well time is really starting to move now.. I'm almost over in your part of the world.
My plane leaves here (well in Germany technically, but close enough) next Tuesday around 9pm and will be touching down in Sydney on Thursday the 3rd of April at 7am.
I guess I'll be in the Sydney area for between 1 and 2 weeks, depending on how long it takes me to get set up, find a car I like, etc. Although I want to move on fairly quickly, I do expect to spend around 3 weeks there again at the end of my trip. Oh while I'm on that note.. if you know of anyone who has a 60's or 70's series cruiser or similar (diesel) patrol for sale for a reasonable price, please let me know. Same goes for like a 3.5/3.75 tinny, pref something with high sides that can handle a bit of chop (NO POLY'S PLZ!!

I really hope I get a chance to meet some of the people on here, for a fish or a drink. Looks like I'll be staying in the King's Cross area for the first couple of nights, after that I'll have to see what I do.
There is one downside to this and that is that I won't be able to be on here as much. I'll try to check in every now and again during my trip when I get internet somewhere and will drop you guys a note when I do. Also, you can check out my blog (url is in my siggy) to stay up to date with where I am.
I'll be hooking up with Jack for a fish the first weekend I'm over there.. don't have much of a choice really as he's got my reels

Also for the retirees and general bums, I'd be more than happy to get together on one of the weekdays, not like I've got any set plans yet.
Anyway let me know if you've got time and want to hook up for whatever and I'll keep you guys posted about my plan.