Mar 20 2008, 12:05 PM
Ok you experianced guys...
Lets just say you had a smaller boat and decided to troll a small spead around JB, Batemans or maybe even Up Sydney Way, With 2 people on board so 2 or 3 rigs would be the max..
* What type of Lures would you run. (Could you explain a bit about shapes and colours)
* Where Would you run them (Prolly a good time to explain positions and distances)
* What are a few differant Options? (What fish will take skirts, what prefer surface lures or divers?)
* What Rigs/Line/Leaders would you start off with.
This Is a Basic Guide, Just for those like me who cant get out wide, but wanna have a go at this Trolling Game..
Can build on it as we go?
Mar 20 2008, 12:10 PM
Here is some Infomation Taken from the Pakula Lures site that might get things rolling.
Bees Knees
Mar 20 2008, 01:47 PM
Good topic Rum, I'm interested in this as well. I'll supply the popcorn
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 20 2008, 03:36 PM
Basically whats in the 1st pic
That spread was shown to Peter Pakula by a bloke called Joe Ritchie [may he rest in peace] when pakula fished aboard Jay Ah
Joe also taught pakula how to make the lures & good on pakula he made a successful buisness out of what was shown to him.
Theory behind that spread is that you sit the lures on the wash your boat gives off
Count back the waves & as you can see in pic the lures sit on waves 2 , 3 , 4 & 5
Lures are set up in calmer waters which makes it easier to see your wash [inside a bay] Rubber bands attached to your mainline are your markers & on the rigger lures the rubber bands clip onto your stinger lines.
A good reason you set up the lures on the waves is that they'll miss one another when you're doing turns with the boat whilst trolling.
Trolling speed ???????
Never measure it in rate of knots you're trolling @ the correct speed when your lures are swimming correctly [staying in the water & not leaping into the air]
You'll see a nice long smoke trail when they are working correctly, depending on current your troll speed may be as slow as 5 knots if you're pushing into the current , turn the boat around & troll with the current lures can still be working well @ 9 knots.
So dont pay any attention to anyone who jumps out & tells you that you should be trolling @ 8 knots talking from their bumholes.
Depending on what fush are about & hitings the lures governs how you really react with the boat when a rod goes off you really should get into the practice of clearing the deck as the no 1 priority then you can sit back & fight the fush hooked.
On the bigger boats ?? well they carry the crew to clear the deck in a hurry but to answer your Q Rumpus in wittle boats no good running 1/2 doz lures if you cant clear the deck in a hurry you'll catch just as many fush or more with 3 / 4 lures than 6
Clearing the deck quickly you wont get tangles
Mar 20 2008, 03:40 PM
Thanks Jumps.
What about the lures themselves? What are a few good ones to start out with? Instead of just going and buying anything at random, Should We be looking for a few skirts? Bibless Minnows? The new Large Plastic Trolling Plastics, Large Lures?
Apr 14 2008, 03:18 AM
just gonna try and get this one going again hey jumps after your recent efforts catching a few..
What lures?
How many?
How Heavier Tackle?
Jumpus GooDarus
Apr 14 2008, 03:54 AM
QUOTE (Rum Dust N Ruckus @ Mar 21 2008, 09:40 AM)

Thanks Jumps.
What about the lures themselves? What are a few good ones to start out with? Instead of just going and buying anything at random, Should We be looking for a few skirts? Bibless Minnows? The new Large Plastic Trolling Plastics, Large Lures?
Rumpus your Q is to generalised & velly hard to answer
Species targeted play a big role on what sort of spread you put out
So what are you Targetting ??????????????????????
Apr 14 2008, 04:05 AM
FISH!!!!!Refer back to original question jumps,
Think it said somthing like?
Lets just say you had a smaller boat and decided to troll a small spead around JB, Batemans or maybe even Up Sydney Way, With 2 people on board so 2 or 3 rigs would be the max..
Im aware that its hard to answer, but give us a simple answer that might give a few of us guys without years of experiance a chance to troll a few lures around, in the hope of something grabbing one... Even if its just around Batemans or JB head's?
Jumpus GooDarus
Apr 14 2008, 04:18 AM
Of course it's a bloody hard Q to answer & prob the reason so many end up with so little when they go trolling.
There's a bloody big difference between setting up for say Marlin which can be found in close opposed to setting up for say Tuna & other smaller species
What do you want to target ???????????????????????????????????
Apr 14 2008, 04:30 AM
You tell me?
What fish are likly to be caught in these waters...
I get there once a month if that, As do alot of people, so what would give us the best chance to boat any kind of fish??
Am I / We (im thinknig that other's quietly are out there and interested in getting some sort of start into this kind of fishing???) Wasting our time on it without spending big dollors or getting a run on a boat?
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