Here's me thinking he wanted to fush the bay ?? No not Dave said he had a stiffy & wanted to go down to GP to which I initially said CHOOKS
I haven't really fushed @ all in the last couple of months so the wittle boat hadn't been out since then told Dave I needed a few hrs in the morn to sort out gear & the boat .
He was supposed to have rung me after 8 am to get me out of bed , so what does the bastard do ???
Rings me @ 6.30 am before the rooster started crowing

Anyways peeps picked him up enroute & we arrived @ GP around 1 pm I was stuffed with very wittle sleep the night B4 & wasn't in the mood to drive home that night so we booked into a cabin & went out for a fush.
It's a funny place to fish @ Greenwell fish are never where you left them biting the previous trip & it took us most of the arvo to locate them in the meantime all we were picking up were flathead with the odd bream in between & since Dave wont use a spin outfit he lost out on the flathead so it was all the Jumpus show till we finally anchored up.
Wind was blowing it's arse off which made it hard to use the lecky but 6 flathead were caught on that arvo mind you we didn't find any good pockets of them & it was dribs & drabs from everywhere.
A good producer in past trips saw prob the smallest flathead this time & dave got a few throw back brims 25 cm jobs
Yes peeps I'm refering to The Great Wall of Greenwell ! legend has it that the locals built it to keep the wabbits out but this time it also kept the fishy's out as well

Finally we anchor with the turn of the tide an hr or so away we had a couple of bait rods out & Jumpus was also trying to SP up a Jewgong when his 3kg bait rod goes off & it was screaming I put the spin rod down got dave to hoist up the anchor cause whatever it was was emptying my spool @ a great rate of knots.
Hoping it was a jewgong & when we finally caught up with it saw it 4 wot it really was a bloody Ray with over 3ft of wing span no way I could lift it so just grabed the mainline & busted it off.
Re anchored & the competion between Jumpus & CATCH22 was furious
Jumpus would catch a Brim

CATCH22 would catch a Brim Dave is the only bloke I know who fish's with his mouth full

Jumpus would catch a Brim

CATCH22 would catch a Toad

Seriously though peeps Jumpus was busy with the spin gear & wasn't paying a great deal attention to the bait rod
Lost most of the pics taken cause Dave didn't press hard enough on the button I'd droped the camera a few weeks earlier which makes it hard to take pics.
One one the pics is from day 2 & allthough we did well on the brims that arvo it wasn't till the lull of the tide when sinkers came off & baits were floaters that we cleaned up think Daves brim was best of that session & went 34 cm's it's one of the lost pics but have no fear Jumpus turned it on the next day.
We released alot of fush that day & kept 6 flathead & 6 brims