Mar 27 2008, 02:36 AM
well ive seen everything now ,lures with head lights ,,,,ahahhaaha ,,i think theyll catch more fisherman then fish ,but hey if they wprk then good on em ,,but seriously when logic comes into the equation how many freshwater fish have bright eyes and glow under water ,,as i said they may work so i might eat my words but i dunno ,what do you guys reckon ,,,
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 27 2008, 02:47 AM
Dont laugh I was using one late yesterday afternoon
As the sun went down & it got darker it really stood out under the water
Also have some squid jigs once they hit the water it bridges a circuit which in turn activates the LED light inside the jigs head which makes the head flash.
Mar 27 2008, 02:51 AM
yeah ,but it just doesnt seem right ,haahahha,,,its good if they work ,,spose one upside is if ya get a snag it will be easier to find it ,hahahhahahaaha
It'l Do
Mar 27 2008, 03:08 AM
Are they bright, e.g. white led torch style, or do they make the lure glow internally.
Mar 27 2008, 06:51 PM
The squid jags both by viva and kokoda squidgy and the like do work quite well the lures on the other hand tend to spook the fish...I was given a ship load of many styles to try out and write a review for and to be honest they are crap...
Mar 27 2008, 07:07 PM
The squid jags by viva, kokoda ,squidgy,yo zuri and the like do work quite well the lures on the other hand tend to spook the fish...I was given a ship load of many styles to try out and write a review for and to be honest they are crap...
Many many of the lures are toooooooo bright even the less bright options are toooo bright lol squid on the other hand don't really care but the flatter batteries or duller flash tends to work better for me...
The biggest problem with jags are some have a soft weave cover that when removed from the brine still flash until dry [bit useless in my opinion]The reason for this are that 2 electrodes protrude from the body to complete a circuit and make the led flash the weave stays wet and completes the circuit even when out of the water.
others have fixed the problem by making one contact weave free or even both just around the actual contacts and no where else others use pure colored plastics to encase the leds so it doesn't matter with them...The main problem is once the battery is dead on most of the jags and lures [NOT ALL] they are like all the others just a standard lure as battery's are encased and not replaceable.
Mar 27 2008, 11:51 PM
QUOTE (Mully @ Mar 28 2008, 01:51 PM)

I was given a ship load of many styles to try out and write a review for and to be honest they are crap...
One incredible short review.
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 28 2008, 01:17 AM
QUOTE (It'l Do @ Mar 27 2008, 10:08 PM)

Are they bright, e.g. white led torch style, or do they make the lure glow internally.
Only tried it cause I had some & was curious to see what they looked like
LED light is more or less clear but it picks up on the lures plasic colouring & enhances it, in the case of the lure I was using the light looked fluro green under the water.
It amused me cause I kept dangling it up & down like a tea bag into the water
I've allways said alot of the gear on the market catch fishermen & not fush , my style of fushing is the old fashioned proven ways but new toys @ times can be amusing.
Caught nothing on the lure but then again none of the other lures produced either refering to the larger ones I was using trying to hook into a jewgong.
Wouldn't mind giving the LED lure a shot on my home turf when I know the jew are there
Apr 9 2008, 12:43 AM
The review was based on a trial of many different sorts [types] in the same environment, the review was quite detailed but as it was for a private independant entity Im not a liberty to go into detail. [sorry] hence the generalised quick response of [crap] lol
Love to hear if they work for you JG my tests were conducted down South as you probably know up in the tropics im sure results will vary...
Jumpus GooDarus
Apr 9 2008, 01:06 AM
Well I have only used them the once & that was down on Arnie's home turf I dont mind SP'ing for Jew not that I do it that often as I think you really need to have someone on board who's also into it & so far that hasn't happened & that makes it hard for me unless I want to be inconsiderate.
Did however talk to Arnie last night so may be going down specifically for jew when I hear from him & the tides are right will let you know how I go & think it'd be a better test if a couple on board were SP'ing
Mar 16 2010, 08:18 PM
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