It'l Do
Mar 20 2008, 04:42 AM
When using light line, say 3-4 kg, what strength trace do you use?
In the past when using 15-20 lb (7-9kg) line I used the same for the trace but now with 4kg I have to keep my eye on it as the little fush tend to cut it up as they dive for cover in the rocks.
Also how many of you use fluro?
For the bloody price it better be a hell of a lot better for abrasion resistance. :o
Mar 20 2008, 11:28 AM
I dont think the furo is as abrasion resistant, but it supposably is clearer ni the water...
Ive been using Daiwa Fluro Carbon in 10lb for most applications latly, and had no problems..
Above that Ive been using leftover on spools on Schnider Kleer Line 15lb and 25lb.
Also have some Heavy Leaders in 40,60 and 80lb. Cant remember the brand though?
Mar 20 2008, 01:25 PM
On my reels loaded with 10lb and 14lb braid, I use Vanish Flouro in 8lb and 12lb. The braid is smaller in diameter. Don't often get bitten off.
On my 3kg mono reels, I don't use a leader. On my 30lb gear, I use braid and a 30lb mono leader.
Mar 20 2008, 01:32 PM
Should mention, it all depends on a number of factors..
Fish being targeted?
Environment? Are there snags or rocks or oysters?
How much sport you want?
Bees Knees
Mar 20 2008, 01:55 PM
QUOTE (kkw @ Mar 21 2008, 08:25 AM)

On my reels loaded with 10lb and 14lb braid, I use Vanish Flouro in 8lb and 12lb.
I use the vanish as well for my leader. But i dont have 1 metre of braid on any of my outfits. I must say, it has been a while since I've dropped a fish at my leader with knots/leader strength ect.
Mar 20 2008, 02:01 PM
QUOTE (Bees Knees @ Mar 21 2008, 08:55 AM)

I use the vanish as well for my leader. But i dont have 1 metre of braid on any of my outfits. I must say, it has been a while since I've dropped a fish at my leader with knots/leader strength ect.
Yep, agreed, All my breakages are caused by snags and being forced to break the line. The line always breaks at the knot above the swivel (weakest part) Have not had a fish bust my line off due to any reason other than abrasion on a reef or teethies biting through line.
Mar 20 2008, 02:01 PM
When fishing off the rocks I use about 8lb line (Turtle) from a 12lb - 15lb main line. When fishing from a boat I use the same leader 8lb even thou I have a similar 8lb main line.
This leader cost more than the main line but seems to last a little longer then if I used the main line as a leader.
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 20 2008, 03:41 PM
General bait fushing on the 3 kg outfits & spin sticks 8 lb - 10 lb fluro I'm using the ANDE fluro handles what I throw it into very well.
Again leader is determined by the area you're fushing & I may step up to a heavier one if required
It'l Do
Mar 20 2008, 05:18 PM
Interesting read.
Mainly fish close to the shore line in Port Hacking and although there would be no live oysters I guess there are plenty of dead shells and rocks. I also use a long leader at least 6 foot. As I said "I have to keep my eye on it as the little fush tend to cut it up as they dive for cover in the rocks." it is not a knot problem.
They claim that flurocarbon is more abrasion resistant as well as less visible but wanted to know if the $20 for 30mtrs (from memory, it is a small amount) is worth the money. Sound like a few of you are using it so I will give it a try. I will let you know how I go.
I know you use Ande main line and buy huge reels of the stuff. The " 8 lb - 10 lb fluro I'm using the ANDE fluro " are you refering to a fluro main line or flurocarbon leader as well.
Mar 20 2008, 05:26 PM
I buy the daiwa Fluro in 100m spools for about $15 from my local shop..
Mar 20 2008, 05:36 PM
Found it at Todd's Bait and tackle, same price as my local shop.. But is 50m.. Id say thats pretty standard Pricing.
DAIWA TD Fluorocarbon 50m
- 100% Fluorocarbon
- Ideal for use with TD-Sensor braid
- Virtually invisable when underwater
- Superior abrasion resistanc and knot strength
- Low stretch for increased sensitivity.
- 2lb $11.95
- 4lb $11.95
- 6lb $12.95
- 8lb $14.95
- 10lb $14.95
- 12lb $18.95
- 15lb $18.95
- 20lb $19.95
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 20 2008, 05:42 PM
There is a new fluro carbon coming out
Made in Japan but packaged in china brand name is called Royal & will be priced economically.
Comes in these handy wittle spools ideal to store away as theydont take up much room
Played around with it a couple of weeks back tied some knots but them on the scales etcto see how knot strength etc was
Pretty good & consistant I might add I'll give it a go on the fushing rods & see how it fairs
Mar 20 2008, 07:10 PM
It'l Do
Mar 20 2008, 08:11 PM
QUOTE (poly @ Mar 21 2008, 02:10 PM)

Poly, my guess is YES. Could not find it with a google search. Jumpy was testing it would suggest it may be distributed through them.
With my kids finally taking an interest in fishing I'm keen to start trying new products and fluorocarbon is one of them, as well as light carbon rods, poppers, baitrunners, etc, etc
Mar 20 2008, 10:47 PM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Mar 21 2008, 10:41 AM)

General bait fushing on the 3 kg outfits & spin sticks 8 lb - 10 lb fluro I'm using the ANDE fluro handles what I throw it into very well.
Again leader is determined by the area you're fushing & I may step up to a heavier one if required
i agree with jumpy same as mine
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 20 2008, 11:26 PM
QUOTE (poly @ Mar 21 2008, 02:10 PM)

poly viva only manufacture fishing reels
No different to Shimano or Daiwa & dont let antbody tell you differently.
To answer your Q
The Royal fluro will be imported in by viva
To be honest I allways get told RRP but have 4gotten how much the royal will be selling for but can tell you well below some of the other dearer brands like the ANDE etc that I use.
I can tell you lb 4 lb it's a very fine line
Blind Freddy !
Yes fluro Carbon is dear BUT you dont go through it @ a great rate of knots either a 50 yard spool lasts for ages
Mar 21 2008, 04:46 AM
QUOTE (Rum Dust N Ruckus @ Mar 21 2008, 02:26 AM)

I buy the daiwa Fluro in 100m spools for about $15 from my local shop..
Are you sure that's the same material you're quoting in the next post Rums?
I was looking at leader materials and fluoro's the other day and it's really sneaky but some of the brands have virtually the same product names for their fluoro main lines as for their leader materials, only difference is the price.
Like with berkley vanish, there's the normal type, which is not a leader material but a main line and doesn't have the extra abrasion resistance that the leader material does. Packaging looks very similar as well. Only diff is the leader material is about 3x the price, or more usually the same price for a spool of 1/3 of the length.
100m seems like a big spool for leader material imo, usually 30m or 50m.
Since I haven't fished with any of it I can't give any sort of an opinion but I know it fooled me at first and have read several ppl on other sites that have had the same experience, thinking they got a sweet deal on fluoro leader when in fact it wasn't leader material.
It'l Do
Mar 22 2008, 04:05 AM
Wanted to try some of the stuff now, but next time I will ask if the Royal stuff is being stocked.
Well I bit the bullet and bought some Parlez vous Francais flurocarbon"e".
It is a bit dearer than the Daiwa stuff Rummy quoted but I am assured this is good stuff. Even the label states "resistance exceptionelle"

Bloody French, the label is only in French. Must think the world speaks French or it is not good enough to be exported.
I see how it goes.
I was also advised that I only need 3.2kg, seem light to me. Buggered if I know I'm new to this stuff.
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 22 2008, 04:29 AM
My eyes nearly poped out when I saw the price of that tortue
Until I realised it's a 100 meter spool
Freddy bet you didn't pay that much for it either did you ??
Bet the boys are looking after you very well now they better be after all the gear you bought off them
Never used the tortue
Guess I wasn't a big fan of their mainline all those years ago they had odd kg ratings which didn't comply with the ANSA line class's.
Haven't got a spool handy to check out dia of line but this is the stuff I've been using
Mar 22 2008, 04:43 AM
QUOTE (It'l Do @ Mar 21 2008, 03:11 PM)

With my kids finally taking an interest in fishing I'm keen to start trying new products and fluorocarbon is one of them, as well as light carbon rods, poppers, baitrunners, etc, etc
Wow what an excuse this is.
You just want to purchase stuff from the bait and tackle stores. Go on admit it. Oh on second thoughts maybe you should not someone might see your plan and prevent you from spending.
It'l Do
Mar 22 2008, 04:49 AM
Yep, I had to have a second look when I saw the price as well. Like I said before I run 6ft leaders so I guess it will last for at least 50 rigs or a few years.
Yes the guys at Botany Bay Tackle look after me price wise especially now I mention Jumpus and not DC.
I would and do recommend them to others. :thumbs_up:
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 22 2008, 04:55 AM
Yep Yep they're good boys Freddy
Peeps may be able to get cheaper prices by buying @ those big stores but it's not the same.
The boys having been fishing the Bay as long as I have & will steer you the right way.
I have to get over there myself, had some cards printed up to this site which will be on display @ the counter + the boys offered to do a weekly general fishing report & steer their customers over this way.
It'l Do
Mar 22 2008, 05:01 AM
QUOTE (Christos @ Mar 22 2008, 11:43 PM)

Wow what an excuse this is.
You just want to purchase stuff from the bait and tackle stores. Go on admit it. Oh on second thoughts maybe you should not someone might see your plan and prevent you from spending.
You are correct there was a plan. 6 weeks ago I started purchasing for my sons birthday next week. Its just I could not make up my mind and bought a few extra reels.

And I get to spend all through April because it is my daughters birthday at the end of April. Then I have to wate till June to buy myself birthday presents. After June I have to be careful, slow down, nothing till Christmas.
MONEY, the joys of marriage.
Oh $40 was easy to justify the kids keep telling mummy the fish are breaking the line.
Never really tweaked, I did see the wacky ratings (3.2kg / 7.05lbs) and can see why it cannot be used in competition.
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