mean i wasnt farting. Something had to keep that big boat putting along!!!

I have been on the Georges river with Majed and he does let them go. (Farting that is)
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