Mar 29 2008, 02:02 AM
ive talked to the financial officer {the missus} and weve decided in about 18 months we are gonna buy a decent sized boat ,,,prolly from about 4mtr up to about 6mtr ,,,ide like to get one secondhand as i want to set it up so its fully useable and have no wasted space ,,,the 3 kids love fishin and the missus so it will have to be fairly big to take us all comfortably,and it will need to be fairly open ,,,what sort do you guys recommend ,,,,thanx,,oh yeah its gotta be alloy too haahahaha
thanx jas
Mar 29 2008, 02:21 AM
how much you got to spend you tight asse lollol
It'l Do
Mar 29 2008, 02:24 AM
4 metres is a bit small for your clan.
I only have 2 kids and want a 6mtr++ but will probably end up with a 5.7mtr only because of the shed I have to store it in.
Mar 29 2008, 02:26 AM
QUOTE (flattie_hunter @ Mar 29 2008, 09:21 PM)

how much you got to spend you tight asse lollol

dunno yet as one of the car loans will be done so about prolly up to 15000,,will prolly stick around 10k so as to have some play money ,yeah im lookin at more like the 5mtr or up ,cause i want something that is fairly wide as well ,,,,,,,,even if i can get a bair hull with basic fitup and then put in a side or centre consule and then open the front right up so to use that area as well ,,,,
Mar 29 2008, 02:33 AM
open unpainted brooker 5 meter with 50 hp yamaha
Mar 29 2008, 02:35 AM
50 stuff the 50 if im gonna go that big i want poooowwwweeeerrr ,hhhhaaaaaahhahahahahah
Mar 29 2008, 03:01 AM
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 29 2008, 03:08 AM
Price will depend on the type of alloy boat you're looking @
boats like the one in the link are alot cheaper opposed to a boat with gunnels & closed transom
Mar 29 2008, 03:11 AM
oh yeah ,i dint look for gunnells ,i would rather one with gunnels so i can mount rod holders and other things as well ,thanx mate ,,,,it will prolly only get used around here and the odd trip to the coast ,but it will stay inside because im not confident enough to go outside with the family
Mar 29 2008, 06:03 AM
A pirate
Mar 29 2008, 12:12 PM
if you can find one the Quintex hunter/reef is a great boat (like mine) could pick one up for about 8-10K and is 4.6m.
Your ebay one is a bit old i'd pass on that one. look at boatpoint.com.au
or something like this
http://www.boatpoint.com.au/boats-for-sale....aspx?R=2905684or this
http://www.boatpoint.com.au/boats-for-sale....aspx?R=2902954or this
http://www.boatpoint.com.au/boats-for-sale....aspx?R=5393168Cant go past a quintrex
If you change your mind on fiberglass look at Cruise Craft their older boats are fantastic!
Bees Knees
Mar 29 2008, 12:31 PM
If you change your preference to glass, take mine

You wont regret it
Mar 29 2008, 04:07 PM
the first and third ones are nice mr pirate ,,i think ide prefer a side or centre consule but in alloy ,,ive had 2 glass boats that ive fully restored and they cost a lot of money and time to look after ,,plus it will mainly be used inland in the lakes so itll need to be pretty stump and rock proof , plus the alloy will be alot lighter to tow and muck around in ,,,,,,,,,
Mar 29 2008, 05:45 PM
QUOTE (jasonb @ Mar 30 2008, 11:07 AM)

the first and third ones are nice mr pirate ,,i think ide prefer a side or centre consule but in alloy ,,ive had 2 glass boats that ive fully restored and they cost a lot of money and time to look after ,,plus it will mainly be used inland in the lakes so itll need to be pretty stump and rock proof , plus the alloy will be alot lighter to tow and muck around in ,,,,,,,,,
it would seem to me u just described a poly. but u will not find one in that price range second hand.
there was a mob over in W.A. BUILDING a dam good tiny i could only find one for u to take a look at sorry its more than u wonted to spend but what price do u put on the family
Mar 29 2008, 06:31 PM
wow poly shes a beauty ,,i wouldnt be able to drive that in the dams around here cause shed hit bottom all the time hahahahah
Mar 29 2008, 06:39 PM
well jas u did say u need a knock about boat so it would have to be a plate alloy or poly
i will keep my eye open for u and see what comes up
Mar 29 2008, 06:53 PM
just spotted this one jas very close to what u are looking for, plate alloy to bad its not a poly
Mar 29 2008, 07:14 PM
now thats a beauty poly ,,wouldnt be hard to change to a centre consule or side either ,,,good one thanx mate
Mar 29 2008, 07:18 PM
Mar 29 2008, 07:25 PM
plenty more boats in the ocean haaahahaa
Mar 29 2008, 10:31 PM
Mar 29 2008, 11:07 PM
yeah poly i thought of that too,but half or cuddies would be deaer as poison in alloy wouldnt they ,,the kids are 10 ,9 5 ,so i want it to last for years as they love fishin too ,that s why i thought go big now then i dont have to upgrade in about 5 years , dont the centre consules have fairly big bimini tops ,,,,?if not i could get a full top made properly just for fishin ,,,,,
Mar 29 2008, 11:14 PM
Mar 29 2008, 11:15 PM
yeah mate thats what sort of top i was thinkin about too ,,,,but i dont really know
Apr 10 2008, 03:03 AM
Apr 10 2008, 03:22 AM
Nothin wrong with that boat daniel...
Id prefer it then both of our quintrex's...
My advice to you Jason is to wait it out...
Dont rush into it. look at my boat i got it for a great price because of waiting for the right one and finding someone who just wanted the money...
Keep your options and ears open.
Im currently looking at an alluminium boat next door to my dads mates place.
Hasnt been moved or started in over 10 years but if i could get it for 1500-2000 i beleive i could make a profit on it.
Its around a 4.5m savage with a 2 stroke(dont no hp) anchor n the back... i dont think it would start now...
If you where looking for something like this jason let me know and ill give you details...
Apr 10 2008, 03:30 AM
yea tom i think i take both the quinnies then the poly hahahahhahah ...
as tom said jason .... bite your time .... do not rush out and buy the first bost you see ... i reakon for your buget a older style hull like a quinnie fishabout and do it up as a project heeps of fun and at the end of the day you have a good boat for around 8 grand
Apr 12 2008, 08:09 PM
Apr 12 2008, 11:07 PM
Why Poly? Is there something I am missing? Looks o.k. to me
Apr 12 2008, 11:23 PM
QUOTE (kkw @ Apr 13 2008, 06:07 PM)

Why Poly? Is there something I am missing? Looks o.k. to me
Its not yellow
Apr 12 2008, 11:38 PM
QUOTE (kkw @ Apr 13 2008, 05:07 PM)

Why Poly? Is there something I am missing? Looks o.k. to me
yep there is kk as u most likely know polys are a very different beast to a glass or alloy boat .
the fist thing that worry's me is the center concole and how it has been fixed to the boat
2 the seats fitted in the rear of the boat they are on a sealed section the if u drill in to u will void the warranty of the boat plus it may sink when flood, on the new ones that airier is foam filled
3 the port and starboard lights are badly placed in other words he has cut holes in the hull for no reason, the lights could have been put on the console
4 the fount hand rails have been removed why???????
5 that battery box were has he fitted it, under one of those rear seats i bet.
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