QUOTE (Rum Dust N Ruckus @ Apr 8 2008, 03:12 PM)

If they are as clever as the Almighty lord sir JumpusThey would know how!
Not a matter of being clever Rumpus
I got very pissed off one night & in my book you should not be playing when angry as it gets back to what I refered to earlier as Karma.
Well there no chance in hell you guys would work it out & I only know cause it happened to me so here's how I proved their rules SUCKED & were incorrect.
I like to play [when I did & haven't for 7 odd years now] one on one with the dealer I only ever played Black Jack
Generally on a $100 - $2,000 table & if there were no vacant tables or if wankers were about I'd skittle off to the $300 - $5,000 tables.
What that means is each table has a max betting limit & if they didn't you'd be a winner every time if you had a fat wallet.
Bets could range anywhere between those limits & the only way you were able to refuse a person from placing a back bet was to max the box which I used to do just to get rid of the wankers.
Now if say I had a main bet of say $500 on the box up to 2 back bets were allowed as long as the table limit wasn't exceeded [hence previous statement]
Now a back better has no say with how the game is played that is entirely up to the person playing the box, the rules state all back betters do is put down their chips & that's it [year right]
OK I was playing one on one with the dealer I pull an unbeatable Black Jack [ no relation to Jack in the Box

Dealer has an Ace & best he could hope for was a Standoff in other words nobody wins & new cards are dealt.
If you get a blac Jack & dealer has a Ace you do have the option to take what's called even money , so if your bet was initially $1,000 then the dealer has to pay you $1,000 & no further cards are drawn the cards go into the pile & next cards come out the Shoe.
Only a fool would risk not recieving $1,000 sure money to win an additional $500 if the dealer didn't pull a 10 on the one & only card they have to draw.
I allways take even money but this wanker Back Better who was only playing a $100 chip didn't want even money so the dealer had to draw 1 card
So that's how a back better can draw a cardMind you that caed was a king from memory [which is a 10] dealer makes Black Jack wanker gets nothing but worse of all that King was my next card instead I drew a rubbish card & the anger created bad Karma & if I recall think I lo0st the next 10 or so hands after being on a Roll