Bloody cold in the morns esp if you're only wearing a pair of Ivan Swartz, anyways cant recall the last time that I'd seen a glorious day weather wise as it was yesterday so it was throatles down until we hit the 12 mile reef.
Once there the boat was setup & the teaser & lure spread went out & we were fushing

Radio's got turned on & allready a few Marlins had been hooked & lost around Browns Mt so we started heading that way upon passing one of the boats I knew I couldn't help myself & thought wot a top day for a Full Moon very easy to spot on a clear day like yesterday

A lap or 2 around Browns & it was decided to head out to Heatons Hill another 22 miles out so off on our merry way we went mind you up till now we hadn't seen a bloody thing.
Around 9 miles east of Browns we came across the Ducks in the distance & upon getting closer our 1st epsy of fish leaving the water, only stripy's but a good sign so off into that direction we went.
1/2 a mile south of us was a 40ft Blackwatch & I knew who it was,next think you know he's put his foot on the accelerater in a bid to beat us to to the ducks so I got Kamil & Phil to start peddling harder & we were in turbo mode & 1st on the scene

I couldn't believe it when when the other boat ran right through the middle of the school & put them down but they re-surfaced & both of us worked the school for next 1/2 hr until the other boat tried the sneaky sneaky & tried cutting across the back of my transon.
Well nobody has suceeded in doing that since jesus christ was a boy & my boat had alot better manouvrability & I cut his transom instead @ the same time had a giggle watching Rob furiously turning his wheel up in the flybridge

Well shortly after that he left the area & we had the place to ourselves

Getting on into the day I was Um'n & R'n about continueing out to Heaton's as the trip home was in the back of my mind so we stuck with the baitfush schools, couldn't work out if they were feeding or just playing until one of the Ducks droped this into the back of the boat

A wittle squid around 15 cm's long, in pic below all those shiny objects are stipey's with the sun reflecting off them

Another hr passed I was @ the transom just turning my head forward when something caught my eye but my head was still turning forward until the sound of the Fin Nor's ratchet had me looking back again, only around 10 meters of line peeled of the reel to our dissappointment as the fish didn't go on with it.
I called that lure to be hit 1st if any Blues were in the area but Kamil thinks it was a Stripe unfortunately we'll never know to me it had Blue all over it colours were Grimmace Starboard, Transom lure.
We continued working those baitfish & about an hour later Phil spotted a floating log about 100 meters off our port side.
Thing was ?? this log had a tail & a bloody big nose

We did a few pass's of where we thought it had submerged but to no avail & I didn't even get to shoot off any pics either

Well that was virtually our day & yep we did see more schools of baitfush all the way home even worked a few of them but to no avail