Mar 14 2008, 11:48 PM
Kinda stolen this Post from somewhere else I seen it But i think it raises a good question and will get some good discussion...
Ill add more If ive forgotten some which Im sure I have.
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 15 2008, 12:14 AM
Not sure we have a national fish Rumpus ????????
Quite a few on that list I'm sure are introduced Europen fish which have thrived in our waters
Mar 15 2008, 12:17 AM
Well with some help will edit the list and get them to all australian fish... pls Help.
Mar 15 2008, 01:19 AM
Here are all of Australias native fish
Common Names
* Australian Bass
* Australian Lungfish
* Australian Smelt
* Australian Spotted Gudgeon - see Northern Purple Spotted Gudgeon
* Barramundi
* Barred Galaxias
* Berney's Catfish
* Bidyan - see Silver Perch
* Blackfish - see River Blackfish
* Black Grunter - see Coal Grunter
* Blue Nosed Cod - see Trout Cod
* Bobby Perch, Bobby Cod - see Spangled Perch
* Brown Galaxias - see Barred Galaxias
* Butler's Grunter
* Callop - see Golden Perch
* Ceratodus see Australian Lungfish
* Chequered Gudgeon - see Northern Purple Spotted Gudgeon
* Climbing Galaxias
* Coal Grunter
* Common Galaxias
* Common Jollytail - see Common Galaxias
* Congoli - see Tupong
* Crimson Spotted Rainbowfish
* Djella see Australian Lungfish
* Dwarf galaxias
* Eel - see Short Finned Eel
* Eel-Tailed Catfish
* Estuary Perch
* Ewan Pygmy Perch -see Variegated Pygmy Perch
* Flat-Headed Galaxias
* Flat-Headed Gudgeon
* Freshwater Flathead - see Tupong
* Gill's Cardinalfish - see Mouth Almighty
* Golden Perch
* Gulf Saratoga
* Inland Galaxias - see Mountain Galaxias
* Jewel Perch - see Spangled Perch
* Jungle Perch
* Macquarie Perch
* Mangrove Jack
* Marbled Galaxias - see Mountain Galaxias
* Mountain Galaxias
* Mountain trout
* Murray Cod
* Mouth Almighty
* Murray Cray - see Spiny Freshwater Crayfish
* Murray Perch - see Golden Perch or Silver Perch
* Northern Purple Spotted Gudgeon
* Northern Trout Gudgeon - see Northern Purple Spotted Gudgeon
* Ornate Mountain Galaxias - see Mountain Galaxias
* Purple Spotted Gudgeon - see Northern Purple Spotted Gudgeon or Southern Purple Spotted Gudgeon
* Queensland Lungfish see Australian Lungfish
* Queensland Mouthbrooder - see Mouth Almighty
* River Blackfish
* Saratoga
* Short Finned Eel
* Silver Perch
* Sleepy Cod
* Slimy, Slippery - see River Blackfish or Two-Spined Blackfish
* Smelt - see Australian Smelt
* Sooty Grunter
* Southern Purple Spotted Gudgeon
* Southern Pygmy Perch
* Spangled Perch, Spangled Grunter
* Spiny Freshwater Crayfish
* Spotted Mountain Trout, Spotted Galaxias
* Tamar Goby
* Trout Cod
* Trout Cod (Queensland) - see Spangled Perch
* Trout Gudgeon - see Northern Purple Spotted Gudgeon
* Tupong
* Two-Spined Blackfish
* Variegated Pygmy Perch
* Victorian Smelt - see Australian Smelt
* Western Carp Gudgeon
* Western Galaxias
* Western Pygmy Perch, Westralian Pygmy Perch
* Yabby
* Yarra Pigmy perch
* Yellowbelly - see Golden Perch
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 15 2008, 01:24 AM
There you go Rumpus
Hey Mully how come the
Bunyip is not on the list ??
Thought it was fair dinkum candidate
Mar 15 2008, 01:32 AM
Didn't see the SILVERFISH there either.
Mar 15 2008, 01:37 AM
Murray Cod
Mar 15 2008, 03:33 AM
Easily the barramundi.
When people plain a trip to Australia with one of there destinations being the NT they all want to have ago at catching the Barramundi, Australians them self plain holidays just to get Barramundi...
I dont beleive the murray cod has anything on the Barra!
Mar 15 2008, 03:34 AM
fishing wise probably not. But I recon the Cod is an Icon!!
Mar 16 2008, 01:56 PM
yep the Murray cod is an iconic fish, but i will be voting for the humble flathead as u can catch them all round the coast :o :o :o
Mar 19 2008, 03:39 AM
Well it looks like the COD is Holding the lead, Just.......
Mar 19 2008, 03:52 AM
I'd have to go with the barra as well.. for one since it's a fishing icon of Australia, but it's not endemic to the country, neither are flathead or bream.
The cod family is pretty common around the globe in many different forms..
Tough call but I think the murray cod would be a better candidate cause it's endemic like all your other 'well-known' animals with the exception of the salty (sorry jumpus

Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 19 2008, 04:08 AM
I'll fix your wittle
Red wagon Martin !
I'm gonna vote for the Bunyip twice
Just a bit of trivia for you guys the Barramonkee is a velly velly close relative to the Nile Perch.
Many moons ago B4 the Bunyips ate all the drop bears exept for Humphree B Bear
There was talk about introducing the nile perch into Australian waters but never got the go ahead.
Never fished for barra personally but hey even I wouldn't mind dancing the Tango with a 400 lb Nile Perch cause that's how big they grow & it was believed they would've thieved in our waters
Mar 19 2008, 04:27 AM
I'm gonna vote for the Bunyip twice
You can't mate.. you said yourself on another forum that it's not a fish, so you can't vote for it as national fish of australia

Good thing about the nile perch not being introduced though I reckon, if you think carp are voracious feeders.....
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 19 2008, 04:40 AM
Yep Yep you should never try playing games with mother nature she had it all balanced out B4 the human race started meddling into her affairs.
Over here they introduced species like the
Cane Toad
European Carp
Crown of Thorn Starfush
Red Fox
Wabitts etc etc
All destructive in regards to our waters & Fauna
Just have a look what the Wabbits did over in china they destroyed the place & Emporer Nazzi Gorrea had the Chinee build the Great Wall of China to keep any more wabbits from raiding their rice paddocks
Mar 19 2008, 05:27 AM
yup.. quite an impressive string of disasters, those introduced species over there.
and it's not over and done yet, I mean those cane toads are still gaining territory and once they get a foot in the door up in kakadu it's going to be another pretty big disaster.
btw I thought they built that wall cause they're all so tiny and wanted to be able to stand on something tall and have a good look around, but I could be wrong.
Mar 19 2008, 03:59 PM
I reckon if you ask people world wide name a well know mamal from australia they come up with kangaroo
come up with a well know reptile it will be crocodile
and come up with a well known fish from Australia they come up with Barramundi (prolly because it appears on menu's world wide)
SO my vote goes to the Barramundi
Mar 19 2008, 04:01 PM
Yea, the Barra is probably more well known.. But as a Fish say to go on our Coat of Arms, I think the Murray Cod is more australian..
Just wish the Dam Poms didnt call every bloody fish they found a perch or a cod, because the Murray Cod got nothing to do with any other form of Cod, Or so im led to beleive....
Mar 19 2008, 04:04 PM
These are a common fish found all over Australia. They don't get my vote though. The Silverfish.
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