Some pics and what it is.
What: Pacific Fisheries Enhancement. White seabass recovery.
What is it? : One of 12 grow-out pens (in Socal) recieving of white seabass fingerlings @ roughly 190 days old, holding
them for approx 5 months feeding them till they get to a size of approx 11"
Where: Newport Beach, California
Fingerlings: From Carlsbad, Ca. Hubbs Seaworld Hatchery. Minimun size for legal catch, 28".
My volunteer office:
Some closer up pics (and the last release).
My best friend Mila on patrol for seals
working the fish into position
Doing the other important stuff, weighing, measuring, wanding ( checking for tag) then
Making sure we have them all
(wtf? pic links are being dnied?) OH Friggen well. More chapters I guess. Fingers crossed.
More to follow. Just getting ready to get more fish. Oh, have pics of the hatchery as well.
Gotta make this a multi pic/ write-up as I messed up on the last 2 attempts.